Zeitgeist Site



 One of my buddies came to visit recently which hooked me up with another long lost childhood friend. Mahalo to the internet for the ability to reconnect. The reconnection helped me clarify my stance as most feedback usually does. He pointed me into the direction of U-Tube and typing in the word “Zeitgeist”. I was enlightened and happy to see how others feel in the way of money. Another leg for the cause. I see that not only does the internet work well, but this reinforces the way of the how?


    So I may be a little crazy, but I am not wrong in my exposing the facts about my stance on money and greed of the world. I am not just ranting for the sake of ranting. I do have a goal and a direction. There are many sources out there that are in favor to dominate the world and make you a slave. Our lives’ only last on the average of a window of 70-80 years. And once you reach 60 you’ve done it all if you’re so inclined. But your youth in America is used to the will of those in power for their agenda.  


    So why should anyone care? Well it’s just like the old lesson of treating others like you wish to be treated. And the people of the planet are slaves to money through the power of a select group. This is not how I wish to live my life and certainly don’t wish it upon anyone else. Let alone the fact of making more for them to in-slave. The goal is to use what we have now, because we already have enough here to enlighten. Having more children is not helpful. Bringing more people to the realization of what’s been going on and is still in place is the answer. Once people see their confines they look for a way out. I am just one who is jumping up and down like crazy trying to point the way. It’s not a matter of changing the minds of other’s whom are in the same boat, but a focus of their power to help themselves from continuing this ludicrous path formed by the mad minds of this machine called Capitalism.


    Now don’t jumped to any conclusions just yet. I am not talking Communism or Private Socialism, it’s more like Lennon not Lenin. Two different views on either end of the spectrum of thinking. Somewhere in between is the focal point, and the fulcrum is our standards of living. We must see it for what it is, and make corrections accordingly. The longer we bury our heads in the sand and teach our offspring to do the same, the longer you and your loved ones are controlled by the machine.  It really isn’t a huge battle, and in fact the solution is very simple and free of charge. It only takes the willingness to see, agree, and change the predicament that contains us.


    There are many obstacles ahead and many more traps laid out by the current powers that be to keep us in line. But if what is being said is true about the confinement of the people of the so called free world in order to herd us like cattle and prod us when we get too bold then its’ way past due that we ban together and remove these people the way they should have been long ago. Not dwelling on their punishment, but also not turing the other cheek. If they create an environment that removes our power to gather and speak freely about our concerns in America then no other group of people on this planet will ever have a chance to change it. So quite literally the buck stops here, in America and on the shoulders of Americans.


    With a lot of talk of containment camps, Verichips, National ID cards, and current laws taking our rights away from the fourth amendment to whatever is next, the second and first amendment, so the time is now to stand up and revolt. The election of 2008 is coming and many believe it will be cancelled. FEMA and company are just waiting for some event, either natural or fabricated to invoke Martial Law. By then it’s too late with the current limitations in place. If you are the doubting Thomas and still don’t see, you will be the victim of circumstance and blindly comply through your fear they have created. It’s too late for you, and you may feel that the direction I am trying to get you to see is more futile than just passively sitting by and allowing it to happen. The time for you to choose is now. You have to make the choice of which side you’re on. Will you wake up and smell the coffee, or will you lay down and roll over so they can continue to ream your life.


    If you’re a chooser of the latter then you aren’t a true American and will be seen as such. It doesn’t matter what religion you are, what color you are, or even how rich you are, the only thing that matters is how tired you are of being used.

I keep hearing how sick and tired people are of being phucked over by the system. Well all I am saying is the time is now to do something about it.


    Will you continue drinking the Kool-Aid? or Will you finally put it down and sober up to the surroundings created by the Fascists, and help work together to change it? I have met and been told about people still drinking the Kool-Aid and it amazes me. People so fearful of the Fourth Reich that they can’t even consider what I am offering. So afraid of Guantanamo Bay and the force allowed to keep that fear alive. There is nothing patriotic about the Patriot Act. It’s nothing more than another example of how illegal, corrupt, and criminal the Bush Administration is. These people need to be brought to justice and hanged for their acts of crime. All of them. Pitchforks, torches, and nooses in a mob of true American Patriots, and not in the name of god, but in the name of freedom. Taking ones’ rights away is what China, North Korea, and Ancient Egyptians do. Now it’s here in America. Oh yes it is people. And like a virus it’s time to inoculate ourselves from this disease.


    Think what you will, believe as you feel, but very soon you will not have the opportunity to do so. You took the time to read this, now take the next set aside time to act.


Revolution Calling, it’s time to stop the spreading of the disease and only you can do it. If not you Who? If not now When?






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