I will not fear or be fearful of others who fear.

I will not be the one who is lead by fear, consumed by fear or one who surrenders to fear of religion 

I will not give myself up to a power that is based on faith, and used to control the masses.

I will not surrender to others peoples beliefs of how I should be. 

I will not choose to go along with the fear of a god and religion. 

To surrender yourself to a faith just because you fear your death and the preconceived notions of what others have imagined and constantly reinforced others to fear is not living, it’s censorship and submission. 

Fuck you to all who try to persuade me to believe or conform, and to all who judge accordingly. 

Blind acceptance is for people who have no spine, pride or love of self.  

Weak, fearful, and stupid is no way to go through life.



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