Invisible Sun



    Like the song by the Police, there has to be an invisible sun. That sun is the means by which the deterioration of the once healthy planet we had will no longer exist as we have known it. If time is limited to the existence we know as our own life span, then in that frame of time, looking back at  your own life and that of those who proceeded you and those who will follow you, what can you say you contributed to what is now the inevitable path of what’s left of your time?


    I think it’s different for all and in as much as the point of that path you’re on now is the be all end all of your inaction to help to heal or destroy what’s left of our known environment. The free first world countries are to blame.

    The tribes of Humans in Africa, South America, Australia, India, and all those living on small islands, void of mass production, industrial plants, freeways, coal burning vehicles, oil based products, and anything that produces an emission, other than natural bodily gases, are at the mercy of the industrial and technological masses of humans whose progress of life, by means of profit, in order to satisfy their selfish needs of luxury and comfort without regard to the wake of their actions and reactions of their lifestyle as it affects others not in the same boat. Not to even start to mention the other forms of life on the planet. 

The reckless, mindless, and heartless focus of personal gratification will no doubt have futile results on all living things. From creatures, beings, plants, animals, and all other forms of life, will have their fate decided by others in the world, with no say what-so-ever and no chance to help themselves other than to react, by dying from the circumstances put upon them by forces in which they didn’t help to create. Sad, very sad loss of life.


         Wealthy humans with a mindset of shitting where they live, breathe, eat, drink and inhabit. If this is the best human evolution can produce then my friends we have not evolved one bit. What species creates its’ own destruction? What creature lives in its’ own filth? What is the responsibility of a species to preserve its’ own continued existence?


        If the masses of collective thought aren’t smart enough to see its own demise brought on by forces of self created tools of destruction then there is truly no hope for the human species, and so be their fate of self destruction, but if there is any chance to switch paths, by the power of the wiser ones and common sense is recognized as to light the way then let it be heard and known to all. If you truly feel you have no voice or feel you have no say, or feel it’s impossible to change the path then you too are victim, like the trees, animals, plants, an small tribes of humans, left to die in the wake of the path of greed, selfishness, and shame.


        To you I put the need for change and a new path be set forth for the common good of all species of Life. If your schedule is too great to consider this then please stop a minute, take a step back from your focus and see the bigger picture for once and know that at this point in time we are on the verge of eliminating the only place we have to survive as we know it. If you’re fine with this ill fated path then life isn’t for you and please step aside so the others with a brain can fix your mistakes to help life prosper for all time to come.


        The Invisible Sun is the upper 1% of blind leadership at the controls on a path of demise unseen by humans ever.                    


        Like a highjacked plane headed for a building, you can choose to be the lamb in the back seating section, or you can rush the cockpit and change the future. Which will you choose?????


                                      I leave it to you!


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