Hooray for the Internet!

Aloha to any and all listeners of Ron Kaufmans’ program (Turnoffyourtv.com) and those who think alike and agree with its direction. I would just like to say that it’s about fucking time that these ideas be heard.


     With the invent of the Internet and the World Wide Web, especially for the people of America, it’s long overdue that we as a nation have another source of media informing us of what is really going on. Instead of the television being the strongest form of the information gathering process that is stuck in your homes, which you freely bought and kept turned on to trust the information spewed out, as if it were your nurturing safety blanket, like Linus’ blanket from Peanuts.  I know its not every single soul, but it’s the ones who voted for this ill selected and illegal current president, and the choice was due mainly to the information gained from the boob tube. I am sure there will be disagreements to this comment, but hey there it is. Bring it on.

         The power of the loyalty to the information coming from the T.V. is the point. In the past this nation only had the radio then television to get its information, to make a valid choice for such things as voting, emergencies and even consumerism. We, Us, they, and them, then and now, have been dependent on its influence and any thing to contradict the stuff on T.V. was branded as invalid or rumor in a strong way, just look at McCarthyism or even as far back as the Rosenberg’s for treason.

    The T.V. was the tool to keep the sheep in line against communism, plain and simple, but the other side of that coin is that it cuts both ways. Saving capitalism and keeping you locked into the next step of the only direction your freedom is allowed to follow. A form of communism called capitalism, only in the sense that our capitalistic people do live in a community, the American capitalism community.  I do believe in the American way, but only to the extent that I am not made a slave to it or of it. A comfortable slave is still a slave.

       I  would like to suggest that the Television have a label put on it prior to resale, consisting of “ Only Use In Case Of Emergency”, and “Don’t Believe Anything You Hear & See From This Device”.  Because as we move forward into the abyss of the next moments we call our lives, the one source that is so utterly polluted needs to be diluted through shedding light on its prior use, as the above mentioned tool. Although maybe it is not dilute-able, but now at-least we have other alternatives of receiving information and in the wake of this realization, the events of the upcoming future will be truly a sight to behold, as not knowing where it could lead.

     I  suspect that group forming will be big and separation among the masses will be as individual as the states themselves. Talk about the blind leading the blind. Hang on to your hats folks because you’re in for one hell of a ride. White knuckle all the way to where ever, it will be a conscious awaking and the repercussions will be so strong that it will make you choose and decide a direction for you and your family that will change life forever and hopefully with out blood shed.



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