Catch n Filter Rain Water Everywhere

Every river bed channel in Southern California, the Rio San Gabriel, Rio Hondo, Compton and the main LA River can be used to be the perfect catch of all trash and water from rain run off forever. Let's not be the generation that is blamed for the extinction of the human race due to flagrant shortsightedness for profit thinking and short term solution failures. In Los Angeles alone when winter storms come in Jan\Feb the total volume of rain water partially fills the river beds due to drought with free rain water. We can redesign the channels here and globally to catch all the rain water the earth provides for FREE. Duh! If we do have some sort of freak weather and it rains year round for decades due to global warming from carbon monoxide emmisions from gas vehicles or whatever it is matters not really we will have at least put in place a system to collect it all and the left over can be used to flood the deserts every day. We make every continent with cities of the like catch...