Abolishing Punishment Culture

Punishment is only good for foreplay of sex. To heighten the experience, feelings and pleasure. On the upside of punishment culture, there is none. The downside can fill volumes of books. 

Punishment is unnecessary, cruel and abusive. There is no need for safety, security, protection, prisons, courts, police, censorship, therapy or anything we have as a result of money culture,  in a world of sharing and caring. A human society without the use of money allows everything we waste resources on combating trying to hide or curb the consequences and side effects of it to be saved for future use, on only the essential necessities for life. 

The duality of good and bad and right or wrong has been used in human societies for far too long. An immature method of dealing with each other only for the sake of getting what one wants and the corruption of money to force steer the culture to benefit those who pay the most to get their way. Yet someone in each confrontation has to win and lose. The fairness idea and the equalness of conflict drive humans to seek other means of coercion to have outcomes to their favor. Here lies the problem of money and\or the lack thereof money. 

Just omit money from the use of humans and none of this is worth writing about. No more conflicts, ego or fairness will be spawn and we can move on. Crime and punishment become things of the past and we actually evolve away from it and save the resources for better things for all. 

Punishment practices must be eliminated from human use and removing money is the first step in that process to end its unfair support to help keep it alive from those whom have more of it than others.  Whilst money is in use nobody born on earth gets a fair deal. All are subject to it and it's the main source of disharmony and control over those with less. 

Only in the removal of punishment culture shall we achieve equality, and this can only happen with the removal of the idea of money. We are very close to this now, even though you still had to buy lunch today. But tomorrow we all shall have free lunches for the rest of our lives because we will choose to make it so. When we choose to end money we are choosing to be civilized, for having money is not the yard stick of civility, it's just the opposite, it's the fuel for the need to punish. 

Not using money doesn't devolve us or make us have jungle rules, the lie from the greed machine team captain a GW Bush Sr., it brings unity, sharing, love and harmony to Earthlings. We all work for a common goal and we save resources not competing for wealth. We have followed the money model world for far too long and we are now seeing the consequences of this and it's threatening our species and all life on Earth. So they were wrong because they lied to us that it was right and too many of us have followed it.  

We are all awaking to this and we are kicking into survival mode for the species of humans and we shall make it, but we need help. You are that help and the future of humanity will thank us for being wise enough to drop crime and punishment culture. The benefits outweigh all retirement funds, social security checks, 401K's, savings accounts and bonds combined. With your help, not your money, we achieve a greatness that's far more awesome than all the money in the world could ever provide, because we all get it for FREE, Forever! 

No taxes, debts, mortgages, loans, banks, theft, prisons, police, crime, jails, payments, insurance, ID's, loss, bills, ownership, IRS, money, pollution, GMO's, lawyers, scams.... etc.. no more of anything we have now that's detrimental to us or that can put our lives in jeopardy from false fake or make believe authority.

Free, clean and abundant medicine, food, air, shelter, water, sex and happiness. No pursuing, chasing or wasting resources. All at our fingertips, nobody is fighting or arguing and we never run out of any of it ever. This is the future of humanity and we will do it for ourselves to treat ourselves to anything we can dream of to have that's healthy for us and the planet. All other stuff we have now that wastes resources and is unnecessary to sustaining life disappears and we are better for it.

The only thing illegal will be the use of money. Anyone trying to use it will be pointed out immediately and nature will ensue on them. 

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Aloha to all!


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