Racist Past Dissolves


Sunrise on a new era in America! Finally we have had a chance to prove to the rest of the money hungry people that there is more to life than just a safe distance from each other. Fuck them and their fear. I know it won’t be a witch hunt now to find and hold accountable those in charge of the fear based religious, greedy, and oppressive people who have had their foot on the peoples throat for 8 years, but it sure is nice to be able to breathe again. I am sure there are still a lot of mixed emotions going round and not everyone is happy, but in this system the majority vote rules or it’s mayhem. 

       So really what do the Republicans lose? The power, the control, the avenue to show you all how much they fear and wish it upon you for their gain. Their fucking little power trip is over in only 2 months. But voter beware, it is just enough time to sink the ship completely. Like a cruel person burning ants with a magnifying glass, George W. Bush is still at the helm and I think he’s still looking for an iceberg. He’s like the kid who got everything he ever cried for and it still wasn’t enough, or maybe that’s Cheney. Which ever one it is they are like a nightmare you can’t wake up from. Nightmare on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave is almost over.

        Perspective of it all as some see it from the outside is that the stage is set for the 1st Black American to reside at the White House. 232 years later America finally has a chance to show the rest of the world what it has become. What we have allowed to be up till now is finally just another chapter in this century’s history books. 400 years of slavery of the black humans by another race of humans mainly white European, but only due to wealth and greed has slavery ever been allowed to prosper. So you see poor white people too are slaves to money. 

         Money is still the true suppressor here. Those who have the most treat those who don’t like shit. This is the true slavery, for it doesn’t matter what color your skin is when it comes to money. The misuse of money for those who hold their fellow humans as unequal merely because they have more of it than them is the next hurdle humans have to clear. Once this is cleared we all can truly celebrate life and humanity. One step at a time, yes, I hear what your thinking. The evolution of the human race is taking longer than some might like, I myself am guilty of that, I am told that I am not living in the moment when I feel this way, but some are more anxious for change for all if they could just see it like I do, they would yearn as I do for it to happen faster. I believe the faster we achieve human harmony and oneness with one another, all of us, we as a race of humans will have no need for the shells we carry our spirit in. This is a whole other topic altogether. 


    So to come back down to earth and relish the moment of what we are doing now is to slow down to the point of embracing the change that has happened. Many people have written and are writing down the events this election, and redundancy is not what I wish to achieve, just focusing on the next thing is all. Looking forward not backwards. Not Why 232 years? why slavery at all, or why not a woman instead of a man?, but How can we be together as one. 


    I predict that 2012 will be two women running for president against both parties. Then the crushing defeat of ‘08 will have it’s complete impact to the racist control of the Republican party. Republicans feel pretty jilted about now, after all they set up the freedom of speech, and their families have died for our right to be a nation of free people, but not them alone deserve all the gratitude for this. For electing a black man in America is a milestone indeed without question. Hip, Hip, Hooray for this. 

    For this brings the voice of the people to the forefront of thinking among the world. It shows that Democracy is alive and well and still functioning. So to those who have died to bring this about through all obstacles they’ve been confronted by, you’ll forever be remembered and used to be the foundation of what people can accomplish when we pull together. Granted the methods used by past aren’t all that pretty, but from that, it is what has gotten us here to this point in time. Let this be shown in a positive light for the future of humans everywhere that even the most backwards ways of thinking can be corrected. 


    So what will Obama now do with his new toy? Well the promises will be addressed and hopefully he will show the world that with the right steps humans can achieve what some know we can. Good luck to him and best wishes to the American people. 

Imagine there’s no oppression, Imagine all the people living for today, Imagine all the people living life in peace, Imagine  no possessions, No greed nor hunger, Imagine all the people  sharing all the world, I hope some day you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.... John Lennon 

     It’s now up to the rest of us to help show the way to those who have been raised by those past ways to see the light. To express what has been suppressed for so long for all to see and point the way. Positive begets positive and even if you disagree with this outcome America has voted for please remember that you too are not cast aside, for you too are a part of humanity. We need all the humans we can get. You too deserve the same freedom from your upbringing. I hope to see you side by side the rest who agree with this choice. May you be free from your fears, and join the humans who wish all humans to benefit from living without walls between us. Only you can choose to be free from it, and we can help. If you still have so much hate for your fellow human due to your status, upbringing, fear, or religion then I will not hold it against you. I forgive you, a, if you will, Jesus Christ like gesture to you all whom preach to believe in his ways, it’s time to truly embrace his examples. 

    From such a strong example of forgiving and sharing, the past of America who say they are good church folk, yet they have allowed their vision be blinded by the excesses that greed offers it will be hard for others to forgive as easily for your trespasses. The mere fact that the numbers of the people who cast their vote ought to be an overwhelmingly and tell tale sign that the past is over for that type of thinking and it will never be tolerated ever again. Let the healing begin. Admit it and move on. Dwelling on it as defeat is only to keep the torch of hate alive. Get over it. No more whining from the spoiled brats who didn’t get their way. It’s a crying shame to me to see people carry this within them for so long. Even if you never let it go or ever see how it could be from all the upcoming examples about to happen because of this decision may you too find peace.  

    I really can’t say what would have happened if this went the other way, but I am sure it wouldn’t have been good or positive. Those who fear this change have less to worry about now than they did if it went the other way. The other way was a complete dead end and would have been the spark to ignite a different type of fear. Your arrogant, ignorant thinking that money would be saving you from revolution will always be your Achilles heel. The longer you hold this thought the longer you’ll never be free, you are the true slaves of the world. 


    “Packed like lemons in shinny metal boxes”,”Contestants in a suicidal race”... To quote from “The Police’s..SYNCHRONICITY 2”  Your kind of closed minds, grouped together, against a tidal wave of free thinking, open minded masses, you really stand no chance against it, no matter how much money you have. Cornell Custer comes to mind, the last stand of a dying breed of thinking has now passed into the abyss that is the past. 

    I am not saying all the problems of the world are solved now, but at least you will be around to see what can be accomplished when positive equality has room to breathe. History is proof of the negative inequality that has been running rampant. Closed minded, fearful, wealthy people are not the ones who should dictate or be allowed to create the rules for the rest of us, this is the next step we as humans have to correct of our past. Have faith that this too shall pass into the abyss, for this victory at the polls is the open door to allow this to come to pass.






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