Lighting a Fire is all....

March 31, 2008

It seems that no one is taking the first step to help change the way things work they just keep on living out their life the way it is. Mind is trapped by your surroundings. The same routine over and over. I am saying we need to step out of line all of us. I am not inciting a riot I am inciting a change. Something everyone wants, but no one has the balls to change the path were on. This is what I mean by fear. Chicken shit humans afraid of the getting their hands dirty.


    An analogy: when the paint can has set for too long the heavy particulate settles to the bottom and the paint separates from the rest of the components. Humans in this society are the same way. Those who have are floating above those who don’t have. To the next level humans have taken this. Those on top have adapted to keep us separated from them and in a cycle that perpetuates this constant state which needs to be broken. I am saying we need to find a stir stick and whip this separation into a blended balance. And to do it so that the outcome doesn’t involve any of the tools used to achieve the the separation in the first place. For this is the way of the how. 

    Money is the root of all greed, and greed is the root of all separation between humans. Those with the power over the masses are the ones who should fear the masses and I think they do a lot.  It won’t be like a Hollywood movie where a small group of the rich will win over the rioting masses.  The rioting masses will stomp out all sources, absorb them and transition into a new path. 


Everything people hold precious and of value will no longer matter. Your mortgages, your debts, the people you owe will no longer have power over your life. All the walls will be torn down and there will be no barriers between rich and poor. Nothing to separate humans from one another. Humans will be forced to get along with one another by being human. All those who choose the old ways of value of money will be the ones burned at the stake, to put it mildly, but will realize the error of their ways and see the light.

    Once money is removed and replaced there will be no need for war, murder, crime, hate, greed, or pain. It will come to pass, life without a money system. People coexisting among one another without the competition of having to work to survive. Once free from the control and separation of money humans will be left to focus on what really matters.... Living life without fear. And any one who believes this cannot happen are in denial and are the ones who are so unhelpful that their negative views will be to blame for their own closed mind.  A closed mind will become the only illegal thing.  Just because your mind is closed doesn’t mean it can’t be opened.  If you choose to be so non-helpful the you deserve your fate that comes your way because of it.  And no pity or sympathy to you. Your karma will befall you and you will wallow, wither, and waste away in your own empty shell.  

    I can’t even fathom the thought of people who don’t, can’t, won’t or even consider the idea of trying to remove something so well known as the culprit to continued separation of the people.  I have no time for a closed mind. You can laugh at the idea, put down, even try to sabotage the idea, but remember all your negative actions towards something creates more negative in your own court. If it effected you as much as something your truly cared about you too would be helping to correct it.  

    SO what’s it gonna take for you to help?  Excuses only satisfy those who use them! Maybe your list of other shit in your life is too long. Maybe your mind is so undeveloped or closed that you can’t see how life would be without money. To that I say that’s fine, I am not asking for that answer from you, I am asking if your mind is open or closed? You can certainly entertain the idea, maybe even come up with a few suggestions about it, maybe if we all were left to focus on one such topic then the answer would present itself sooner than later. 

    Starting discussions about it, groups dedicated to presenting it to the masses to consider could help. But fobbing off the entire idea because your mind can’t understand the idea or makes you confused is truly a cop out or an admission of stupidity.  The more resistance I hear about this idea means there is a need to remove it. The more overwhelming lack of support for this idea means it’s going to be even easier than I thought to bring it about.  The more you resist only proves that it’s true and the more it’s needed to be removed, and the more prevalent it is that it’s gonna happen.  So cast your doubts all you want and fight it tooth and nail, but remember, I said “this will come to pass too, like it or not” 


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