All is Well

 Aloha all,



    It is the morning of the day, before the night before christmas,

and all through the world every creature is stirring, especially the mice. I have come to see the light again and cant believe my eyes and ears.


    Among all the things that happen just to me alone, the one thing that stands out is the common fact that humans kill other humans. To quote a fellow human,  I repeat now, talking of peace in the world these days I asked him “how he says peace in his native tongue”?, and he replied "Dosti"  “we really need some now don't we?” I replied “yes very much so”. He also said, and this slapped me across the mind the hardest, with reference to the middle east, and the war, and all the killing, he said " Life is cheap", "It must be to the people in the middle east"  

        I about flew out of my skin having been so struck by his words, and I asked him if I could use them in my next blog. He smiled and said “sure”!  Upon looking at the world and all the past deeds, wars, and loss of life, a million images flickered through my mind, like a Stanley Kubric film,  I must say, these 3 simple words have really changed my outlook on life here and now.  


    Life is Cheap, meaning people are cheap, taking lives is nothing to those who kill other people and things, This is a very sad reality, to me, Life is cheap! to those who kill.   If you have not ever killed another person, this is profound, if you have ever killed something, this is a good time to reflect on all those lives you have taken,. i.e... insects, birds, fish, deer, anything living, plants, people, etc.... and remember that day you played god.


    We play god every second and moment of our lives, this is the true spirit of Christmas to me. Every day we are alive, and live amongst others is a blessing, to use a religious word. Life is not Cheap to me, Life is the purpose of death, but to kill another for any reason or lack of reason, is not justified, not money, not revenge, not fear, not anything,  If your intention is to kill, you will pay the price. If your intention is to Love you will pay the price, I bet the price is different for both, yet the same in the light of the equality for the action.


    If life is so cheap and easy to dispense away with in the eyes of the people, and things among the Earth, then we are truly doomed as a race of life. Be it War, Abortion, Accident, Fate, Emotions, or Primal Instinct, Taking lives is nobody's right.  Kill or be killed refers to survival of the fittest, a natural instinct from the primal side of life, but with higher thinking, and evolution of the brain, justification becomes more easily apparent and allowable, when reasoning it out.  


    And we as humans have evolved into conscious living beings with the mind power to create almost anything we feel we need.  Taking a life hasn't been replaced with our growth it’s still there, and you cant remove it, no matter how hard you try, silly laws and guidelines like politically correct vernacular, or civilized behavior, will not remove your primal instincts, and those who think so are making the laws, for the rest of us and this is the crime, they are not trying to help the less fortunate yet they are only trying to distance themselves from the others and their own fear of what they really are.


    You can lie to yourself only for so long then your primal instincts which you deny or lock away in your mind take over.   When you can’t explain your behavior during an outburst among your civil friends, because you have tortured yourself about your true nature for so long that eventually your primal instincts take over and all that denial was for naught. Evolving into something your not destine to become will lead you into the dark. The primal side is not the Dark SIde, it is the side that keeps you alive, and when you rationalize the taking of the life of another on any other level, this is truly the lost or dark side of the mind, the fearful side, the fake and ill constructed thoughts that lead people into the sad world of killing others.


    Unfortunately these types of people are the ones "leading" the others right now, This must stop. There is no peaceful harmony in this line of thought and behavior... if you still need proof just look at the middle east, or any local news broadcast, its all violence and killing, Is this what the people of the earth want to be remembered as, primal monkeys with a larger brain with an excuse to kill its own kind, for a whim, or judgement, based fear and or beliefs opposing those who don't agree with the powers that be in power of others.


    I hope this time now 2006, is the last phase of violent evolution, for humans, we cant survive as a race of humans on this present course any longer. We must change our ways, our thinking, our goals. If killing our own kind is the way of the future then what's the point of helping others? The path of killing other humans will only lead to people not trusting other people and the entire planet of people will be at each others throats until what, the last clan is standing again, and start anew with the survivors. Boy oh boy if this is the path then I want nothing to do with it whatsoever, Leave everyone to fend for themselves, and kill the weak, rape the women and children, and destroy the old. Take what's left and regroup with like thinking people until the next generation of evolution leads the survivors to another bloody fight against those who oppose them. what a fucked up cycle this is.


        SO having said this I say good luck to you all and you are on your own, fly low and avoid the radar and maybe I see you on the flip-side.  People killing people is not for me for any reason. If life is so cheap, and not a second thought is given to the action of killing others then beware as you approach my door steps ,you just might get shot.

     At this pace of global killing we might not even need a meteorite to wipe us out. We could do it ourselves in a matter of years. So if nothing changes from here on out our fate is sealed by other stupid people leading the masses. And the masses who for the last 6 years have done nothing to change their blind leading the blind fate, If this is the smartest way of life in America then boy oh boy are they a bunch of stupid people, and like the old saying "if all your friends are gonna jump off a cliff are you gonna do it too?" Monkey see monkey do... thats pretty sad to think an entire nation of people are so easily controlled by others who are not looking out for their best interests.


    This is what I see today, on the out side looking in, its easier to see the machine at work but for those inside the machine any thing opposing their way of life is a threat that is perpetuated by the machine to continue its control. How fucked up is that? You people don't even see it yet you nourish its completely.


    I had to move away from the machine to see it in action, hence the reason people should travel. Americans living in the machine day to day have no concept of what is being done to them. This is the greatest crime ever, the paramount rape of people on an emotional level, and like the scared little pet that's been abused so long it doesn't bite the hand that feeds it, for survival in a controlled environment is better than thinking for themselves..........


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