It's only Illegal if you get Caught


    Plain and simple, we’re being duped and lied to constantly by those who wish to profit through the death of others. From possibly every administration since 1776 to today. Blood for profit at the cost of your sons’ and daughters’ life’s. No wonder they let anyone in the country with open arms. Profit doesn’t care what your background is or where you come from as long as they profit from your death. why would the care?, they only need bodies to use regardless of who. so they can make money. If this is the trend of capitalism and the foundation of america and you are all fine with this then this country’s leaders and masterminds of such profitable events are the ones we need to weed out of american society and string up by the balls for as long as they can live in that position and torture, not people in a far away land being blamed for their greed.

    They no longer can accept or could never accept blame, so they create a fall guy or patsy and Viola! Mission Accomplished.  

    Sooner or Later has come about and now the truth be told. Those harboring and creating such gains are now the hunted. No amount of power and no amount of protection will hide you or keep you safe any longer. Your time has come and you will be like the witches at Salem, in the eyes of the public.

    As America turns the corner into becoming the next Rome of the past, the masses of society will start executing those in power one at a time. For we know the Ivory Halls are corrupted and clever at covering their asses from public view to avoid anarchy, but those days are over, you evil sick fucks. Death will be too good for you. Guantanamo Bay will be your living hell. And we’ll invite the public for free so you can be viewed the rest of your life in pain like the Truman Show. So you better shape up or we’ll ship you out.    

    Take a look at WTC7.Net, make up your own mind. A fact is a fact. Pre-planned destruction for profit at the expense of American life’s in our own back yard and the media shows nothing of it. It’s time to turn the camera around and point it at ourselves and find the true culprit of greed, profit, and murder. Its truly mind opening. If you choose to deny it any longer you too are the ill informed mindless cattle being used by your own system to commit genocide with a pretty label and misdirected attention, and blame. But hey it’s the American way, Right! So you agree it’s Ok and go on about your own business. That’s not an American Patriot,

 that’s a COWARD!

     Fearful to correct wrong-doings by your own is nothing to be proud of in the land of the free and the home of the brave. YOU don’t get the right or privilege to be called an American. You don’t deserve it. The longer you let it continue the less you deserve to live here. Your just as worthless as those committing these crimes. This is an entire type of treason altogether. So stand up and make a difference, or get out of America.


    It pains my thinking to think anyone would drag our proud  countries Name through the mud like this for any reason. We are the laughing stock of the rest of the world and its all big business’s fault and the idea of profit for power. The solution is simple VOTE THEM OUT first and then if this doesn’t work, then Revolution in the light of the facts brought to the consciousness of the public. Start by voting in new Senate and new House of Reps. All members must be replaced with new, and that goes for the entire current Administration, and all those appointed since 2000. This Century is already a cluster fuck and we did it and allowed it to continue. Man that really is fucked up on our part. Time to erase the chalkboard and start over. Clean house so to speak.


            Rather a Conspiracy Theorist Than a Mute Slave!


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