Somewhere over the Rainbow

Raindrops and Rainbows are the two things we humans have written songs about. One keeps falling on your head and the other we hope has a pot of gold at the end of it. Well, could we be any more delusional about the gold? Because rainbows are actually a circle and have no end, just like money. There's never enough and it only creates harm, crime and suffering. Raindrops fall on your head with no hat or umbrella, so that's way more logical to us. If we take a look at the hope verses the reality one cannot exist without the other. No rain or water means no rainbows can be formed by a light source, and none more powerful as the sun. 

The moon sometimes appears to have a rainbow around it at night when the air on Earth has dense fog or clouds.  A moonbow? no it's just the light from the moon hitting the clouds below it and above us and from our vantage point it's a ring of colors. So this proves the rainbow is a circle with no ending or pot of gold. But on the land rainbows appear as a semi-circle and some have made up a story that there is a pot of gold at it's end. Silly and foolish myth yet still in our consciousness because we made it up, like we do about everything we know except fact and science.  

So with this straightened out we can move onto bigger myths and help clear them up, so we can start a conversation without misinformation or hearsay or make believe.  The one topic I keep harping on is the money system we humans have adopted and all the things it has led us to and all the consequences it has allowed to flourish. Plainly we can see the negative and positive things it allows yet we have most of all our information brought to us via a group of humans that have paid to have what they want to promote to all and we use money to suppress anything that refutes or challenges the paid messages sent and this is called censorship. 

We've have allowed only those with the money to promote or suppress messages to the masses. It's not the content of the messages per say as much as it is the regulations of them.  The money culture also allows advertising messages not just information messages.  When the information is edited, curbed, censored or manipulated nobody can know wether or not it's truth or lies. Too many are the motives for doing so either way, but one obvious motive is to sell for profit shit we don't need to survive. Another motive is to groom the thinking of those they know are gullible, uneducated and easily influenced.  An mis-informed human is an easy target to manipulate.  Even the smart or well informed have trouble deciphering truth and fact when it's allowed to push messages out to the public with these motives behind them. 

So what are we to do now? Given all this information we must decide to dig into the source of them and find who's paying and who's getting paid.  There's no conspiracy about that. It is what it is and so if the money allows it then the money must be the source and therefore the money must be the thing that needs to be removed, banned and outlawed.  Simple logic! 

It's not magic, miracles or a supernatural event, it's all man made crap that's been utilized to benefit the user and take advantage of the honest.  It's very easy to see when you observe and study it. Finding the time in this culture to do so becomes the hurdle for most.  But if you do find the time, usually at the end of your working life during retirement, you're already too old to care or have it matter most think and here lies the genius of those that choose to keep using this system.  They bully the system onto you and you cave in and get in line and obey to eat and stay alive.  Or you buck the system and seek other ways around it. Since the system is well established and allowed to continue we have allowed consequences to develop to punish those that seek another path, even to the ends of murder, blackmail, bullying, terrorizing, harassing, abusing and lying with false accusations and assumptions.  The money is used to reinforce these tactics and to continue to make regulations and laws and use force to keep it going so those benefiting don't lose its power to do so. 

This my fair weathered friends is a conspiracy, a conspiracy to keep the fake power balanced into their favor. And all the money acquired from this manipulation gets channelled back into its vicious, cruel,  dishonest and unequal cycle.  It doesn't take a genius to figure this out for I did and my IQ was once recorded at 135.  Not nearly a rocket scientist, but also not a moron. 

SO.... How can we evade and dismantle this system? Not by fighting or killing or destroying anyone or anything. We simply make a decision like the same way they did when they decided to use money. A mere thought and agreement and boom we are done. We will adapt to it just like anything else new and we move forward circumventing our own demise and we continue to survive on a much higher level of vibration. It ends all the negative we promote and it destroys avenues of ability to repeat itself in the future. Like choosing a zippo lighter over a matchstick in the rain to light whatever. 

The light at the end of this tunnel is too bright to fail. Money culture is the only darkness left for humans to illuminate. Once the masses see what I see and observe the hidden from us for so long there will be no going backwards despite all the propaganda promoted trying to keep it alive and undermine the inevitable change coming.  This very essay I am writing is contributing to the change itself, more and more see it everyday and the thinking and anger builds for not seeing it sooner but the outcome of it will quell all into adopting the change and laugh at how they could have been so blind.  

They used the money to keep you blind and you were too busy trying to stay alive to take the time to see it working against you. Simple idea of money got exploited and given far too much support to the negative that it got away from us and nearly wiped us out. Fret not as we humans repeatedly do, we wait until the very last moment before destruction and we tack a new course to keep us going.  So for go all the paranoia and the sky is falling, panic driven hoopla those that want the power of the money system to benefit them the few and realize that they too are part of the same species that is in the same boat when it sinks.   

The bright side of this is equally as simple,  what the money culture has given us is a lesson about ourselves and how we handle things in times of crisis and in times of peace.  The greatest contribution I think from the money culture is that it shows us how strong humans can bond over an idea. This is the true gold my friends. Like a choir singing verses the solo tenor, chills runs down your spine and the hair stands up on your body and tears come to your eyes when the symphony of harmony is belted out in unity of a larger group. Well we have 8-9 Billion and only 1% are misguided by money but they have no compass for the rest of us they only seek themselves. Be happy its not the reverse for we would never change it.  So this is all in good timing in my book, for we are only at 1% of the people gone haywire. Albeit the effect of this 1% unfortunately has the power to affect all of us.  

If it has that much power just think of what we can achieve if we stop the corruption of the money system and alter it to provide for all humans free of charge.  99% of us will have an infinite amount of the same power of influence humans but be for the good of us all and the planet and all its lifeforms.  This is truly a great lesson derived from the negative effect and consequences of the money culture.  Money culture has an ending and it's Achilles Heel is that it can only sustain 1% of us, Hallelujah! So we really arent as poked as they promote, we just have to show the 99% we aren't afraid to lose the money system.  Once this happens we will laugh at ourselves for every believing in it at all.  Sadly the lives taken under the money culture is a pity and a outrageous shame. An unnecessary loss of life in pursuit of happiness for just the 1%. 

Let it go, that loss of life is a sore spot with me, a trigger for sure, but water under the bridge and harder for those that lost loved ones to it, I get it and I am sad of it, but trying to hang someone for it isn't the answer. We must press on and move forward to a new system that benefits us all and helps future humans not have to experience that dark time in our history.  2065 is coming and if it's anything like 1865 or 1965 another turning point in human existence for the better.  The unselfish sharing of the resources for all to benefit wont deplete the resources faster it will in fact save them for longer use.  

We stop using the finite amount we have here now and we recycle what we have created and turn to green and natural sources to reuse and renew forever.  We will never need to sell it or dig another rock or lump of coal out of the earth again.  We must also forgive the 1% and treat them as our lost, wayward kin.  Yes they may have known better in the beginning or it got corrupted or always was and only the exposure of it was kept from us knowing. Secrets are as powerful, but with everything for free there's no need for privacy or censorship. No need to enforce a law or punish another one of our kind.  For when we have all we require, there's no need to ask for any more. Or a need to protect it from being stolen or ruined or broken. Everything will be replaceable. 

Focus on the positive and use the bonding power for the good of all and possibly never suffer ever again. We will have the time to ourselves to explore and experience and find out what we are doing here with the money culture removed from our day to day. We get to use the hours of chasing money for each other so we can spend ony 1 day year to work and the rest of the time to trot around the earth to all it while we are here on it.  We'll never be lost or misguided, misinformed or manipulated and we will never be fighting each other ever! 

A typical day in a non money culture will be to choose from what we have provided without strings attached for free to all.  We get up in the morning and eat for free, in a place with no rent or debt attached, we can go anywhere on earth we choose for free, no costs to travel, eat, play, sleep, sex or anything.  All day, all week, all month, all the years of everybody's life.  The only restrictions will be not to harm anyone and help those that need a hand. Other than this it's literally a free for all.  And we will never run out of resources, for our jobs in the future will be done by machine or volunteers and everyone will be educated on how to fix the machines that create the essentials for all, for free.  So anyone can fix them at any time anywhere or we design a machine to do this for us too. 

This way we can grow as a being only given 100 years to visit earth instead of pissing away our one time only visit to the playground toiling away our precious lives for a mere token to benefit someone else to horde and use to manipulate us. TTTTTrigger. This makes equality possible and removes the judgements, prejudice, jealousy envy and all the other ill emotions and practices against each other. A true present of emotional growth for humanity, ending all the bickering and warring.  All the resources on earth are free to all, we just have to remove the idea of not sharing them and the idea of charging money for them. 

We shall only use the resources for the essential necessities of life.  All the resources used for profit will be saved and not wasted on millions of humans trying to compete with each other or govern one another for something as shallow a notion as wealth and its power to conceal truth to manipulate. 

Wealth won't keep you from dying and all the resources wasted on the consumerism and acquirement of property, ownership and its protection will also be saved. 

Of the potential 100 years of human lifespan, how many hours have you wasted working for money?  or still are?
2080 hours per year of working hours at 40 hrs. per week, times how many years you have worked. 

This is a guesstimate and not all jobs are included, but for the bulk of my working consistently in a row, I started at 26 and ended at 56, 2080 x 30 years = 104,000 hours wasted on work, give or take 5000, with all the stress, consequences, struggle, strife and complications that came along with it in this culture are absorbed into your body, mind and soul. Remove those hours subjected to, believing the guilt trip propaganda of "everybody has to earn their keep",  and nobody gets cancer, rehab or a trip to the shrink's couch. 

The time prior to starting work, plus the hours of sleep are not included. Depending on when your "start age" of work is, go  figure out your number of worked hours, then subtract it from the number of hours in 100 years, 876,600 and this is how many you would have saved to use as you wish.  This alone should be more than enough incentive to drive you to want to help abolish the money culture.  

What could I have been doing with an extra 100,000 hours of my youth?  No matter what I would have chosen to use them on,  "everyday not working is a better day than working", no matter the job. How would the end of your be without wearing it out working? Better! it would be, of course, barring accidents. 

Those that worked in the past have had to live with the consequences of the money culture they endured or were subjected to, in a body that is too worn out to enjoy. That's Madness! and sad. Stop pissing away your life working and work together to make sure no human ever has to waste their lives like that.  


"nobody is the boss of anyone"


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