The Light Bulb is ON!

How will American react to the current depression and total collapse of the middle class? 

$3 trillion dollar debt, bankrupt and tried of following the same outdated model. America is finally changing away from it's past. The walls of the cocoon are cracking and the butterfly is about to emerge in to the world. Like a baby turtle headed for the shore-break, innocent and vulnerable, susceptible to all predators, America will need to use its instincts to survive the sharks of the world who intend to swallow it whole.

It’s time for the people who have been freed of the money slavery system to take the wheel and steer a new course into the future. Common sense must prevail and personal religious beliefs must take the back burner in these crucial upcoming decisions. Just Americans helping Americans, it’s gonna happen fast and furious, from all sides, above and below. Keep your wits about you and work as a unit. All for one and One for all, anything less and it's all over and you may be working for another tyrant and forced to speak another language. The sickness of it all is that it may not come from forces across the sea or up from the border, it will be in the form of what was your own govt. now changed into a new agency that is for you own good. .. Don't you believe it for a split second though.

The current people in power and who have all the money will try to survive by lying to you all that they have everything under control and you need not worry. The problem is that they want to have everything under "control" and the point of the whole new movement is to break the control. So when they come to "save" you or "help" you, because they think you believe in them, tell them to get stuffed. If you allow them to help you then you have been trapped once again, they will be offering a new form of slavery by labeling it something different, well that dog wont hunt any longer, take that old yeller out back and put it out of your misery.

They will have a good sounding sales pitch and if you're in dire straits financially it will look like the best option, but its not, “don't be fooled again”, The Who. The whole point is to break the shackles of control through money, and they have all the money so once and for all turn your backs on their false offer and watch them sparkle and fade into non existence. Finally, freedom for all, from the Federal Reserve and the Elite's of the world.

Any and all words from them must fall on deaf ears, they have no power over you and never did really, the grand illusion is collapsing and you can smell the fear they have if you wake up and see the true light. They are against the ropes and it's just a couple more taps and the whole house of cards will come tumbling down. Hooray, Amen, and Fuck yeah!

Now once it hits the ground like the twin towers, it will be up to the people to sift through the rubble and rebuild America they way we all know and want it to be. All the distractions and misinformation they have been using since 1999 are all well documented examples of how they operate and those can be used to obliterate their sick, greedy, evil ways. You know it and I know it, they are on their last leg and are pulling out all their money from America as fast as they can and running. They have been ever since Clinton.

What this means is the end of Money and The Federal Reserve and the control of the middle class forever. They will twist it to try and rid the middle class and have complete control of the poor. This is their illusion and if you buy into it, you too will have not awakened to their plot. If you don’t fear the change without them you will be free of their sick little dream.

The true America can finally emerge, show the world how we really feel about Humanity and remove the cloak that has been presented for so long. The revolution is here people and it's time for everyone who has ever dreaded Monday mornings and been used all their life by them, to stand up and say no more, the buck stops here literally and profoundly. 

It's what the middle class has been waiting for and were powerless to make happen due to the control of money. So spread the word and speak your mind and show them they no longer matter to you. Like when your high school girlfriend goes to college and dumps your sorry ass, never looks back and puts that restraining order on you. We the people will do the same to the money system and those who aim to keep you in check, get over yourselves. 

They will make a valiant effort to try and save their bread and butter, meaning you and your money are their support system, and all we have to do to watch them recede in to the abyss is to 
pull together. And don't you dare shed one single tear for them, the only tears to be shed are those for the finally achieved release from their power, tears of JOY. 




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