Focus Averted

  Aloha all,


    As the magician uses distractions and shifted focus, the American public is caught in the turmoil and hypnosis of the shinny bait applied by the rich controlled media to control and divert attention away from the dealings and procedures its government uses to continue to exist and operate in debt.


    America is owned by China. Plain and simple. We don’t own the land, no one owns the land. Only manmade laws are used to steal and control the rest of the inhabitants among the planet. The wealthy white past slave owners are the ones making the rules for the rest of the cattle. And you cattle don’t mind.

    You sit powerless, fearful, and content on the little scraps of freedom and false sense of security promoted. No positive proof of safety from any other group of people with ill intent towards us. This is what happens to any form of business that deals in the red. Once bankrupt, in a society ruled by any form of valued trade i.e... money,  and the line gets passed of balance then the one with the more rules the other.  And all the man made agreements, be it vocal, written, or based on a handshake all have one goal in mind, to get the best of the other side of the deal.


        How long can this way last? Only until the other side getting fucked stands up for itself and decides it’s not gonna take it any longer. Well in my opinion this point has come and gone many times in the past and is due to rear it’s ugly head again. There is a pattern here people and to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome is insanity. And now that we have the internet and different sources of input, the egg is hatching on getting truth about ourselves and our behavior as a nation on the globe. And stepping back and looking at this behavior is grounds for repercussions and punishments based on the rules we created and make others abide by,
but don't abide by ourselves. This is truly the case and the light is being shed on ourselves and we are all just sitting still hoping the light will go away. Well shit in one hand and wishes in the other and see which one fills up faster.


    Our time in the limelight is now and it's about to be completely dissected for all to see and all the secrets and coverups are about to be exposed for all they are and it’s not going to be pretty. But it is what it is and like it or not, change is coming from it. The American consciousness is evolving and its spoiled brat upbringing is about to pay for all its past wrong doings and mistreating of others around the planet. So who will guide the people through the punishment approaching the U.S. at comet speed and unavoidable outcome. I hope it’s not George W. Bush and company, I get more protection from a band aid.


    Are there any people who care enough to stand up to this failed administration, because I don’t believe they are trying to save Americans at all. Taking our money and operating in debt, and tell us we are in danger of others who don’t believe in their Christianity. Well who is the extremists here then?


     A Holy war is this World War 3, and we are in it now.  Republican, Christian, wealthy, white, fearful people in power in America is one side of the war.  Muslim, fearless, poor peasants are the other side. I know this, those living in caves with no money are not a threat to us no matter what they believe or what we are told of them. All your tax money going to one end. Religion verses Religion and in a society created to separate church and state has set a course of church and state as common law. And with social control and distractions based on fear have succeeded in merging both and are the spearhead of the front line and the drive of the powers that currently be. This is where we are like it or not, its here in full force and it's obvious that you agree with it because no one has the balls to stand up to correct it.


        Where are all the Patriots? Where are all the “Don’t Tread On Me’s” ? Where are all the “ I bleed red, white, and blue’s”? Where are all the “ Liberty or Death’s”?  Where are all the people who believe in the land of the free and the home of the brave? who believe in “ from sea to shinning sea” , and “crown thy good with brotherhood” and  that doesn’t mean the “KKK” for you wacko’s out there!


    Where are all the “fore score and seven year ago’s”? Where are all the “ all HUMANS are created equal”? Not in the spot light, not on your local T.V. news, they are condemned by the fearful powers of money that be. They are the ones exploited as traitors and non christians or evil doers. Faith based government has come to America and it's sad to think that people have misconstrued the guidance of a truly great nation of people. This is a crime in my eyes and one's the punishment needs to be administered swiftly to. Who is up the challenge? You, your neighbor, or nobody?  Who wants to prove they love America and Who is worthy of this quest?


    Because lately I don’t see anyone who fits the requirement. You claim your an American, but you sit back and bitch about how fucked up things are in your backyard bar-b-cues and mindlessly go to a job week after week and get sucked in to the American system that uses you as a source of income, but lies to your face every night at  6 p.m.. and or keeps the truth from you daily with distractions and misguided news, and you eat it up begging for more. That is truly a sad and slave like existence, but you don’t care as long as you don’t piss off your neighbor or offend someone with your true feelings. What a fuckin loser you are and if that is what being an American is now, then I hope some other stronger force like mother nature wipes out your way of life. Because it's obvious no other country can at this moment accept China. And the only reason they haven’t invaded is because we pay them too much illegal printed and drug money to stay away.


     This is not the America I am willing to die for. My America is one of peace and good will towards all people, regardless of money, status, faith, and race. My America was one that taught me the pledge of Allegiance and one that cares for people around the globe, not just those who have more than others. If the future of America is to be in a Holy war over religion and money, oil, and greed, then it's time to Revolt against the ill fated capitalist system.


    I leave it to you to decide and the road to the revolution is upon us.  Not taking an interest in America and professing to be American is nothing but one who is no better than an parasite.   Help Make the Planet safe for all Humans to live!


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