Life Support



    I have been doing some research on television, yes I said "
television", and the following is the observations of the past year. Witness to all kinds of input and what a fucking shallow bunch of people they think is out there. Such a powerful tool to get across messages and the only ones they keep repeating are food, pain, weight loss, illness cures, sex, drama, death, crime & sports. They are taking for granted the most basic needs and promoting the greedy cures and putting you down for being such a loser. Lawsuit is in the works somewhere to milk the corporations for insulting ones’ intelligence and if not there should be!


    Above all though is the control of its’ programming and censorship of truth and reality. Each station has its own agenda. Each channel has its own message and regardless of common sense to the benefit of the populace as a whole the major issues are omitted.


     Only thing is nobody is boasting the will of the common good. The only stations for the pursuit of happiness, and liberty for all, are coverage of war and fear.  Its just buy, sell, and give me your money. As for the people who cant afford a television, they are the lucky ones.


        Death, destruction, crime, and news of the world against others’ beliefs to support only the fortunate ones. Nothing on survival of the human race, nothing on preparedness of survival from mother natures effects. No direction of making the inhabitants environment sustainable of the inevitable effects of mother natures wrath. Volcano’s, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Tornados, Tsunami’s, and Global Warming. If no money can be made from the prevention of Mother Natures occurrences then no steps are taken or expressed. This is really a bad time for Humans as a whole. With all of the technology in this day and age the only goal seems to be focused on how much they can take from you before your life is over.

    To me that’s a really ill fated focus. So much for the will of the common good towards fellow humans. Such shallow goals will only lead to Revolution and when the shit hits the fan chaos will prevail and nothing from the selected censored exposure of Hollywood in films or the lying 6 o’clock news will compare to the carnage of Humans revolting against its own kind. The next bloody revolution will make Brave-hearts scene of the battle of Falkirk look like a picnic in central park.


    This carnage can be avoided. The powers that be need a shift in focus as I see it. Just look at the Tsunami in Thailand as an example. No warning and no common sense. If we as Humans expect to survive the planets wrath then the current cities and locations of civilizations around the globe need to be re-thinked. We watch the boob tube to see the images of other people dying and its scary to some and entertainment to others. Who’s next, which coast will get wiped out? And which volcano will blow? Who’s house or trailer park will get smashed. The obvious fact is that we react to these occurrences and move on.

    No human can control Mother Nature and thats a very good thing. But we can build better defenses against her. I understand that with all the crime and ill ideas and beliefs roaming about that maybe not all should survive and mother nature is wiping out the weak from the heard, and who’s to say we all need to be saved.

    The Human Race if far from acting as a whole. Light years away, and I think this needs to be accomplished without the INFLUENCE of fear, religion, or greed. Like all the slogans of ONE LOVE, ONE WORLD, ONE PEACE.

    Humans as a whole peacefully coexisting regardless of their physical differences its the way of the How.


    Step back and look at the planet from the moon. Look down and see the hate, pain, suffering, fear, and wars set upon the planet due to its inhabitants. No wonder, if any other intelligent life is out there, are not stopping by, would you? Fuck No you wouldn’t unless you were abducting their women, lol just a joke. It’s not beneficial to stop on Earth because you might just become a casualty. We infants in space are so primitive regardless of the facade of civility. No such thing as civilized humans. Not yet. Incivility is ruling the planet and no end is in sight with the current thinking in power and being exploited in order to maintain the illusion of control. Fuck control and those who support it, along with censorship and the laws created to suppress human behavior.


    Example of an example that is not working, is Law and Order. Beasts trying to control other beasts and suppressing ones nature of a human by other humans thinking their way is better, this is ludicrous. Capturing and locking away humans to rehabilitate them is the model now used. This is not a very positive path but a understandable one given the primitive brain of the human animal. This is the only solution the continue to separate humans from others. If allowed to run wild only mayhem could prevail. But the current solution is a major wall between humans and reason and the path of creating a peaceful coexistence between the inhabitants on this planet. This is trying to control mother nature for the benefit of separating one from the true nature of the beast which we all are and this is truly a denial of those in control trying to control others away from themselves and denying their own self as one of those they mean to control.


    So what’s the solution?  From all the companies promoting their own product in the hypocrisy of their products effects on the environment. DOW chemical company trying to introduce Hu Humanity into their destructive products is just plain stupid and is supported and allowed to be expressed as a good thing. This is a great example of capitalism and the power of the dollar at work. This is what should be illegal. Laws only made to promote the raping of the earth and profit. No one complains, no one seeks other avenues of thought. Nobody supports the health of the planet, our only place to exist, that’s called shitting where you eat, an the human animal is OK with it.  This is how far away we are as humans to becoming civilized. It’s a very long road and no body seems to wants to buy the map to see if we are off course, or ask someone for directions.


    Maybe the women of the planet are right about the man driven thoughts to use and abuse until some one catches them red handed, and not bothering to ask for directions. The capitalist society human male with years of focus and control over all decisions has led not only the America human race to the precipice of destruction of its own kind, but also all those who subscribe to their ways and methods and support their continued path right out of existence.


    The very language of the phrase “Mother Nature”  proves we respect our counterparts on earth as Humans. And the phrase “Father Time” proves the arrogance and blinding effects of greed and profit. For Time was invented to control the aspects of making a timetable to get the most out of it’s workers (slaves).


    We can change the effects of Father Time’s control but we can only adapt to the effects of Mother Nature.


    And with this in mind isn’t it Time for a change. I use time because it has been a part of my life as long as I have been alive and is just a vocabulary tool to get the point across. Its has its positive side as well when used beneficially to promote positive change.  It’s long over due and hopefully not to late to lay in a new course for Humanity. But I cannot do it by myself. I need your help. I need to find those who care about other things other than the goal of greed. For it will be the undoing of the human race.  And I believe I am far smarter than the path of greed’s destruction of Humankind. I would like to think I an not the only human who thinks so.


    Promote the survival of the human race against the effects of Mother Nature and together we can exist far longer than the current path for Humans........



                        Mahalo and Aloha for listening


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