Internet Censordhip


  I am back and can’t believe my senses, “NO BONG HITS FOR JESUS” cannot be displayed on a school campus, but you can wear it on your person all you want. Fair ruling? or more censorship by the right wing money fanatics hijacking “YOUR” country?


    First of all, it’s not about whether or not it’s true that jesus smoked the herb, but the fact that one cannot express, at an academic institution, a sign expressing these thoughts.


    Look people, the fear is this
and there is no argument about it. If we give people a number to keep secret and hidden from others then this fear creates the need for an illusion of security.  Be it a drivers license, a SSN,  or a passport. Identity is being promoted as the major tool to keep up the fear. No one can steal your identity, no one else can be you, no one else has your fingerprints, and no one else has your retina scan. Only government wants you to think that, because you have these other forms as proof to who you are that they can use it to keep you in control and in fear of losing your money, and your stuff. And use it to keep taking your money.  In a material world this is the main focus they have,but it all can be averted, it all can be erased, and all the fear can be removed if you want it to.  The reason I think people don’t act out against them is because they don't know how to do it any other way. They just go with the flow and let other people worry about these things.  That’s just plain lazy and un-American. Time is the other factor they fear. What a joke! It’s sad to see these so called Americans enjoying freedom they don’t contribute to. Paying taxes aren’t contributions of participation to society.... Loser!



Take a moment and write down a list of what you fear. See how many you come up with. How much of a pussy are you. What is it you don't want to lose? and who are you afraid of it being lost to? Is it really worth your freedoms and rights being taking away by the rich and religions fanatics? If there were no more money to be gained and money wasn’t the driving force to be obtained then no silly laws removing your freedoms would exist. There would be no need for a Driver’s License, or a Passport, or a SSN (social security number), the mere name of the SSN has security fear in it.  What is social security? No such thing exists, look at all the murdered people who have had a SSN, and where was their security? They had no security, they’re dead.


    If you think about it with a clear head, no body can take anything from you because you have nothing to take, regardless of your possessions. I say to avert such stupid fears, we all write our SSN on tee shirts and walk around everyday and remove the fear altogether.  This would no doubtably solve the problem of fearing your neighbor. This would also be a great start to remove the power the government believes it has over you.  Also, we need to pass laws regarding lawmakers who make the laws that induce fear.  Once this is in motion the infrastructure would collapse in a matter of months. When the goal of achieving wealth is removed then they can no longer evolve into the next Hitler - Germany.  Bush - America is headed this way and you are silent, which race of people will the Americas try to enslave or remove next ??????


    More likely which group of religion will they try to remove, concur, convert or persecute. And even more sad is the inaction of those so called patriot Americans to try and stop it from happening. Mark my words when they start rounding up the muslims and throwing them to the lions will you be the ones in the crowds cheering or will you be the ones outside the walls gathering your masses to overthrow these injustices. Because as it sits today your inaction against the Bush Administration is on even par with the countryman and women of Germany in 1939. And you accept it only because we aren’t there yet. But they are on that path and if they’re course isn’t altered then beware of the rebels trying to change it.  


    If you’re too blind, wrapped up in your day to day, stuck in your work day rut, and turn a blind eye because you’re too scared of your own government to attempt to change it, then when the shit hits the fan you will be at a point in your life where you have to choose which side your on the moment the rebels break down your door. Another American Revolution is coming very soon and you will suffer in one form or another. It can be all avoided today by just uniting now and removing the past 7 years of terrorism. How much longer are you willing to suffer as a slave to money before you decide it's enough? How much longer can you keep suppressing your true feelings? How much longer do you wish to live in FEAR??????


    If like living in fear and have no honor or bravery to change the sick path of greed America and the world is on, then you are just another worthless inhabitant, and don’t deserve to be called an American.


    Once the internet is controlled by the laws of the fanatics you will have achieved the status of following the sheep leaping off the cliff because the rest of them before you have done it.  Sick, lazy, careless people ruining it for the rest.  That should be illegal.  



The old Jewish proverb

“the Nazi’s knock on a strangers door and I do nothing to help him” ,

 “the Nazi’s knock on my neighbors door and I still do nothing to help him”

“ the Nazi’s knock on my door and there is no one left to help me”


        Now just replace the word Nazi with The Patriot Act in the above  proverb and you get what’s coming to your beloved country......  Listen for the sign and be ready!



   The words are this 




             GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL....        




                                 Aloha and Mahalo


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