I'll believe it when I see it...

July 12, 2012  

Fearless Not Careless is the Teaching of the How? The How is the way to positively teach others of an alternative to how the world looks at it’s own humanity. A perspective of life and a love of all things in the world. How things are being dealt with now and how they could be with a different type of teaching of love and respect. It’s its own answer to the question of “How” can humans change their course in life? to one more positive for the benefit of themselves and all life on the planet!


 The cover of Nirvana's Album is simply put, money on a hook, fishing for another sucker.  There is one born every minute and it just might be you and\or your newly born. The more taxpayers they hook the more they make. How much is enough?

I don’t know if this is what Kurt Cobain was aiming for, but whomever had this concept for this picture sure hit on something big for me.

   The truest truth of this picture on the cover of this album for today’s society could be better represented with, a large net scooping up thousands of babies floating helplessly in the sea of humanity, not just one, but one at a time will work just as effectively. This is the first step of teaching the youth how to survive, like the natural instinct to hold its’ breath underwater, the baby is lured to an object of curiosity........ Money!

    Hence the saying “Pay Attention” the mere words suggest nothing is free, not even advice or lessons of life. To gain the attention one must “pay” for it, profit for learning life’s lessons is out of control in my mind.

Using any sort of trade for the gain of knowledge creates a circular cycle of never-ending behavior used to collect and keep as many suckers as possible interested in its seduction and controls one into believing it’s for the best.

How to change the corrupted path of humans on this blue marble is the task of the way of the How.


    We are all we have, we have to learn how to get along with one another because we already know how not to! and this brings us to one method of brainwashing for the gullible. Money controlled censorship via the media of Television for the past generations and creeping into the new social media to maintain it and help spread it farther. 

Television is not real, but the Addiction is! “When television is bad nothing is worse”… 


“I saw it on T.V.”…. a song by John Fogerty from the Centerfield album sums it up. The way it got the way it is from the addiction to the TV that has led many to be programmed to adopt a line of thinking to believe what they broadcast as the way they want you to follow, think or believe. 

  The television is the vehicle that shows the programs, in which, are controlled by the rich, the media and the government to keep you in line. If you are in denial of this, you too are hooked so bad that you no longer care.

        It’s the old religion theory of the masses believe it so it must be true, which surrenders your independent thoughts of being an individual. Fear of being an outcast and having your own ideas because of how you might be seen and or treated in the eyes of others.

        Greeds’ need has taken your individualism. The bottom line of greed is how much they can make off your fear. Keep them afraid and they will have to trust what you say. Now that’s a warped mind and sick control of the masses.

        It’s their fear of losing control of the masses and to promote a feeling of security to you and to themselves. If you treat a child like a child, all its life, it will continue to act like a child. This has to be the biggest crime ever. Yet there is no punishment for it. Blind acceptance is what is perpetuated, reinforced and taught, via the Television and its programming.

        How much longer are the people going to let themselves be controlled through this illusion of security? Who will make a stand against it? Where is the spine of the bold and fearless? Has it died inside of you? Are you happy with being the Lamb brought to the slaughter?

        Because this is what I see. Humans being comfortable and content with not having to be involved. Passively sedate into the quagmire of paralysis of slipping into coma.

        You say “Hell No!, that’s not me, I vote”, and I smirk wryly back at you. The mere fact that you believe voting is your excuse for being a zombie makes me laugh at the top of my lungs, or lol, as it’s put today. Voting used to be the way, but with the invent of tech in this day and age, it’s merely another tool that has lost its usefulness, and Poll’s too for that matter.

        It’s so far misconstrued now that you really don’t know who or what to believe. I don’t blame you, this is not what I am searching for, I know who to blame but placing blame only points out where the problem began and its so far in the past now it’s irrelevant.

        It’s what are We gonna do now?  How will we act at this moment to help humankind not just North America, but the entire planet and all its life. The new bottom line will be determined by the way of the How?  Are you living the dream or dreaming to live it !


             Excuses only satisfy those who use them!


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