What you see and hear



    What have you always been told in the past? What have you been taught? Which lessons have you learned? Where did most of your lessons derive from? What taught you to be a better person among other people?


     If I think back to my own experience about how to treat people, most of my lessons were taught by my father. The ones that stick out the most and have benefited me since are all the ones, at the time, that seemed like hard lessons.  But the one that has been the most predominate and most used is one that I saw every time my father took me to the barber shop in our home town.


     When I was a squirt sitting in the waiting chair for my turn, up on the wall next to the clock was the price board of all the types of haircuts and down at the bottom of the list was  “Honesty is the best policy”.

    I can still recall what it looked like and remember asking what it meant ? And my father said that “telling the truth is the best policy”  and the barber smiled and nodded in agreement. Granted I was 5 or 6, but that was the one thing I remember the most as being the best lesson I ever learned that has stuck with me the longest. That was 1969.

    Going to get my hair cut was the thing to do on Saturday or Sunday with pop. Gentry Barbers, Ed, in the magazine rack was all types and the big red barber chairs were fun to sit in, of course I needed the booster seat, and was told to sit up straight and not to move around or Ed might make a mistake and cut my ear off. Perfectly still I sat, you betcha.

    Point being the lesson was taught with no spin, no malice, no ulterior motive, no belittling, and most of all with love. I have no children of my own that I know about...lol, but I have seen others with kids and I am at a loss of what has happened to them. Through the years of my life and compared to theirs the difference is huge. I know times have changed and focus has shifted directly related to the growth of the population, as expected, but the values that once were enough to produce a well balanced individual have gone by the way side.

    The tool’s used back in the day aren’t prevalent which can be easily viewed in the youth’s current behavior. Granted with the invent of new technology, the views are shifted to the self satisfaction and gratification of the individual. Kinda like the cage has been left open and it’s a free for all. I say ok to that, but in the wake of the youth gone wild, the social control has been unraveled to the point of no restraint.    


       Where will this lead? who knows?, but for over 200 years and since the invent of the T.V. up until the recent super information highway, the period of social control yielded many a new avenue to gain access to the masses.

     Removing the once single source of information used to control the mental mind set of a nation with what ever it felt beneficial to suggest to mainly only one outcome, which was to create a foundation of mental ideology and a sense of security and\or fear, which ever gained the greater control of the mindset, like an addiction, or gained the most profit.  

    The other side of the coin of the new avenues of information now made available to the general public leaves little room for one source of control of the mindset, and the tables are turned on those who had that major control. And I think with this new other input to the masses as a means of hearing and seeing the other side of the once single source’s control and how it was used against them, for them, to a degree, and its’ abuses for control and profit will no doubt enrage the smarter ones in society and make those less as bright react violently towards those who did all the controlling.

    I say “look out” and “duck” when some piece of information is proven to the public beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the last place you will want to be is in a town near the capital. THIS isn’t crying over spilt milk this is Fair Warning to the masses, as a sign to look for as the first step into the abyss of human societal reconfiguration and revolution. So be careful of all you see and hear, Especially if you live in a metropolis!!!!!!!


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