Private vs Public



        I have to say some pretty harsh things, but I hope you’ll learn from it. Unfortunately the boat we’re in is sinking and we need your help.

         I see very bad news coming, very bad! It’s all your fault too! If left to continue on this course of privatizing over public ownership everything your children will need will soon have to be gotten from one source. The privately owned corporations with all your money you gave to them, will be in control of everything and you will eventually have to get permission to do anything. All of this will have come about in the light and\or under the idea or label of freedom and for the common good.

        It's cleverly designed and disguised as, in your best interests and for the common good of all, will be the selling point. If your only source of information is from the old boob tube and nothing else then the sheep herders, the upper 1%, will have won.


    Avoidance is possible, but you are really cutting it close for time to act, everyday the current administration stays in power is another solidification of their efforts to take everything away from the working class and leave you behind. The people finally become pets to the corporations and only their whims will be the law. Sound familiar, it does to me and should to anyone who has ever heard of the Romans, the Italians, now the new Romans, the Americans, but with such a strong start out of the gate, the American Romans will make the Italian Romans pale and seem like a joke. You scared yet.....?


        Our beloved country will, in order to survive, make use of your fears and money and subject you, its loyal, “free-citizens”, to atrocities never yet released before, to no end in sight with control, and the time to change this before this happens is now, Now! NOW!  


       If I sound paranoid then good, this means you are listening to me and not just writing it off. If you don’t feel the same way or a little like this to some degree then you’re the blind sheep in the coma allowing this to happen without a fight. Kinda like the senseless female who keeps going back to the abusive male, beating her brains out every time he gets drunk, and her only recourse is that she has been scared so bad into thinking she’s worthless and that she can’t live without him, for fear that she can’t do anything about it, because she sees herself as weak and deserving of the punishment.

        If you understand this scenario it’s how you are towards the Big Corporation Government. Fearful to live in the land of the free. If this is your idea of America and how it should be in the future, boy oh boy then do you have some learning to acquire. It’s time this be unleashed before the end of Bush’s run in office. The world needs lots of loving, but it doesn’t need you.


        To the people who aren’t so blind I say “what the fuck are you waiting for”? Others are handing over the power to people who don’t have your best interests in mind. Yet you must be waiting for the right moment, this I understand, but come on already, it's really pushing it close. All in it’s own time I am thinking. I just hope it's not after the last back breaking fact or irreversible moment in time. This administration is going to push as far as you allow them to.                

             The problem with this is that there is a point of no return. And everything you deposited into it will now no longer benefit you, but only them. Wake up people you’ve been HAD and hopefully are looking for some one to point this out to you. Accept that you’re victim to this failure and move on, and help us save you from yourselves and from this lack of love society about to be created.


      Logan’s Run, a perfect example of the frightening aspects that society could follow. Science fiction may soon become non-fiction, and your blind comfortableness is to blame. So don’t be surprised when they come knocking on your door like the Gestapo of Nazi Germany, but only stronger and more efficient, with no voice of the local individual, or group.            

        This is where you people are headed, and it’s a shame to see that you’d would let your precious children fall to their fate. So much for parental love of its offspring. Your children will be treated so poorly, on the level of attention of a crack whores’ love towards it’s burden of pregnancy which blocks her means to survive.  


        Today is the day to care to avoid such unfolding futures. You will never see what is happening on T.V. of the direction of the administration, or their true beliefs until its too late, the longer you deny this fact the sooner you’ll hear “Freeze Runner!”.

        If you truly want to avoid this you must revolt in the form of voting and removing the powers that be now, to a society of universal love and respect without the use for greed and money. You must remove these trophy’s  and aimed for goals of the privately owned corporations to rule the little guy and you better hurry, because they started with Reagan, then to Bush Sr., and now George (Adolph Hitler) Bush.

        The Republicans, don’t deserve to be called such a fine name, but have always been on this path ever since long before JFK was shot by them, I suspect. But they have been allowed to bloom recently and Bush Jr. is just crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s to finish us off.

     You sit idle with a perplexed look on your face of what's happening, thinking ”wow! now thats something I’ve never seen before” and by the time you realize what has happened right in front of your eyes, it will be over and then the rules will have been changed and you will say “new laws , what new laws?” and “what do you mean we can’t do this anymore?” all the questions will come up upon its’ completion and the concrete new ways will be solid, for the only way to change them back or to something better for all will have to come from and through the next Civil War in America.  

            Greed breeds hatred and competition amongst humans and in a free society it’s a brutal cut throat existence. Me or you mentality only promotes survival of the rich and the person with the more current information wins. This is a total lack of regard for other humans. There is no benefit for all, only the one with the most toys wins. Well, to those with the most toys, none of that will matter to the overworked, underpaid, forgotten, uncared for human worker, and like so many examples in society already given the little guy will prevail.

        If you continue to treat the pet like shit, the pet eventually strikes back and it's usually lethal to the suppressor, and if the suppressor is so confidant that there is a point where it won't matter and they’ll be safe once they have control over the masses, they are so wrong.  To even continue to think this way is purely ignorant. Your life is an illusion dear suppressor and you will lay in your own demise brought upon your own thinking and actions.

        Your fear induced belief, to be a player on the International Community, has you forgoing the place that has given birth to you and I can’t see a larger traitor than you. So sit down, shut the fuck up and stop ruining it for all the rest of us. For there are people out there who will have no qualms of removing you if you persist and no amount of money or sense of security can save you. Man, how greed clouds the addicted, so much so, like an addict of anything else. Only difference is that this has one aspect that is super dangerous and volatile, it doesn’t just destroy the user, it ruins any and everyone associated with its user, especially if the associated are under the users control.


                    Don’t let this be your family!


        As for publicly owned society, it kinda sounds like Communism, but it’s not, if it’s ruled and run by Free Thinking people in a free society to help one another. It can be a blissful shared collective with no motive of greed to out-best your fellow human. But without common sense intervention about the path of the current focus of the future, we are left helpless in its wake and no amount of pissing and moaning or final realizations by the masses duped by it’s progress will ever be able to change it.


        I see the challenge ahead and it's uphill, but with a new perspective towards this intention, I see it to be very easy to avoid and once the shift of perception switches to common sense it will flow as effortlessly as waves on the shore. The smart ripple of thought will remove the focus of greed and the inhabitants of the beautiful blue marble in space will have saved themselves through simple conscious thought, peace, and respect.  






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