Love is a Verb not a Noun

July 17, 2012

Once upon a time I had a friend with a quote on her  refrigerator,  “Love is a verb not a noun”  At first I didn’t understand this and said"no it’s not", but then with some reflection I found that yes it is true.

    If you consider it long enough you too will find that “love” in all its intended purposes, is truly a verb. It's an action of feeling, not a person, place or thing.

    But if you look in the dictionary you’ll plainly see how love is labeled as a noun! Well, whatever it is, it’s the basis for this enlightenment.

    Love can be what you make it or how you feel it. If you love your fellow human as much as you do your favorite “whatever” in the whole wide world then wouldn’t you strive to keep that love around you and express your love for it for all to see?

    Like the saying goes “I am in love with you and I don’t care who knows it”, and you start shouting out from the roof tops, expressing your love for another. Sure in movies it’s Ok, but in real life some people look at you as though your nuts, but since its based on the fact that you are expressing your love for another human it makes it Ok.

    Well, this is all I am saying in the way of the How? Using love as the excuse to make you do stand up and attempt it is possible because most who've been in love know that LOVE makes you do some super crazy and fucked up shit that you would only do maybe sometimes when drunk. Drunk and in-love are even more powerful and positively volatile, reckless and feel perfectly justified in doing anything under those conditions. 

It can be Ok for any and everyone to express it all the time, granted your feelings change through the day and during life because of some interaction via others, but it’s the perspective about those interactions that is the focus of the how!

    Love over Gold an album by Dire Straits with only one really popular song, but the Title is what I am interested in. Love verses Gold. Which would you rather have? Which one means more to the soul? Which can you teach without greed, power, control, war, corruption, hate, and violence.

    If you chose “I love gold” which I suspect many have, it just proves how far the hook of money has set in the mind of the human consciousness. How much it has been instilled into the brain, body, soul, and society.

    Thinking of life without it has become a ludicrous and absurd thought. Well sports-fans have I got something for you. Just because the masses and majority of people living with it for so long have become so dependent upon it, that life without it would be like removing the air we breathe.

    So much so that the mere fact of introducing the idea is blocked by the average person, not to even consider it, and is labeled as many other things other than a viable idea.

    So many people so wrapped up in other things in their life that life without money, must of been thought up by some crackpot, lunatic or crazy person.

    Quite possibly so, but to excuse it with a closed mind, for a lack of vision of how it might be possible or no concept of where to start to thinking along these lines is, I suppose to you, just as far fetched an idea.  

    I’ve heard lots of arguments against and not a whole lot for it.

This may not surprise you nor does it me, but how many people have thought of it?, 

How many have the power to make it happen?, and

How many does it take to get it started? 

The answer is, just One!  A single human on earth with ability to see where it has taken the human race and to see where it is headed can be the spark that enlightens the masses, is it you? In every revolution there always one person with a vision and if for the betterment of all humanity it can be the source to upgrade away from the current corrupt culture of money. 

    Love wasn’t even given a chance, only gold was supported. People put their faith in an object over their own feelings. I submit with the proper support Love over Gold be promoted and humans will see a huge change in their environment and destiny. 

The power to change anything comes with the way of the How?

So what’s the point of view,

No matter how hard one tries

To combat the lies,

How are you to know what is True?


    The system, as its commonly referred to, has been perfected, it’s so well oiled that an idiot can run it and one does. My understanding of the way things work have finally been realized to myself, and I ask How can so many people be so duped?

    The gullibility of a population controlled by a box! Spin verses spin and counter spin verses counter spin! Who do you believe these days?


                    Believe in yourself is what I've been told!


    A society that lets its people talk and argue amongst themselves and allowed to say anything, except treason. As long as it doesn’t interfere with it’s own security and doesn’t hamper the profits of big business corporations, making it’s people happy slaves!


The senate becomes the power and we all obey until what?  


        Who will be the one to follow or lead.... ?

        What will it take for all to be sate with the way things are run?

        When is the right time for this Spin to stop....?

        Where is the finish line of human competition?

        Why can’t we live without the drive to best our fellow man for profit....?

    How much is enough???



    Bleak, very, very bleak is all I see for the American human race.....

Give them their freedoms, but take their money. The trade isn’t fair! In order for fairness the value system needs to be changed.

    Worthless pieces of paper for products, goods and services, is that the best as it gets?

 Is that all there is to strive for? 

That’s pretty weak for Riches being the only goal?                

        Eventually someone or group will have all the money, then what happens? Ok you got all the money now what do you do with it? If you have it all and nobody else has any who you gonna trade with?

    Do we all work for the One with all the money or at that point do we evolve, abolish, change, adapt or decide to venture a different path, game or direction?


    The new romans are here to stay, it's a recurring cycle with nothing gained from the past, so maybe we aren’t sacrificing people to the lions, yet, but the next best thing is human slavery among its constituents without power to change its existence or free themselves from the new control.

        Idiots say” if it ain't broke don’t fix it”. Well it’s more than broke and no body is coming to fix it. The new american slaves are happy with their lack of vision existence.

    It used to be “don’t tread on me”, now the new slogan reads “ don’t bother me I’ve got mine”  

        Congratulations slavery has reoccurred and succeeded, only it’s disguised as freedom, to allow themselves to be taken by their own system and to trust their suppressor’s.  


Where’s the hope, positive guidance, and trusted humans leading others to benefit the whole of the race, planet, and life-kind? The hope is the How and the enlightenment that is now taking place some 12 years later. 

We only have one human home.  


WHO      else are We gonna depend on?

WHAT    will come to our rescue?  

WHEN    are We going to realize our destiny?

WHERE  else can We go?

WHY       don’t We help ourselves?


HOW are We gonna act?


        Help everyone to help everyone manifest peace In our time. 


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