Love is My Religion



    I have been writing now for 2 years and have been with out a television for 10. I do have this computer and I do watch the Daily Show clips online. Online is where the focus is these days, because T.V. fails to offer truthful information that isn’t one sided or in the interest of profit. Many are waking up to the idea of how bad it really is. It is only a tool to inform you pre approved released information, from NEWS (daily, nightly, 24-hr) shows censored for content, documentaries and pre planned releases of historical beliefs. All the information is controlled and submitted through a committee for approval to see if its in step with the lies passed down from generation to generation.  This is public mind control. Sure you have the choice to not watch it, or not believe in it and to disagree with it, but what you don’t get to do is have it changed, proved incorrect, or hold liable and accountable the persons in charge of misinformation.  


    Like teaching a child how to tie it’s shoes, the task is simple and when done properly it achieves it’s goal if given the proper information.  Now, take a country full of people, and give them a source of information and broadcast it to their private homes, but don’t allow them a way to refute the information once it’s released. The same easy way they receive this misinformation is not the same easy way they have to call bullshit. There is a major procedure and expense of time and money, to get what’s broadcasted incorrectly changed. The point is that it is too late the information received is already stored once heard or seen. You can’t erase the input. Therefore it sits and is added to the brain and weighed against other previously stored information. To be able to correct the information before you see it, means you have to be the people in control of it.  


    If your beliefs are not the same as theirs then you can’t just flip a switch and refute their statements. They have won already because you saw what they had to offer, and it’s stored. To be able to remove that information is quiet impossible, and to be able to tell the people who sent that information that you disagree, or that maybe that its only a certain % of truth in their statements, is equally futile. They only care that it gets sent. The information itself is neutral, but the intention of the message is sent with a major purpose. And its delivery is via the radio, TV, newspapers, and what ever other means available like there voice.  These are all constant reinforcements to support either a lie,a half lie, a truth or a half truth. They win-win all the time. Fair and just have no place whatsoever and the ability or avenues to refute them are highly guarded by laws.


    So your left to sift out what is and what isn’t. Now to the educated persons that’s a no brainer, but to the people with no brains its the WORD. The word they accept, live, and act upon in their daily life. Well you can see where this is going, I hope, but if not then I will spell it out for you. IF the input is corrupt,and incorrect, then the output is equally corrupt and incorrect.  Based on the past 8 years we have a very fine example of how that information has been twisted, corrupted, omitted, changed, and manipulated to keep us in the dark. Tip of the Iceberg comes to mind for me. The allowance of this to continue is the crime. People not wanting, caring, or just plain ignorant of this is the rest of the iceberg. And speaking of Ice, yes Ice melts, it even melts faster when in water, and even faster when it’s warm outside. It doesn’t take a HS graduate to know what 2 + 2 is. But is takes a Harvard Law Degree to change the answer. Here in-lies the problem.


    It shouldn’t take a Law Degree to navigate the obstacles in place to correct the source of the misinformation. The motivation for the misinformation is profit, and covering ones own ass from the illegal activities they engage in with our money, our lives, and our country. These criminals should be swinging from a tree, for all to see, from sea to shining sea. The allowance is also a crime. The entire country is aiding and abiding their leaders. The ones who shout foul are persecuted. This sounds a lot like ROME. Or Germany, or Russia. Fear is running rampant in America and the Christians are the ones feeding this fear with all means possible. Just as the Islamic fear is doing at the same time in the Middle East. We are living in gasoline and praying for no spark. Well the spark is carefully planned too like the information on T.V. and controlled by the same people. We the sheep\victims are just bystanders and witnesses and soon to be collateral damage. We crack another beer, sit in the easy chair and wait for the end. America reduced to the school nerd. Fearful of all and psychotic from it. Nobody cares. Nobody wants to go against the grain. Everyone is happy with their non-responsibility.  Free from persecution of those in control.  


    What has prevailed since the fall of the LOVE movement in the 60’s,  is the FEARFUL of Religion in the 70’s. They successfully suppressed free spirit, and are about to suppress free speech. The control of the 80’s has solidified via Reagan and his fear of the Russians, leading to the power of Money and Control of speech in the 90’s, which has produced an Empire, led by Criminals who control your vote in the new millennium. Awww the 50’s, ignorance is bliss.


    They were phucking with us then, and now those seeds are in full bloom and producing a harvest we’ve not yet seen the likes of. It’s not who will get elected next, it’s who will they place there next to benefit them. Wake up people, smell the air, hear the corks popping, see the fireworks, taste the caviar, feel the freedom disappear from your body like the feeling of fear that overcomes your body when it arrives. They are tap dancing with your money and dancing the night away.... It’s a big shindig and your not invited, but you have work it and clean up after. American people the janitors to their jailers. Lighting cigars (cubans mind you) toasting champagne, laughing at their subjects whom they pretend to protect. Two faced doesn’t address it, more like 5 faced. It is whatever they say it is. Good, bad, indifferent, shitty, OK, rescission,  but not depression, or suppression, or oppression, feeding the public daily of what ever they want you to hear, and covering up they don’t want you to hear.


    Time has come, with the help of the internet, to change all that, tear it down, expose, prosecute and punish the benefactors whom have controlled us for so long. If you still don’t see how they have you corralled then you may need a GOD figure to help your retarded brain. Just willing it to change and turning the other cheek, is what has brought this about, and they are using this against you and swallow it whole. They have perfected their methods to the point of excellence, and the only loop hole that is going to allow this to change is the collective masses joining together against them. This is the answer and the key and they know it, they have a lot to lose, and are willing to kill to keep it alive. But they can only sustain it by growing, and using those who continue to support it by doing nothing. Yes your guilty, so am I, but only they are the ones who harp on it, never letting you forget it. The solution is simple, remove their power to constantly reinforce your guilt, and the means to achieve it.  


    Our constant struggle to survive and theirs’ to thrive for profit has left us to expose those in control, and to separate us form those who believe differently. It turns out that it has worked against them to some degree and in our favor in this instance. The sign post up ahead says the Twilight Zone.... almost literally, if they continue it will be for the rest of us. It may even lead us to the same fate as the Romans, I think, if they continue to get their way, we will or our children will, be wearing robes and determining the fate of the wicked by our thumbs, Up for live , and down for die. If this is alright with you then you are one of them, and if not your are more sane than them.


    Freedom of religion in America verses the freedom of religion in Islam is the battle, like it or not. The freedom of religion in America has gotten us to this point in time, under these circumstances, and these situations. Brought to you by the same fear that burned witches at the stake, that persecuted free thinking, and denouncing common sense. Is this your America?, is this your values?, is this your beliefs? is this what you will allow to flourish? Is this also what you will allow to continue to lead you and your children into. Is that what America is made up of? A religion so fearful of others that killing others is the way to solve the problems and disagreements. It sure looks that way on T.V. and in the paper, and on the radio. A tyrant, fearful, country of people willing to lie to it’s populace to keep fear of others alive. As an American that sounds like a fucking shitty place to live, or be a part of. If this is truly what America is and or has become the I say its needs a fixing, and either we do it or someone else may do it for us. I want no part of that type of America, I want the dream that was promoted in grade school to flourish,  over this type of madness, that dream may very will be just that, but that dream or vision is for some gone, or for others faded, and for the hopeful a goal. The black and white of it is that it was the first lie to produce what we have today. That vision was so grandiose that it seamed it could never die. The truth is that with such a great distraction anything could have been set in motion under its vail. Well we now see what has been kept from us for so long. Some sooner than others but usually by the time the dream wears off we are too old to combat it, or change it, or contest it. I must applaud its creators for such a powerful, and successful plan. One now I don’t agree with, or condone. The only time the saying “the Truth shall set you free” has come up to be true is now, and for this situation.


    If you stand up an reveal these truths, there will be no need to fight a holy war, religious war, any war whatsoever. Prove to the masses of the control that has been had and watch the world change right in front of your eyes, in your lifetime.  It can happen, and will, and those in favor of not dying due to someone else’s religion will be the true saviors.


    I don’t agree with any religion that condones killing of life for any reason or with guidelines of how to live your life. Religious life verses living your life, are two different ideals neither right nor wrong. Just because you feel emotions doesn’t mean you have to act on them. We are beings that are capable of lots of emotions and feelings. The need to control others by these emotions or feelings are of people of sick, disturbed minds, no matter what their motivations. And at this point in time they are in control of the USA.  The true crimes are ones against the mind, body, and soul. If any law is to be made let it be one that deters those whom have used, or uses their power and influence to shape others to their will, beliefs, or for monetary gain. This should be the only capital punishment allowed, and by capital punishment I don’t mean death, I mean exploited exposure of their actions as an example of punishment, to never be forgotten as the way we were once as humans.


    It’s only illegal if they get caught, and they have perfected not getting caught, and writing new laws that protect their behavior. This must stop. We must stop it! If not prepare to load your 2nd amendment and fight to the death for someone else’s beliefs... It’s your country, what do you see...




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