Lessons from Life

Things some Dads\Uncles\Father figures never told You

Not all women are like American women, avoid the spoiled rotten women. 

Older Women never know when their next fuck will be their last. 


The only time women are the happiest they will ever be in life is before they get their first period, 

After that, life sucks for them and makes them bitter against men. This is why they lie, cheat and blackmail you, you would too if you had a short shelf life of desirability, this is why you don’t physically hurt women for any reason, leaving them alone is worse than rape. They will self destruct themselves thru their own fear of loneliness thru insecurity, especially sheltered raised princess snowflakes 

Women only get one chance to be young, men get unlimited chances to have all the young females he desires. Older women know they can’t compete w younger women. 

So many men\women, so little time. 

Women are the Roses, Men are the bees, the Rose is stuck in one place and bees can fly away to every new Rose and this pisses them off. Women are a victim of nature's circumstance and it will never change. Only the young ones are like bees, then they lose their wings. This is why they want marriage. 

Marriage for men is like tying a rope around his foot that's attached to an anchor headed for the deepest bottom of the ocean, they want to take someone with them on their way out of the game.  Misery loves company. Some are thinking, "stay with me to keep me feeling safe and secure and from being lonely”it's a desperate act of selfishness. Marriage is for unconfident men. 

Younger women want older men and vice versa. 

Boys remember these lessons and pass them along. You can have all the young women you want all your life. 


Avoid relationships, just fuck em and send them on their way w a smile and a thank you, any more than that is waste of your time.   Just smile and nod and move along to the next happy younger woman. You'll be glad you did and sorry if you don’t.  


Be super happy you are a man, it lasts your whole life. Fear not what any woman says to you, just know her time is so short that she has to act a certain way about life and you don’t ever have to get mad at them or hurt them. 

If you find yourself being hurt by them then it’s your own fault, mainly because you never looked at them this way before or you tried to make a relationship out of it, then you get what you deserve and what comes with it. 

It is a catch 22  with only one way out, the only winning move is not to play. Most women start off early, flirting as young as 6, playing with themselves till they are bored and want someone or something else to give them pleasure that starts around age 11, why do you think she wants a puppy? Because she's been told that she can’t have sex till she's 18 in some places, and as early as 12 in others. That's 6 wasted years of her life for pleasure and she’s undesirable and can’t compete by 23. 

Proof is in the Porn, look how many are doing it, 100’s of millions. You can do any woman you wish and they can do any man they want regardless of age, we don't go by age we go by weight, Know it, live it. 

Isn't she 13, it's ok I'm not superstitious 

If every one is friends and everyone shares, there is no need for war or money, 

Lift the 5000 person friend limit on FB or start another website that allows no limits, once every human is connected, all the power and restrictions of money are useless

Earth is the greenhouse, stop those polluting where you live and breathe 

The reason they told you to eat a balanced diet of animal dairy\animal products is so they can sell pharmaceutical cures that are placebos 

"prior proper planning prevents piss poor performance"


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