Thought Control

    We are on to your game, others have been on to your game for some time, making the weak willed, fearful, and poor insane with guilt to produce, purchase and provide. No longer will you have this power to control the will of any persons. Your time has come, mainly in part to the internet. With it’s ability to counter the T.V.! Television is a one way street of constant bombardment of lies fueled by money. It’s Brainwashing pure, plain and simple.


    The public sits and is programed by other humans pushing their thoughts, products, ideas, beliefs, and fabricated stories by master planned story tellers, hired writers, salespersons, marketing companies, and any an all other organizations focusing on its’ audience to voice their one sided views. The Television allows for no feedback from it’s targeted subjects, making it a one sided attack on your senses or lack there of, and reinforced by companies who have been approved to be credible to support their products, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. Lies back by liars, greedy criminals, weasel lawyers, and huge companies, groups, and profiteers.


    The system that protects this continued behavior is the most corrupt of them all.  They are the example they follow and have been following for the past 100 years maybe more, and the invention of the T.V. and radio, has been used to promote it far beyond the imagination of its’ creators, and exploited past the realm of fair, just and moral.  The biggest offense is the companies that present the information. The huge media companies, backed by the other huge communication, oil, Rx drug, illegal drugs, and the Government appointed select agencies, that mold the information before it’s released to the public. This is Thought Control.  Think! it’s not illegal yet!


    Someday soon though thinking against the system in place will be illegal, and in some instances already is. The statement “to protect the country from threats foreign and domestic” is open to interpretation to all, but more importantly is being manipulated by those already in power with a fucked up greedy view of thought control. The way to get out from under the control of these sick corrupted criminals is to remove them from office. Voting peacefully doesn’t seem to work due to technological advances, and the ability to control the outcome via vast amounts of money used as bribes. The plain honest truth is that this next election, and possibly most all since the early 90’s have been pre-decided by those with the most money, power, and controlled thought influence i.e the media, news, or false news.


    This is your country America, and this is what happens when people fall asleep at their post. George “fuck up” Bush fell asleep at his post on 9\11\2001 under his watch, he admits it was a “TERRORIST ATTACK”, on his watch, HE ADMITS IT. Openly, publicly, constantly, every chance he’s on air he says “the terrorists are better than the USA”, the president is kneeling to the so called “TERRORISTS”. ON HIS WATCH! What a loser!


    He blames 9\11 on “terrorists” smarter than the greatest most secure, most powerful nation in the history of the world, smarter than himself, smarter than you or me. He says the “terrorists” are better than our military, what a slap in the face, by the President. The “Terrorists” found a back door and exploited it to the fullest, and he continues to support this line of thinking, and he’s in control, YEAH RIGHT! fuck you Mr. Bush, if you believe that I got some swamp land in Florida I want to sell you. Wake up people. Candy bars only get stolen from the display case from the one who works behind the counter. Duh.


    I go diving here where I live and one day a nuclear submarine was here in port.  Me and some friends were diving in the area and when we were down 40’ feet and about 500 meters from the sub we got the surprise of our lives. We were met by some 10 very well equipped, armed divers already in the water. The patches on there arms were that of the Navy Seals Division They directed us away from the area, with some very aggressive posturing and clear intentions to remove us. The water was very clear that day and they came out of no where. Granted we went looking for the sub as a dive plan. There were no bubbles from their equipment, and no boat above us. This means they lay in wait around the boat. Now that’s some kind of security. That’s just one vessel. Now the Pentagon must have some sort of protection, especially some sort of air support. We just don’t advertise where our military headquarters is without some sort of security. Yes we are spoiled Americans, but stupidity is not what has gotten us this far in our nations history. Stupidity has only been around for 8 years.


      The people are so heavily brainwashed that they re-elect him. With the control of the media he can say he won all he wants, and the reflection of this is that the people no longer have a say in AMERICA. Your vote and voice have been nullified and silenced by a complete idiot and lots of MONEY. And 8 years of your life, and your taxes are squandered at the hand of a shit-head, and his actions as acting President reflects what the other people around the world see. They see the spoiled rotten corrupt americans are so careless and fearful that maybe now is a good time to strike them. The karma and consequences of the past 8 years are going to be so strong and devastating, that it may prove to be unrecoverable.  


    Is this what you as a hard working, law abiding, tax paying citizen deserves? If you voted for him you do. But for the smart, un-brain-washed, free thinking, citizens we unfortunately have to suffer the ill effects as the rest of those whom caused it. Guilty by association. That is IMPEACHABLE in and of itself, in this citizens opinion, and if we were in high school some one would have the shit beat out of him for being a fuck up.



    In my opinion 9\11\2001 was either one of two things. 1) an inside job covered up by the administration which makes them well funded murderers, or 2) a one day war from a very small underfunded group of people not looking to invade the USA, so the point being to raise some consciousness about MONEY and the effects of how it’s used to control the thoughts, actions and lives of others of it’s own kind.


    Whichever you believe is the proof of how you been brainwashed and to what degree. Paranoia has nothing to do with it, except on the part of the people in power who are god-fearing and wish to spread that fear onto the public. It seems to be working very well and it has lots of brainwashed followers who eat up every word they release via the T.V., radio, and now the Internet. It’s allowed to continue because the masses don’t have the resources to counter the wealthy news broadcasting companies, and refute each claim released in their favor and to keep us appeased and quite.


    The bright side is the Internet. The internet is the peoples voice responding to all the past 50 years of constant one way advertising of the T.V. and radio. Like the awakening of the sleeping hibernating bear, the American public are starting to use the Internet as a bullhorn to wake up themselves. Because while the American public slept the surroundings have changed and those left in control of the ship have steered us into the dangerous shallows that are threatening to sink the ship by means of greed and power. There is still time to prevent the sinking, but not without egg on our face, at least the egg can be washed off, but if the ship sinks, the directions of rebuilding the new ship will be written in Chinese, because it most defiantly will be made in China.


     But the internet is currently under pressure of being regulated to conceal what it can release in the form of information about anything. Once again powerful, well funded companies, influencing the law making governing free speech. This is completely unacceptable, offensive and punishable by death to some. The thought to control thought of others through censorship via one group is the culprit and needs to be removed, abolished and made illegal. These are not great leaders, these are not great examples of leadership, these are not what all the DEAD AMERICAN soldiers have given their lives for.


    The buck stops here. Draw a line in the sand. It’s time to remove the criminals in power all the way down to the street cop walking the beat. From President, Vice president, all the congress, senators, all the newly appointed committees, judges, and personnel. All in office now must be replaced immediately before the election. And impeach them all and prosecute them before we hold another election. It’s time to stop the bleeding. Bring the military home and revamp the system before we start spreading the same shitty system to another part of the world and most defiantly before we decide to move to another planet. Remove and or revise every thing they have done for the last 8 year in the form of laws passed or enacted under duress through greed and incompetence, or labeled in time of war, or for national security. What a load of shit, and a butt load of fear.



   Fire, impeach, detain, investigate, interrogate, prosecute, process, public trial, hold responsible, accountable and convict all proven guilty, before we take another step into the future in any direction. Erase the chalkboard and start over with newly elected and uninfluenced representatives, senators, congress, VP, & President. Make laws against contributions, bribes, support in any form of money, goods, or services, to the elected. Pull the leash on the CIA to play detective in this area and expose those accepting. No law, bill or vote can be bought, or influenced from here on out. If you still don’t agree then your fate is coming to you and the shambles of the current system shall befall us all.


    We have been lead to believe that Russia has fallen as a power but not a country, they haven’t gone anywhere. They are still there, only they have been ‘defeated’ in the arms race, is what the controlled media told you. Also that they have new leadership, but not democracy. Well funded nightly news says nothing about Russia anymore, but they are still communists.  Attention is only directed to what benefits profit. Profit breeds separation of the masses, and humans on the whole.


    I submit that America and Democracy now in this 2008 depression, shall morph into something different at the hand of the people. Our old ideals and past ways of greed and profit are collapsing and are doomed to fail. But the smart, proud americans shall pick up the pieces GWB and company have left behind and construct a new system to shine even brighter than before, with different ideals and motivations in focus.


    One such path will leave behind the past monetary ties and persevere in a direction of healing and the commencement of unifying the people of the planet without fear, greed, and wars. This shall come to pass when we all realize how we been taken advantage of for so long, and were given the chance to express what has been suppressed for so long due to the oppression of those in power for financial gains. Remove the need and source for killing and peace prevails. Spend as much time and effort towards peace and the sooner it appears. If our only focus was peace it would be here now.


The only thing in the way of obtaining world peace is MONEY...  


        Face it, own it, live it, get over it!


         You become an independent individual,

                  when you make up your own mind!



                   FEARLESS NOT CARELESS....



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