Ending Censorship

     If some people evolve faster than others then it's no wonder censorship is a problem. Who is to say that people sticking there head in sand is the proper way to deal with issues and who is to say that addressing full-on all issues isn’t the proper way.  The censorship board needs to be removed and updated to non 1950’s anti-sex thinking.  

Those people in charge have to be replaced by more open minded people and those in charge need to make it illegal to censor anything via closed-mined-ness or manipulation. Values of the past no longer fit the mold. The fear of losing control and making laws restricting people from gaining any knowledge of anything are purely Fascist and communistic in nature. Fuck them rich prudes who are offended by life and nature. These people need to be relieved of their position. The American system is not for prudes, its evolved into an open minded society without archaic values based on fear and sexual repression.  

Capitalism is changing and collapsing and they are losing control daily and using their money power to cover it up, just as they told us Russia collapsed, we too are the ones falling into the abyss. Yet they keep the fake facade up and continue to operate. Bankrupt and still operating is the USA, what a fucking joke. 

How many more lies are you people going to tolerate?  It's your country, do something already. You are so fucking bored now and have been for at least 24 years of just passing time and losing all your freedoms because you don’t have nothing better to do. Well here is something better, get off your fat fucking ass, the one that bitches about their jobs being shit and working too hard for too little.  You want something to change, pick up your 2nd amendment right and march up to the white house and solve this fucking problem already. You lazy piece of shit. 

The country who controls its people better is the one that has its pieces in place better, like chess. 

Well it's time to expose the Great Nation for what it really is, a fascist police state, there's No free in it what so ever. Tis high time for the next American Revolution to rid the USA of its tyrant, selfish money leaders. 240 years plus is far too long.  

Step aside or be buried by your own people. Remember everything you taught is that it all belongs to the people not to the people with the most money. Your all gonna fall clutching your money. And as we break your controlling grasp maybe we'll spare your life for fucking us over for so long, every generation you manipulated and coerced through fear. 

You might just get out of this dead. Once it's exposed for all to see, you’ll be like Saddam Hussain, hiding in another country in a rat hole.  There will be people in the south who will want you for dinner and people in the west who will want to put you in a zoo.  So start changing your ways because your fate is coming down fast above you and once you look up to realize it, whap! it’ll be over.                          



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