Money or Not?

Let me just see if I have it straight. After 42 and a half years of life and being American, I have come up with what I have sorted out for myself with the given input that the first world has to offer.  Capitalism,  social control, civilization, and natural instinct. The one with the most money controls the rest of those who don't.  So this means the poor without money are the slaves of the rich. Somewhere along the line before I was brought into this world this way was adopted or forced upon the rest and the rest is history. So this means to me that poor people allow themselves to be shit upon. They allow others to control them. And money is the enforcer to keep the status quo. Meaning that the control of others by a means of a value system is constantly reinforced and supported as long as everyone involved allows it to continue.  


    So civilization is another word for trapped. The nature of the human beast is suppressed to the point of control, and this is what they call civilization. All those who don't buy it are outcast. Right now the outcast group is much smaller than those in control. So in order for the smaller group to overcome the larger group is to have something level the odds. The removal of money and its value system is the answer. In a country called the land of the free, nothing is.  Free meaning what exactly? Free from what? Everything costs something according to capitalism.


    Stop a minute and make a list of 5 things that are free. Or a list of 10.  One is air, another is sunshine,  wind, and rain and that’s it. Today the free air is so polluted that it makes it costly to find a clear sunset. Get real people. For lack of any other solution of how to make a society of humans live amongst themselves it reverts to the only known adapted path that is ruining the health of the only planet we can survive on and its’ people.  


    Such a grand lack of intelligence with regards to the health of the whole is what the people with all the money have aspired to.  If you stand back and look at the earth from the perspective of the the moon and had a list of all the things that we know about that ails the planet and humankind, your first survey of the planet earth would be to skip it, and pass it off as “who the hell would enjoy living there!” and move on to the next planet or solar system.  The inhabitants of this planet don't even care that they live in their own filth. It’s not very attractive, or even to be a little proud of.  And the highest concentration of the pollution is above the north american continent.


    Remove all the influences of ancient times. People still living in the past and holding on to this un-evolved thinking is keeping the rest from growing themselves. The money system is obsolete. By this I mean its’ concept and its’ consequences have hampered the growth of humankind from itself.  The ones using its power to control others is the culprit of keeping humans separate from one another. The only ones smarter than the money system are the ones who have seen the money system for what it is and have used its’ power to keep it in place.  Via the media, social laws, and any and all other tools at its’ disposal to perpetuate its’ continued existence, no matter the harm it brings, and the negative conditions it creates.  I cannot be the only one in the world who has seen this and if so, then I am smarter than all the other people out there. This is not a true statement, but to me it is very apparent that this system of money value is the thing keeping the human race from evolving, growing and coming together as humankind.


    Now whether or not you’re of an open mind or a closed mind, the fact still remains that all closed minds can be opened.  The choice to keep ones mind closed is by your own doing, but the constant reinforcement of an entire society to keep it closed is to your disadvantage and the disadvantage of the human race.  I have seen many a closed mind at work or should I say not working. The open minded are the fortunate ones outside the framework of the money system and the trapped ones when it comes to capitalism.  Trying to live with an open mind in a closed system is futile. It does not allow for smarter thinking or ways of living.


    It confines the thinking to behave a certain way and punishes the open mind for expanding or growing away from the social norm. This is the area that holds back the human race and needs to change if we as a race of beings are ever going to survive past the shortcomings of the past systems’ misguiding. It is amazing to me that so many are so complacent among the rest.  


    It proves that only a natural act of nature can bring together the inhabitants living here. Or is there another way to bring about the abolishment of the greedy monetary system.  Does anyone out there have a brain. How many ways can you come up with replacing the system that closes the mind and enslaves its’ support group to continue its’ self defeating path.  You must have an idea! you must have a brain!  Granted the system your living in  doesn’t make it easy to come up with other ways of living without money, but that doesn’t mean you can’t think of other ways or even offer them to the rest.  


    Do you see the cycle for what it is? Birth, growth via parents who have jobs, car, mortgage, debt, and the lessons passed down to each generation to perpetuate the same.  This is the current cycle of humans in a capitalist society, and the rat doesn’t even question the walls its trapped behind as long as it finds the cheese when it gets to the end of the maze.  The rat will kill, steal, borrow, rape, maim, fight, lie, cheat, and screw the other rats to get its’ cheese.  When the rat has no more drive to look at its predicament, then nothing will change.


    The creators of the value system know this and are playing each generation like a fool. The next thing to control is the water each rat gets and once the source of life is controlled then all is lost and FREE is completely removed and survival will kick in once again and the killing wont be for pleasure, but for survival, just like it is out on the plains of the African jungle.  Once the humans have to fight for their survival it will make Hitler, Hussein, Mussolini and Kahn look like kindergarten.  


    Your neighbor now, the one you don’t even like or possibly don’t know their name, will be either your friend or foe. Hence the reason the 2nd amendment is so popular and the current administration is under investigation of. Yes we are trying to love thy neighbor, but when there is a lack of food or water, you watch and see how fast your neighbors become the competition. If you think not me and or my neighbors, then you’ll be in for one hell of a surprise, and quite possibly the first buried.  


    All societal graces will collapse and only the strongest will survive. The old and weak will fall first, then the young will be rounded up to see which are necessary.  The strong will be weeded out via the one with the most bullets.  Then the rest will be groupings of humans reverting  back to dark ages hierarchy where men and women are not equal and instinct will rule once again on the planet. Men and women will resume their respected roles as nature has designed.  And with as many people on the planet now that number of humans will be reduced even further to the point of sustainable necessary only numbers.


    This is the current path of the current human race in charge of the rest of the people on the planet.  You don’t care now because its’ not here now. But the signpost up ahead says “bridge out” and the conductor is in the bar car dancing the night away, and your life is the collateral damage when the train careens over the cliff.  Having the power to change the path is one thing and sitting back and doing nothing to change that is suicide and sad.


    The circumstances of the money system created thus far has forced humans to withdraw to self sustaining levels, disregarding the needs of others. And please don’t think that religion is the answer. Your god and saviour(s) is not going to pull you from the wreckage that is this dark scenario. Oh sure your own sanity and piece of mind may keep you safe inside your own mind, but when they are evaluating your worthiness to keep or kill, your pseudo-threats or curses of “god will punish you” to your captors will only echo in your ears as the guillotine lops off your head, and your body is used to feed the cattle for food for your captors.


    But it’s your choice you can decide now to help change the path of humanity or not to. I don’t think I am the only one who feels this. Many others are happy being taken advantage of. They relish in it, bask in it, bathe in it.  That makes me think that there are a lot of stupid fucking people out there making decisions that affect the life I live. And it’s sad to think that some of them who allow this are related.  I know some of those related to me and some are very smart, yet they do nothing.  It’s all very confusing, disheartening and demeaning.  


    If it’s bigger than you and you allow it to happen then you’re no better than the money system itself. You know it’s wrong, yet you go along with it, letting it control your life, it’s easier to live your life with your head in the sand than to raise the issue and that to me is a very unworthy, shallow, coward-full, and pride-less a path for any human to follow. Especially for one who calls themselves an American.  



    Fair play to all those whom wish to help change the current path of the way humans hurt one another. And to all those whom wish to maintain the current path may your karma befall you, sooner than latter, so we can get on without you in our way.







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