Leveling the Field


Aloha All,



  University classes on money is curious, Ask them what would happen if everyone stopped paying taxes and pulled all there money out of the banks all at once.....?


This would be the end of control of the people in America..... This would be the people taking back the control of its own government.


Never underestimate the power of denial... or the Human Brain.



    Like that movie What the Bleep do we Know?  This is the future of human evolution regardless of the way things are now. The current way of life now is going to be less and less important to humans. The collective consciousness will evolve away from greed, war, pain, and all the past paths of bad behaviors that we all have been living among all our lives.

     When the bubble pops for the consciousness to awaken among the american humans be sure you are some where distant from the main population if you can.

      It's potential is very, very good, but also very unstable. The shit is going to hit the fan soon and if the people with cooler heads don't prevail to help guide the misinformed at this moment in time all hell will break loose, because it has the potential to be very dangerous.


     So this is just a heads up to you to hopefully pass along, Its good to understand the history of money, and its use in the world, but soon it will no longer matter. Money will be a thing of the past and the cornerstone hallmark that people will use to look back on one day and say wow! we used money so poorly and so ill minded. And it will become just another entry in Wikipedia to look up... “as just a useful tool of Greed for human separation that kept people from becoming one”!


       This is the only good money has. Money's only good is its’ usefulness to separate the masses, like Racism, no good for anyone. It too will be dropped like a hot potato in the minds eye, re-evaluated, removed from society and banned as a separatists tool to suppress the working class.


         Once this has happened and the collective consciousness has evolved it will agree to no longer use money, just as the smoking ban in California is used today, money too will be put in a ill light and people will accept it, adapt and move on.  And this will cause repercussions, but eventually morphed into the collective mind.


       Some professors may think never will this tool go away, but this is what they want to keep in the forethought of its’ students because it’s part of the machine keeping the idea alive. Outside the box is where to be, because the box is collapsing in upon itself and being inside is just plain stupid. Don't let the system keep you dumb, remember the learning institute you attend is based on keeping its’  attendees in the system’s loop. Yes it’s beneficial and you do learn, but teaching the mind ill concepts is not growth or education, its only a ticket in to see how bad Greed has taken over this cross-section of humans.



                                        Mahalo and  Aloha




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