Wake up Silent Majority

  Live life and volunteer for work, not be made to work, or forced to work, just live life and if things need to be done, then those who want to volunteer can do so. We don’t have to be forced to work for profit, We already know how to produce food and shelter, as a human for humans. So what’s the point of competition to produce the same effective product.  Once the way is found to make a sustainable object there is no need to have any effort in to making it 98 different ways,  like tooth paste, one brand will be effective if it’s used.  Or cars or fuel, or whatever. Only food should have recipes.  Society,  humans, need to examine what all this wasted time and effort for producing like products, and focus that wasted time and energy on bringing the people together as one.


     Competition and the drive for profit is the number one source of separation. And the powers that be in charge are the slave owner cracking the whip of fear, keeping this ideal alive. If you bring up the idea about changing it away from the current path, they put all there resources into belittling, discrediting, and promoting chaos and fear that they would lose control of the masses.... Well don’t you see, there is the answer, in order to break their control, and for you to stop killing your self from working for money, the solution is to just stop. Once we stop we can alter the course and change the plan and the direction of the current path. Because this path just perpetuates the continuance of enslaving people for profit...... fuck that. Doh bart.  


    Just because you don’t know the answer to how it will be if you don’t work doesn’t mean it wont work, or that you’ll die, only they use that to keep you in line. How can I be the only one who sees this?  I stand back and look at their model of their society and man it’s a slave plantation. When you ask them they say “well it’s still better than RUSSIA”, CHINA, or where ever they have been lead to believe it worse.... Well you see the slave doesn’t know any better because his eyes aren’t allowed to see that it’s not worse, they are only told it is. They are also feed lies to maintain there silence and obedience..... That’s fucking criminal. How long will it take for the masses to stop the drone like existence and lift there head from the focus of there plight and start focusing on existence, and survival, of all humankind. If living in the USA is so great, then why do have to go to other countries and kill for oil or energy, that sure sounds a lot like a bully. If America is the bully then why do they look down on it in their communities, why is it punishable, they are what they punish, making them hypocrites.  That is nothing to be proud of, and those actions are what need to be changed. If its so great why then doesn’t every one adopt their ways. Because it’s not so great to be a hypocrite.  Here is one problem and there are many other.


    No one human need starve, no one human need die from lack of shelter, or lack of water, The people in control playing with your lives can only do so if you continue to let them. NO amount of money they have can make you continue if your will isn't in it. SO it’s time to remove those who wish to enslave us and have been enslaving us. Maybe they are right, Capitalism can only survive when it has people to control, to be slaves, to produce, and when their working base stops they have to find more or new ones.


    The senators have to be removed and replaced, that part of the system no longer works, their only interest is keeping you in the dark and keeping you producing. If that is not so try writing to them and see if getting them to address any issue of what I am talking about. You'll see as countless others in the past has tried, and failed, this is a true sign that individually we are harmless, but together we are threat to them. SO the two face senator is smiling and agreeing when in person, one on one, but when your in a group you’re labeled by them, but if we all stopped working at once, they would call out OUR military to stop us. Well let it be then, it’s still better than this existence. As for the military, those people are not going to open fire on there own families. We run the show people not them, only they have money to suede the information, but only via TV and radio, not person to person.  


    The tide is right for this movement, and they know it, so turn off your tv and wake the fuck up. You want some thing useful to do with your retirement, join in and stop the corruption, the only ones you have to convince is yourself, feel useful again, do the right thing, see the truth, and help create a new and better America, because the old one is broken, and full of greedy liars, and you know it.


     Remove the “elected” people and start over, if people weren't driven by money, power, and acted like the average joe at picnic with his friends, on a beautiful after noon having a beer, then why cant that be true about people in other countries. They have kids and mothers and daughters, they all have peace when not forced to work. Dont listen to the corrupted leaders’ lies, or their broadcasts, those are all just suggestions, you don’t have to listen to them or obey them. If no one did then their system of control collapses and we the people take over by removing those who now sit in office. The way of the how is the answer and it just takes you to realize this.  How much more shit are you going to put up with?  If you like the shit they this is proof that you are conditioned so deeply that you need a slap in the face to wake up.  If you’re too scared to wake up then you are worthless for the cause. Fear is for pussies. Is america full of pussies, controlled by TV and money? Do they own your ass, and tell you they dont?  It sure looks that way when you step back from your daily routine, you look the fucking fool, and pathetic loser, they have feared you into liking and believing the way it now is, poor stupid American, what a fool. You can change this.


    Once they control the voting process they are pushing us and themselves into a REVOLUTION, if we can’t win by voting them out of office, which is there goal, and have achieved, then they have to use force against force, hence the military buildup of the eighties.  They need soldiers to protect them from the people, not foreign countries.  How many other countries do you hear or see trying to invade their neighbors?     And its for money,  N. KOREA, CHINA, RUSSIA, & IRAN, none of these have expanded their borders, we haven't had to draw new maps,  but they keep broadcasting to you that they are bad.  Maybe the people in charge who are dealing with them are the people who need to be replaced. No body want’s to be friends with the USA, because they are too disrespectful towards others. When other countries try to grow more energy proficient the USA labels them bad and spread fear to it’s people not to support them, with the term nuclear, which Reagan brainwashed you into fearing.  

    It’s not the case at all, many other counties have nuclear power and they aren’t going around and dropping bombs on other counties, like the USA did, they tell you they are bad because they have found a way to make nuclear power with purchasing it through the USA, that the only motivation, and you know it. So our leaders are pissed they missed out on the deal and condemn them, well if thats not greed I don’t know what greed is.  

     Crybaby American businessmen and leaders, who didn't get there spoiled rotten way, and lie to its’ people that we should now hate and fear the people who thought for themselves....  this must also stop and stop now.  It’s not impossible, its very simple.  Money, the Senators, all connected and all those who influenced with money must be Abolished!  Fuck the ’08 election, start another election, after we throw out the greedy criminals.  To truly lead one must come from an uncorrupted path. Not perfect mind you, but one not sueded by money.  People can live in harmony, and peace, without staving or dying of disease.  If the people leading have outside motivations to do others harm for money or power,  Kick em out, Hang ‘em High, and Start over.

    Once the new path is started there are lots of new changes to be made.  The peoples government will be an open book for all to read. Nothing will be covered up because nothing will need to be.  The media will no longer have need to edit the information to the highest bidder, or to the one with the most leverage.  Change is inevitable, and growth is optional.... The time to change is now, and the optional growth will soon be in the hands of those who will not need power and greed to lead the way of the HOW?




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