Defenders of the Faith

     Like the morning after bloody mary eye-opener, I have seen the light and wish to share it with all of you.  Do you see the light?   Do      you      see      the      Light?  Open your eyes and ears, open your mind, step back from the picture and look again. 
Wake up silent Majority........ this means you joe blow.  


    The light is so blinding than you shade your eyes by burying your head in the sand.  You’re missing their plan.  Their plan is so well designed that its’ direction is leading us to mistrust them to the point of making us start a revolution. And in order to regain order they have set in place all the means to re-contain the masses once they bear the opening onslaught of their own countrymen.  Using the example of the revolution and those who wish to entice a revolt as an example to further reinforce their actions have been done in the interest of safety and freedom, but this time from ourselves.  All the while hiding behind the belief that they are the true patriots.  Pretty wicked I know, yet ingenious if it’s true. But to what END!  End being the key word here. End of what? America, Freedom, Rights, all the above, or end of the world as we know it today.  And I don’t mean end of the world like a meteorite strike, but more like a shift of processes we have been accustomed to living for the past 200 plus years.


    I mean really folks did you actually think we could maintain this path forever?  It seems to me that if I were to want to rule the world I would first have to tame the inhabitants of the most powerful group of them in order for the rest to take it lying down.  I mean if the people of the most powerful nation at the current time, can’t be ruled then my plan isn’t worth attempting.  But if I could who’s to stop me (them)?


     Judas Priest said it so long ago through song and they were spot on.  Time has come, it is upon us, my generation is the key and they know this. They only mean to contain the rebels who pose a treat to their plans.  And like Neo in the movie “The Matrix” no matter what they do it’s coming and they can only plan for it’s wake. The motto is  young, wild, and free, my high schools’ class of ‘83’ motto is the force they cannot control. The last strong willed group of  properly educated kids are all grown up now and we will take charge of this disgrace set upon our country by the momma’s boy’s generation and set things straight once again. And like the song I have uploaded here is the outcome.  Some heads are gonna roll.......


     We are the last class from the era of good, honest, accountable, do the right thing values. Yes we broke all those rules set upon us by our elders, teachers, parents and did plenty things to test our boundaries, but the lessons we were taught from being so bad were pounded into our brains.  And all of the “pledge of allegiances” we recited for 12 years of school are about to be put to the test.  Our lesson to them will end with a bang.  We kicked open the door for the following classes to have free reign of no control, and this is the reason we are the generation to correct the past 8 years of the reckless, criminal acts set upon our great nation.


        Their fate is sealed by ours.  No where to run or hide, they cannot escape their karma. No amount of money will save them. And as for the classes of kids that followed us, they will once again be lead by our example to sustain our efforts. Once the light bulb turns on the masses will fall in line and no amount fear will withstand our resolve.  The fact that we don’t fear is the reason we will succeed. Confidence begets confidence. Their evil ways will be put to rest forever and you can thank us by believing in us. If there has to be a sacrifice group, there is no doubt that we are it.   We are fearless, dedicated, proud, remorseless, ruthless, strong, and above all not careless.  “Defenders of the Faith” baby!


     Their plan is either designed intelligently to look incompetent to use as an excuse to thwart blame  OR  is incompetent by using money and power as their shield,  Either way they both lead to a Revolution. It truly all depends on how you view the events of September 11, 2001.


    Whomever did 9/11/01 had a plan either way. Now,  they have enough power and balls to take this opportunity and use it to their advantage?. Or did they create such an event, to create the opportunity to their advantage.?


    Now if they are just incompetent criminals, corrupted by greed, with tons of power and are looking to control the masses through false events reported through their media control, then they are powerful enough to disrespect the people of the grand USA, and are so cocky to show just how much power they have.   Then these are times not to be careless or engage in small events of defiance, which would allow them to exercise their power to reinforce the fear. But the fact remains, the side of the scale that has the backing of the entire masses is at the tipping point and no amount of their power, money, fear, or control can stop the scales from dipping in favor of a much needed and long overdue  Revolution, but it must be done by the people as a whole, not in small groups.  


    Now if they aren’t just incompetent criminals, but very competent criminals and they have it planned to start a crisis, or they wanted to create a state of confusion and willingly spark a Revolution they are also going about it the right way, to the point of provoking us into it and hoping to make it look like there is no alternative. Now that’s a pretty smart way to bring a Revolution about.  If you needed to start another crisis then just bungle, lie, cheat, steal, and exploit the loopholes to resoundingly point out the problems we all know we have as a country.


    But what would be the point of this?  What would be the goal?  I think the goal would be to expose just how separated we really are. The United States aren’t so united as it is and they could exploit this through their power and control of the media. Through the collected fear they continue to promote, it would be easy to convince the masses that we need their control and make them look like the savior of all.  Their speech would be look at yourselves, you animals need guidance, saving, and structure, since you cannot or will not do it yourselves, we will do it for you, aren’t we great”.  


    Some may say “they aren’t that smart” or that I am crazy. lol.  Crazy smart maybe, but if you think about it, and all that they’ve done so far, it’s not so far fetched. Take away the right to vote, and have the power to silence a nation from conventional means of opposition and Viola, an instant police state under martial law is spawn. But for how long? How long will the people allow this to continue?  How many years, decades, or days, months, hours, minutes?                                           Well one thing is for certain it’s about to happen. Believe you me.


    And they are betting on all the confusion to keep you in the dark until it’s too late.  They are laying the tracks in broad daylight, right under your noses, in plain sight, but out of the view of the one thing you focus on, and hold as the only truth,  your fucking T.V.!  The smart ones know this. They’re are railroading you again “choo, choo,” and they’ve got you asking “can I blow the horn. daddy”.  


    So what are you gonna do ?  How you gonna act when it does? By the time you hear these words on T.V.  “Martial Law in Effect tonight in America” it’s too late.  You’ve lost all options and you have no one to blame but yourself.  You’ll be forced to conform or die when you run out of bullets.


    America,....... who?   more like Amerika!   the lazy, passive, sedated citizens are powerless to protest unless they revolt as a whole.  And if they are planning for the repercussions of a revolution, it will be a very strategic containment.  And all the past practice of wars will come into effect for them and the only wild card to use against them will be, for all Americans to stand up that morning and in chorus across this nation, from sea to shining sea, and say:


    “I pledge allegiance to the Flag, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under god (or not), indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all”


    The day will come when our days will once again begin with these words. We have a threat here at home people and it’s DOMESTIC! not FOREIGN! The only thing foreign about it is that it is from right here in our own backyard. It’s time to pull the weeds people.


    Every passing minute they are allowed to stay in power is an atrocity against every one whom considers themselves an AMERICAN. If these terrorists win by our own inaction what’s to stop them from spreading it elsewhere around the world.


          Defenders of the Faith verses Cowards with Fear!


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