I'll Tell You What!


Aloha to all humans reading this. The future of humanity and how to go about it. With any projections or guesses of what the future will hold, bring or be created, most people want to know how and when. 

The how is simple, the when is upcoming. The problem I see is that most are under the misguidance of money control and manipulation. Not one of the past government administrations have been for the whole of humanity, but merely a subsection of it. This is not the way to follow. We must omit the costs, money, deadlines and corruption of the capitalism system we use today. Removing the money use government is the key and first step to a future for all humanity. We cannot allow the current system to be used moving forward into the future. We have all learned that it's broken and untrustworthy and full of liars greed and corruption. Nothing gets done and too many have too much money to keep it stagnating and never growing for the benefit of all humns on earth. This is imploding and on the other side of the implosion is the future. I have spent lots of time writing about that already and seek not to rehash it here. 

The path to the future begins with the abolishment of money and with that the constant delays of production of conversion from the massive resource wasting culture we have now. All the hangups and hurdles will be removed when we stop competing with each other for the most wealth, shallow individualism and each nationalities way of life among ourselves. We need not waste any more of all of our resources on individual dreams and visions of utopia and stop fighting to be the one that leads or decides how it should become merely based on who has paid the most money to have their ideas become law or the path. That is usesless and massive fail on our part to allow it to continue. Nothing is solved or completed in such short term processes of exchanging leaders every 4 years and having conflicting sides of groups of people paying to have their say. 

No system of social government has provided any positive forward motion for the benefit of humans as a whole using money wealth, sexism, racism, classism, prejudice, punishment control or discrimination. We humans are allowing this form of decision making and we are only damaging the earth and wasting its resources in our time now and all the time prior for only those with the mentality of competition and larger piles of money wealth to be considered, heard or voted on. Money is unnecessary for humans to live, thrive and survive. It is the source that is hampering us and we must remove it to achieve anything. We have progressed so far from the caveman lifestyle but the use of money keeps our mentality stuck back in the caveman mind and have become detrimental to our species. 

Technology has allowed us to over come the need to depend on physical brute strength for life and our propagation. We may all be just children in adult bodies and our brains are locked into a set of parameters of money power controlled censorship of information and retardation of growth. This system is imploding and we are set to pick up the pieces and create a smooth transition from it. We as humans shall forgo all the things we have seen experienced and been subjected to by it enough to know its over and useless for the masses. 

We will be the planet of our species that will prevail in our endeavours and all future ideas to overcome this method of interaction. We will be doing all the same things we have been taught to do with our gifts, skills and opportunities, but we will no longer be doing so using money. We remove the money and we remove the pitfalls, failures, incompetence, censorship of information, false news, corruption, wasted resources and above all, our jeopardy of survival from it. 

We have the tech to produce all the basic essential necessities any human or animal life forms need to live here on this planet. We have foolishly and selfishly allowed these to become tradeable for a shallow cause and are seeing that it's doomed. We are intelligent enough to not allow ourselves to create a chaotic existence from it. We humans are capable of sharing and providing all these essentials to all for no cost whatsoever ever again. We've seen where it has gotten us and we're not going to allow it to ruin us or extinct us. 

The fear of not using money or the ridiculous mongering, bickering and name calling is for children on the playground. The removal of money power to be able to control our information and slander or smear those that wish to end the money system will not exist to be able to do so. Intelligence of the human animal simply won't allow it. The choice to change our system will be unanimous globally and we will all get along and we all will have enough for all lives now and in the future. 

We aren't in a fight with anyone and we aren't in jeopardy of losing any value. Money backed fear propaganda will fade and we will wonder why we didn't see it long before. Fear will end and life will go on and we all become a planet of life that protects and defends all of us from anything and never from ourselves again. We become the planet that has overcome its differences and prejudices and use hate one last time to abolish the money system of government. Hate is an emotion that's perfectly natural, valid and useful, the only difference is in the very near future we'll never use it on each other. We have learned all emotions and hate will be around forever, except it will be used for things like stubbing our toes or running out of toilet paper. 

All humans will adapt and comply with the new system for we have learned the current system is obsolete and useless. The problems we see and have now will all disappear and we will work together to clean up our past mistakes and our planet to a viable happy playground without question. We will move so fast forward that by the next generation we will have made an example of the old system to show future humans what not to do. We humans shall move on and recycle all the old systems buildings and put in the effort to make a non money planet without politics, poverty or war. 

The foreseeable future is now and it will look like this. The tearing down of buildings, agencies, government, outlets and  methods used for selling and buying anything. All resources will be used for essential necessities only. The only "jobs" per se will be without money compensations, rewards or trophies. Humans will focus on regenerative, recyclable and reusable resources and productions of the basic needs. All will be educated on how to run operate and maintain them for free and our partisipation will be oour payment to receive them all at not cost. No pressuring of deadlines to complete on time and no bonuses. All will receive the necessities of life and no body will be the boss over anyone else. No parental format of government no hierarchy of order or authority and no punishment systems to control behavior or curb enjoyment pleasure or freedom. All humans will have freedom to travel migrate and vaction anywhere on earth. WIth the removal of money system brings an end to prisons, police, courts, laws, crime, corruption, advertising, marketing, buying, selling, business, trading, deception, betrayal,  manipulation, leverage and tools of subjection for or upon anyone.

We no longer need to pursue happiness, freedom, sanctity, revenge, retribution, vendacation, ego or equality.  In one fell swoop everything positive we need is created and all things negative are forever removed from our use and consciousness. The necessity, stress, scarcity and fear of money has been alleviated and quelled. 

One country does not seek domination, one's ego doesn't try to command over others and humanity as a whole becomes unified for all of us. The cessation of striving seeking or trying to amass weasth to be able to hurt harm or contorl over anyone else is gone forever and we have delivered to ourselves and for all future humans a natural balanced and pleasing to all system of "for lack of a abetter word"  "order" for all to benefit from. 

We will give to ours species everything it needs to live on earth and to survive the whole of its life time here at no cost of money. These include fresh and clean Air, Water, Food. Free healthy sustainable medicine and care, shelter and all the most advanced modern tech to manage what it takes to do so. Everything we effort will be essential only and everything that's not will be discontinued, thereby saving the resources for only the essential needs to be alive 80-100 + years on earth. 

The need for security, protection and privacy will be removed and all the resources used now for these will be no longer wasted on them and therefore saved for only the essentials. No competition or resources used or wasted for best products, duplicate products, money making or false products. No ownership of anything like property, houses, land, toys or anything. No taxes, penalties or hardships. No behavior control, no punishment for offendedness, inappropriateness or insensitiveness,  Nothing deemed immoral off color, ill mannered and nothing censored,  An unhindered or unrestricted growth of the human being no matter the manner. No money to sue for, for whatever the reason. A growing up if you will of the human being as a species without discrimination and no money to allow or curb any type of behavior that doesn't physically harm another. There will be no mental harm or trauma stress or money backed laws to alter into the favor of anyone due to their feelings or lack thereof. No manipulation of innocence or inexperience or gullibility or honesty for the purposes to take advantage of for money, property or ownership. Every lesson, example or story we've ever read, heard or watched about these will never become used in those ways ever again. 

You all will receive everything you need to survive and never be without or have to own or work to acquire access to the basic essentials necessities to live. The lost in transition generation that is now that is still holding onto the past money culture power, land, title and things will be the last generation to do so. The smooth transition away from the ownership paradigm culture will entail the forfeiture of all all ownership and will never have to work to keep, protect or maintain it thru the use of money. The power from it it dissolves as do all the negative aspects. 

Without the need to use money and all the things used to maintain it are removed so that the human race can achieve together a common goal while still having individualism without the requirement and stress to do so, we become a species that has triumphed above the money adversity and it's ill concepts and consequences.  All interactions become honest and all become trustworthy to one another. There are no strangers, villians, creeps, vandals, stalkers or ill intended perpetrators. Common goal minded humans protect each other and for the good of the species, yes.... like ants for the colony or bees for the hive. 

But the difference is it's for us humans with a larger brain and creativity that's too easily influenced when corrupted ideals like money are used. The foregoing of money and ownership frees the species from its self servitude and subjection of another for self servitude, so the species can focus on far more important needs, desires, creativity and freedom. Being born is the freedom and having everything that a human needs is available for free, leaves the species open to a far more wonderful, broader and wilder visit to earth. 

No competitions for the resources makes harmony, peace and love flourish in stark contrast to all the things we have now that compounds, perpetuates and maintains a constant disharmony and negative environment for the species to navigate and suffer. Reading this means you're seeking this or an answer of some kind, for if you are in this time now, you know what I am referring to and are possibly living it and are sick of it too. 

No negative frequencies created means none transmitted or received or spread to another. That's more than enough incentive to want to abolish the money system.  Dreaming of being your own money boss or ruler or anything that makes your strive for personal independence or dictator over another isn't a dream, it's a nightmare. Abolishing the money system isn't a loss, it's a gain for all and if you're too self centered and don't agree and wish for the continuance of the money culture, you, my fellow human, are living in a nightmare you are not aware you are in. For if you believe the nightmare is the dream, you too have been fooled and taken advantage of, for the benefit of someone else, all the while believing and thinking it's the best possible dream and benefit for yourself, ha ha the joke is you. But we have the answer and it's a cold bucket of water tossed upon you while sleeping, but after you get mad, shouting dripping wet and you realize it, sincerely, from us all, already awake, dry and laughing at you.... you are welcome.  

Now get up, dry off and come out and play, it's gonna be a great future and everything is for free, just like you have been dreaming it should be. Come out and meet your fellow species, there are 8 billion of us here to welcome you to the new way of life, with everything you could ever possibly dream of that's essential to living because we have made it all available to all for no money cost whatsoever. 

Now live your life with this perspective and if it's not here now, get out there and make it SO!

For this is one possible and inevitable way that the human species can create to live its life here on earth all its time here. 

Aloha to you all and may we achieve the greatness of unity and equality for all in our time.



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