Capitalism Debt

Aloha all


    What a joke it is and a very bad business
we are as a whole country,  Bankrupt as it were to the little guy, the entire American Nation is Bankrupt, the problem is there is no collection agency coming to file US away. There is no mention of it at election time, there is no activist groups marching against this to bring it to light.

    There is only the cover up from the american people The solution is to get out of debt and straighten out the course away from the greedy path we are on, because this will be our undoing and  September 11, 2001 is the proof of this.              

    Although its not reported this way but in a Capitalist society everything is based on the dollar, be it happiness, sadness, greed, war, the illusion of Peace and above all Fear!


     The debt of country is in the Trillions of dollars. This simple fact is not hidden but yet the US business is still operating regardless. Now anyone taking a college economy class is taught that working in the red is the failure of the business, and one files for Chapter 11 an you fold up your tent of business and start over. Well at a national level of business not in the black, and not filing chapter 11 and starting over they continue to operate in the red and make laws to keep it going and maintain the same course of failure.

    The only way to change this path is for the people of the country to act as the police to blow the whistle on the government to correct the past mistakes. Yet there is no leader for this action to take place. Everyone pointing fingers at everyone else and the Country is lead straight into the ground with no sign of hope to help correct this. The lack of public involvement in government is the true culprit and the reason we are in the boat we are in.


    For example, any small business working in the black is fine and dandy but if its in the red there are checks and balances  and laws to remove these failed business. But who is going to check and balance the entire country. The people is the answer to this, but where are the people who know better? where are the voices to point out that its not working? The country operating in the Red is the one making excuses and creating war, in the hopes to maintain the country from going under and becoming the next failure in history, because they don't have the guts or balls to admit they are failing. All it would take is to stand up and say “look we fucked up and here is what we are going to do about it”. And “We need the country’s country-people to help us correct the past mistakes to make the country better and stronger and put us back in business so all can benefit. Like a good company would do”.

    There a possibly hundreds of thousands of business out there that run 100 times better than the country of the U.S.A.   Do not get me misunderstood the USA is possibly the greatest country around when it comes to creating positive ideas, but as a business it sucks shit. Every event in a capitalist society is linked to profit and loss, and we are in the loss column right now an I suspect its been this way ever since the great depression.


    Now with the tools of modern technology and the internet voices of all kinds can be heard and finally some of the more brilliant minds and ideas, yet governmentally suppressed via a million reasons, can be heard. Mostly suppressed due to making more sense than the current path of the country but not praised for fear of losing money. Great ideas are usually for the common good not the common profit. And if some one smarter than the government voices their ideas but no money can be made off of them, then the ideas never see the light. This is just plain greed and greed will be the undoing of the USA if its people cannot make it around this emotion and move on.


    As you sit idly by in your homes or in your homelessness and let the greedy people continue to ruin your future and your children's future then when the shit does hit the fan you’ll be so far under their spell of lies that the excuse they give will sound like this...... “ We have come to the conclusion the failure of the Capitalist society, that is the USA, is due to the fault of its people” yes this means they will blame their own people for its failure as a nation. I am writing this to tell you before this happens, that “I told you so”,  so wake dumbass’s and change your future before they blame you for fucking it all up in the first place, because you didn’t have the spine to speak up and point out the faults of the path America is on.


    As the song above suggests from the Adolescents, “they are leading us into World War 3” if Democracy leads us into a holy war about and against Religion of who’s belief is right does it really matter what party you are in. Then Democracy is not for me,  Death is death regardless of your faith or belief, War only brings death not peace, peace sells but who’s buying?  Go listen to Megadeath’s song  ” Peace Sells”  and open your eyes about the truth of Capitalism.  

    If no profit can come from promoting peace then where does that leave peace, on the shelf of the mind collecting dust like an antique article on display under glass, useless to all who think greed is better than life. Peace just sits there waiting for some one to use it. Like the old saying “break glass in case of emergency”. I don't see any American picking up a hammer and breaking the glass and allowing peace to rule.    

    They just have guards standing in front of the glass pushing everyone who tries away, and saying “move along nothing to see here”  or “ you can look but don't touch”. Well its time to mob rush this defense and eventually one will get through to release the truth and create a path for peace to flourish. Its your duty as an American Patriot to promote this line of thinking. Its still “We the People”.....right?  Voting is the Mob rush I am speaking of just to be clear to all those who think I am promoting a riot of the Nation. Riot in the form of Change through power of the vote.

     If you are not for positive change away from the current demise of the Fear laden path of greed in America you are the problem and not the solution, if you’re part of the problem then you are a Traitor to Democracy and should be handled like one.


    Thanks for your time and efforts towards a new way of life away from the failed system we live in now.


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