Effecting the Future

A simple little planet,  with some water, and from that water comes life, and us.  Forming, fighting, forsaking, mother nature is the biggest mistake we humans are making now, and have been since the Industrial Revolution. It’s time for a new Revolution! One that moves us in the direction of preserving the environment.  


    The past 150 years we have been destroying the planet from its ability to maintain life.  The systems that create oxygen, and cleansing water have been polluted by Humans. You, me and every one is guilty.  There is no committee who is keeping an eye on this,  like many humans, especially American humans whom pass the responsibility on to others. Well people the others as it’s put aren’t there and the ones there aren’t operating in the interest of preserving the current environment. The focus is on the wrong thing, and its about to get a lot worse. And sitting idly by and the passive stance of it’s all going to unfold as its suppose to be is not the right path.  


     I am exhausted thinking of the atrocious events we have overlooked, or have not been informed of due the control of the media for the upper 1% of the money pyramid.  They are painting themselves and you and me into a corner. It doesn’t take an Albert Einstein to see this happening. You have a brain and if you just use the other 90% of it you too would see this.  Once the planet can no longer sustain itself due to human intervention,  the planet’s immune system will kick in and solve the problem to heal itself.  Greed, money, ignorance, disbelief, and just plain shear stupidity, will no longer matter.  All life on the planet will be in survival mode and if  you think we are uncivilized now just you wait, you’re in for one hell of a picture show.


    People still believe in GOD and God will save them. What a fucking joke. Those people in charge of the focus of the resources that the American Veterans and the DEAD gave their life for are the people who need to be ENLIGHTENED.  Keep god and religion out of surviving the planets wrath. Call it god, jesus, or whatever, it makes no difference what you think or believe, when the planet starts healing itself the fearful losers will act just like the people they call atheists in the respects to finding food and water for their families over the next families.


    You sit back and say this won't happen and you can think that I am full of shit, I DON’T CARE,  but when you try to get water for your family and there is another family doing the same thing you will be reduced to the same thing you now see on the National Geographic Channel the animals do.  You and your family will die of starvation and thirst and will learn how to equate killing for survival and you too will be guilty of murder.  And if you do nothing, because of your beliefs, you’ll die that much quicker and be used as food for those whom are not as stupid as you.  


    Wake up and see the direction the current political leaders are taking us.  When society breaks down will you be food or fed?   Will you sit there in your home when you find out that they are screwing you for all your money and your best interest is not theirs? When will you act?, when it’s too late? when the T.V.  tells you there is no more clean water unless you promise to work for them? When the T.V tells you there is no more food? When the truth comes out that your government can’t sustain the population numbers with food and water, that only means one thing....... some of you have to go, to keep their profits growing. They only complain when it hits them in the bottom line.  If you and family dips into their bottom line, you better believe you’re being considered of how much you’re needed.  


    Capitalism is only a waste-making society, it doesn’t think past today, most trees are gone forever will never grow back in those clear cut zones. That means no more fresh clean oxygen will be produced for the entire continent of South America.  You have heard about the guy who commits suicide by sitting in his car, in his garage, with the car engine running.  This is what is happening to the EARTH.  And you, me, and the all the people have created this reality. The thing that pisses me off is that nobody seems to care or is misinformed of this and so nothing happens.  They have you so busy and wrapped up in making a profit to support you and your family that you don't have time to see or unite to try and change it.  This is what all these essays I am writing about for 20 years now. 


    Extinction is inevitable, but does it have to come in the form of stupidity, arrogance, ignorance, profit, greed, and just plain carelessness.  Are  you willing to follow the sheep over the cliff?

  It sure looks like it.  It really makes me sad to think that humans have the power to kill themselves and yet other humans know it and allow it.  You’re on a planet that is your only place to live and you’re allowing other humans to destroy it. If it was your actual house, shelter, and or patch of sidewalk, you would be up in arms defending it, but you’re trapped in the dark because you are being misinformed and not enlightened about it.  


    American is on the brink of becoming another Roman Empire, and that is too sad, and by the time you realize that this election will not be even held you will wake up with no place to run and no power to react.  Victim of circumstance, and if you still hold the belief that it’s in your best interest, or for your protection, then you like the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” will be the one who gets caught for acting up and thrown away some where like Guantanamo Bay,  and labeled a threat.  And if you are so blind to this and are willing to follow the sheep then fair warning has been given to you and no mercy will befall you, you’ll be seen as the enemy.  


     If  you want to be in with the smart people you had better wake up today because we are already circling the drain and have been for some time.  They have been planing this way before 9-11-01 and way before Watergate,  tomorrow is another day lost to their plan, and one day closer to completion.  Like one big chess game, check mate is coming  NOVEMBER 2nd 2008, the day that never happened.  This election will be stopped and banned by the new Adolph Hitler,  GWB,  and at the helm of the most powerful, paranoid, nation of all time will have unlimited power to make you do whatever he whims.  Powerless  you will be and all the moves to escape this fate have been carefully thought out and countered, just like 9\11 was.  You swallowed that lie and therefore you will now swallow anything they tell you.   I



    I used to say this in chat rooms over and over again, before bush was stole the office, he was going to kill your children, and make you believe you that if was for national security, over and over I got kicked off AOL, starting up under new names and different credit cards,  at least 7 different  times,  all to no avail, and now 8 fucking years later it has come to pass. So by the time the election day comes, it will be too late.


    Their plan to become the most powerful leader of the world is almost complete, like Darth Vader and Star Wars, make no mistake this Administration is evil and have the resources to plot a coup of the USA, your home and your love.  Doesn’t the term “HOMELAND” sound a lot like  “FATHERLAND”  of Germany 1936.  Come on people wake up!  


    If you are asking what can you do, then there is hope for you and us. But if you don’t then sadly it will pass into the past and the future will be the living nightmare you are guilty of creating.


    Stop what you are doing and stop what your neighbor is doing and form a citizens group and march the capitals of each state.  This is the only way to win.   They have foreseen this avenue of potential action and are prepared for it, but if you need more convincing that I was right then when they start labeling the marchers as unpatriotic this will be the evidence you need and can use to prosecute them when the battle is over.  If society mimics anything in History, and History does repeat itself then now is the time for history to do just that, in the form of America becoming a dictatorship, only labeled as the New Republic of the USA.  Boy oh boy does this sound scary enough to you yet.  I don’t know why you people don’t listen or act, it’s beyond me I guess, but once you look back after the fact, you can cuss yourself for being stubborn and finally realize just how much you were used by the elitist scum.  People playing GOD? NOT!     it’s people using people.   You must like being used, you must really be lazy to allow others to fuck with your life to no end.





    If you wait like I suspect most will then it will be too late and all of your life’s work and earnings will be for naught.  What you have now will no longer be yours and there wont be a damn thing you can do about it.  EXCEPT HEAR THE WORDS “ I TOLD YOU SO”  from people like me.....



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