The How of the How?

 Aloha the the people of the world,

         I would like to show you the way of the howI have been writing my brains out for 2 years now. Mostly ranting and raving about the way things are as examples of the insaneness of it allYes, true a bit bitter, mad, angry, sad, and yet positive and hopefulAll the past articles have been the catalyst for this opening statement which follows herein

    From the feedback given I acknowledge your input and am thankful for itA huge mahalo nui loa to allI do see that I havent truly given any set plan in order to show how the way of the how can prevailI just felt it important to point out my observations of what Ive come to believe of how it all is not workingI do know there are plenty of others out there with the same basic idea. And yes I too am guilty of living according to my given surroundingsI see how it effects the human psyche and the ego to be fortunate enough to have the freedom to say and do mostly as I wish given the limits set by the amount of income I earn.  

        I see an entire planet of humans living separate of one another even though they are literally oneThe illusion of more and less, the illusion of being different, the illusion of treating others on scales of value and competitionI have only one more thing to point out with utter clarity and this should level the field between all humansOnce its realized and understood the wave of change will overwhelmingly take hold in your minds and you too will see its purpose.  

        No more will there be a need to gain more than the other guy, no more will there be a need for people to go without, no more will there be a need for any human to ever hurt one anotherNo more barriers, no more walls, no more fear, no more headaches in the middle of the night, or ulcers to need a Rx for, no more, stress related blown fuses in ones mindThe concept of having everything you ever needed for what ever it is, be made available to all whom require whatever they needIts really simple true indeed it is, and you too can have what you require to surviveThink first what humans as an individual unit needs to live. Air, Water, Food, Sleep, and Sex. The 5 basic needs of all living thingsI am not reinventing the wheel here. The thing is America is one of the most resourceful nations at this point in time. All around the world other nations have made further advances and some have made less in technology

        We have taught ourselves to feed masses of humans and animals , heal masses of humans and animals, hurt masses of humans and animals, but we havent taught humans how to get along with one another. To love one another, to befriend one anotherSure we are good at killing and maiming, but the thing is we need to save these abilities for a true enemy. Like the three musketeers, all for one and one for all, that is perfect for when we need to defend the planet from martians if so confrontedAnd if a day ever comes to this, and the most sharpest point of which I am writing, we dont need to be saying welcome to Earth by taking the first punch due to ignorant fear of outsidersSometimes in some certain circumstances when I see humans behaving in a manner of out for themselves to gain more than their fellow human through better vantage points due to status, I wish an outside civilization would come out of the dark sky and kick their butts in the name of justiceBut we dont live in outer space at least not now, but we are trying

     We cant even agree on who should be leading, a simple little thing as a group in a certain region of the planetWith this as a blueprint for human behavior, the idea of taking it out into the universe is surely the wrong path and wrong example to set, to teach, to have be witnessed, or to be portraying as a human trait. I hear a lot of people saying that humans will never ever agree to remove the one thing that maintains the hate, the competition for more, the need to kill, and I say they are wrong every timeYet they persist and I figured out why this is so. Its because the focus of the masses of the more fortunate humans are constantly broadcasted endlessly to keep it alive. In other words thats all we are teaching them. We dont teach them on a grand scale to help one another, to love one another, to see each other as part of ourselvesI am sure there are large numbers of humans who do teach them to do just this, but given the model we have set so far and the resources at our disposalwe see nothing but examples to keep us going in circles and promoting all the evils that the human can experience


         There is only one cause for this cycle and it must end if we are ever to gain trust amongst ourselves. You know what it is and you know I am right, and I am stupefied by its continued existenceJustImaginethank you John Lennon, it for one afternoon, talk about it at your next family gathering, hint at it in those circles that will have no part of it. You want a conversation starter for that pretty young thing youre lusting after, merely suggest the removal of the monetary systemYoull get laidTrust me.  

    As the whisper of it turns into softly speaking, and then morphs into the hot topic to talk about, no other ongoing conversation will have a chanceThe next step is to make a group, then a study group, then an interview, then a documentaryshifting gears to a sitcom, an then youll be voting on it. And once it passes youll say hey I used to know a guy who started this whole thing, hes real old now, but he told us so, and damn if he wasnt right, one smart motherfucker, but crazy as I remember”. 

        If we have the power to continue this path were now on then we have power to continue this which I suggestLife with out fear, the need, or the drive to gain capitalRemove the capital, remove the thinking that drives it, remove the laws that support it, and live in a world were we work together to achieve what ever else money is blocking us fromYou cant imagine what that would be because it is all that you are forced to seeFrom a country of dreamers and free minds they sure dont have the brains to see their own shacklesWe stopped physical slavery and traded it in for mental slaveryOrganizing people to strive to be the best they can be in order to perpetuate a system to keep them killing themselves for itBoy thats stupid, just plain stupid. The ones benefitting from your efforts give you nothing, yet you continue, and continue to continue for generations. You put your children into that system and reward and punish them when they do both good and badyour support of this is truly bafflingIf you hit your thumb with a hammer whilst nailing, you stop and sayFuck that hurtsthen are more careful to miss your thumb the next swingBut with the capitalistic system of money you hit your thumb and your childrens thumbYou keep hitting your thumb and saythats the breaks better get used to it”.   Only the pain isnt so painful in America, because you need that money to buy the bandage to heal your thumbAnd off to work you go again. Hi Ho, Hi Ho its off to work we goJesus thats stupid, almighty stupidActually its retarded to continue to follow this example.  

        I challenge you all to just think, discuss and dream of an alternative and write down your thoughts, solutions, ideas, and dreams of what you think it would be like to remove money as a solution to help bring this planet of humans together as oneIf you could go to the store and all the same things would be there needed to support humans, like now, and just say this is what I need now and  come back each month or year to resupply is all. If you had to go to the doctors for what ever ails you and you could have it if there was a cure for whatever you hadIf you had everything you need to support your life till you die, and didnt have to work for a certain level of earnings to get it, there would probably never be any more sickness after a certain amount of timeYou could focus on whatever you wanted to do, and not worry about the things you didnt want to learnThis would surely expose those who were better at some-things over others and then they could do that for their contribution to the human raceIf you could go to school for what ever you were interested in, instead of excluding those who are not in a positive FINANCIAL position to learnHow many brilliant minds are left to waste because of the wall of moneyI bet tens of millions, if not more.  

        As for the lines on the map and borders of the world there would be no need for them. Each region is already known for what its productive of, and using money as leverage to get more of it is the crime against humanityRemove the value system of money, gold, and the like, stop what youre doing, take a breath, sit down with the current powers that be and discuss the removal of this retarded system of human slavery. They, the government, arent the people who put food on your plate, and yet they are the people who can keep it from your plate. We are the people bringing it to theirs. With out our efforts all stops in one momentLike a train switching tracks, the mind set shifts towards a planet free of money and mental slaverySet up forums to discuss the madness allowed to rule humans and abolish it. Plain and simpleThe longer you let the conductor drive you into sickness the more you deserve it

        I have only skimmed the surface of ideas that could be and they all may need deeper thinking, but as it sits now no body is acting in a positive manner to help remove itIf you are willing to help then please show it, by all means necessary, show you are tired of being used and prove how retarded it is to continue this pathYou, I, We, all humans can help bring this about before its reduced to nothingDont squander your potential, dont think it cant happen, dont be the one who casts a negative light on this possibilityUse your voiceuse your power, use your good fortune to help stop the way things are nowList some positive thoughts and talk to others about itShow your love, show you care, show overwhelming proof to all and be free of the one and only thing stopping us from taking the next step to changing the world for all humans, here and for all those to follow

    Dont you think youll be better not having to out best your neighbor for having better material thingsPeople around the world are living in dirt, starving and dying of disease, Ive seen it first hand. The humility of it is overwhelming, and the sadness of it is the way they look at you, with all your travel goods to support life outside your bubble. To see their lack of food, water, and all the necessities I have grown accustom to, due to my region of upbringingSome have looks of awe, bewilderment and possibly a lot of other things I was too busy to pick up onI dont see the need to have more than the next person, or to feel above them, because I have what money offers, what I guess I am saying is that money has served itspurpose and its time to move on and away from that lesson. Use what weve learned from using money to get things, but thats all we need from money , or thats all we should need from the money experimentNow what I am saying is that we dont need it any longer to be humanPut that tool back in the tool box and move on to living with out itspresence. Remove itspower and thereby removing the walls between humans


        I dont profess to have all the answers, yet I profess to say look at where it has gotten us at this point in timeI am sure there are better tools we could be using and now is the time to startWith the help of all the fortunate good souls out there, we could rid the world of focusing on greed, corruption, and war.  

        I guess it comes down tothe willof people, so I ask who will? I will, will you


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