Crystal Clear

We don't need anyone's permission 

Listen doesn't mean follow or obey

Mad is angry or upset not cuckoo or hysterical 

So many words misused showing ignorance is quite a thing to see. 

Only now have i been able to gather my rest and thoughts to put down digitally on paper,  ha ha, the last day of Nov in 2024

The light at the end of the tunnel is ahead and it's been a great ride getting here, but the last years of youth have been sadly traded for physical peace over mental pleasure. But whatever! I needed to quit my job and venture back home eventually, longevity in the genes means more time to piss away just be sure to stay within reason not to go overboard with escaping that it leads to worsening health, 

So many sacrifices and turning down opportunities for base sexual pleasure from so many leads to taking it for granted and a detachment of its need. Loneliness has its perks like mental peace and harmony counts for a lot of credit especially when most are liking to trap you or manipulate you with their bodies for sex as trade or bait, that seeking short shallow fly by nights is a dream and a blessing. 

It sounds like lonely bragging, but I couldn't have this if I was mentally stressed  and emasculated. Open, no strings or conditions or expectations goes much further towards the pursuit of happiness with nothing to compromise or have to be considerate of others before making decisions or progress. It's much much way more awesome a life style. 

It's worth it ! Apart from the uncountable freedoms and the deeply mentally satisfying freedom there's even more!

When you don't need permission and no one is pressuring you for anything and you can sleep and dream in harmony, your body's mind  turns into its own  3D I max theater bringing  smiles vivid colors and sounds in your own dream machine. 

Getting retired or stopping to be a part of the money slave culture gives new opportunities to think and have time to ponder about what were doing here. Seeking out and finding out thru observation and behavior of everyone around makes for these ideals of the need to change the way humanity is dealing with each other and to be able to vent a better way away from what can only be seen as a destructive path we are on. 

Trust, Honesty, loyalty, value, ethics beliefs, what a load of crap ! When the spiritual is all there is.  The manipulation of these ideals used to drive and corral others for the benefit of a few is an ingenious way to do it and a so shallow and remedial way as well. When the human brain is so gullible and nurtured to be so its easy to fill it with what ever you desire. Money to keep alive was the idea and to be better than and have more than others was the intention and in such a reality culture, it was the obvious course to make the most of it. But Now it's exposed and it dies when unfunded. The people don't die, the concept dies. But they have you believing that you die if you don't follow the concept of money. What a bunch of horseshit that is, but it worked and some are still clinging to it direly. Sad. What's the alternative you may ask? there are lots of options to to the money culture. 

When we run out of cotton and businesses collapse,  hemp will be the main source and logical choice for everything! No more resources wasted on each person trying to start their own business or own one. That horrible distracting lie of prosperity and road to personal Happiness ends with collapse of the money value system and all its supporting branches that helped keep it afloat. 

Now that it's nearly sunk, it's merely the useless remains of a culture that reminds us of the painful waste of resources it truly was. Thankfully it will never resurface and we can move on to sharing everything with everyone on earth for FREE that's real FREEDOM! Not freedom disguised as free at a cost of some printed valueless paper or coins! Hello. 

The option of sharing and giving return and we adapt to it with the same gusto level as greed and corruption were, only we do it for the good and the benefit of all. With all our minds seeking to make abundance for all, with the same driven intention to find money and make it grow at all costs and illegal ways and all the desire to be king and have more than any one else and kill the competition, with the blood thirsty, cut throat viscousness that we humans can produce, only this time we direct all that massive energy to doing it for everyone. To help them instead of treating them like slaves and degrading them with money as the reward or the giving the good doggie the bone while stilling keeping them on a leash and outside like a pet. 

We open up the avenues of sharing and giving and caring to a level that makes Earth a place to be happy to participate in.  Forgoing all the negative news and actions making it a place so safe and stress free that there is no need to monitor or govern ourselves except through self restraint. It's up to the individual to not be subjected to extraneous sources that cause them to act out or need attention to quell their insecurities and fears. 

Harmony and peace wash over the lands and seas and tranquility and happiness aren't a struggle, strife or elusive. Adversity and competition only grew thru money culture leading to war and premature death. Sad fearful sick greedy uncaring people fearing death and their own shadow created that system and killed and created a punishment system to keep it going.  This too shall pass and it's here passing now and we get to witness its death and help to make a new avenue learning from those lessons, mistakes and misfortunes. Sadly at the cost of lives of our brothers and sisters of our species. We owe it to those that were so misguidedly lost, murdered and imprisoned to make a world without money so no more humans ever have to go through that or suffer that deep indignity ever again. 

Only us in the now can help to make such a new culture, for the change is upon us and we must endeavor to prevail it, to and for all, by us all, for the future to bury the past's dark, ugly trail that lead us here, to be able to move forward into a place that we don't have to individually leave our own personal mark behind as a legacy, but to gather ourselves now to leave behind a loftier vision, that doesn't hurt or use anyone coming after us. That, I think, is a far greater purpose and a much more grandiose legacy to leave behind of our times, a better contribution to be remembered by than just some dipshit who collected a lot of tokens and decided to pretend he was king over others while he was here. 

SO if you finally now see what all this writing is a about and you have awakened and agree then help in your area and we'll meet in the middle and when the smoke clears we will have given humanity a massive foot up to it's legacy for all to see. 

Peace and Love are the answer, money and subjection are not. 

Help everyone help everyone or perish under the boot of fascism and contribute nothing to be forgotten and to be remembered as the ones that had the opportunity to help, but were too cowardly to help.  Not a great showing from the people that boast the land of the free and the home of the brave, but maybe they've just haven't gotten up to speed or enlightened yet. So boom! here you go, now you know. 

                    Smile!! it's contagious and it makes you feel great!

                                       Good Luck to everyone  :)



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