Don't be a Litterbug

  Aloha all,


    Litterbug = Lazy, Inconsiderate, Totally Thought-less Example of Respect-less Behavior Under God.


    The senseless crime of littering is so prevalent that it really is a shame to think that some people carelessly pitch trash around the world. This is a photo of Maui’s Seven Sacred Pools Waterfall park. The trash has washed up into this beautiful part of the world.


    I have come up with a solution that needs everyones help and welcomes your input.

     Litter carries a fine of $500.00 to $1000.00. Only the police can issue a citation and only when its witnessed by them. This is far too ineffective and is the reason we have no viable enforcement.

     But imagine this if you will, John\Jane Q. Public, good citizen of Earth, could be used to help prevent the future of litterbugs everywhere. If we promise the witness\public half the fine of litterbugs and have documented proof of the offense, and are willing to stand character witness in court, then the incentive of $250 to $500 per incident or per piece of litter surely would reduce or stop litter altogether. Just think of all the Litter you see every day, every bottle cap, cigarette butt, paper, bottle, or whatever, and attach $1000 to it. Every state would be out of debt in quite a hurry.

    This is also a good job for the homeless, if one homeless person dedicates their time in witnessing litterbugs, in a few weeks this person could be back on their feet and back into feeling like a human again. Or even the kids of the world looking for something better to do than commit a crime they could be encouraged to prevent one.


    What to do is to start a petition to be signed into law and just so there are no false reports, fine the people who offer false reports Twice the fine. People helping people helping the Planet is the message, and the current law is not working and never has.

     So being this an election year and as our focus is shifted away from the truth due to the current administration with the help of the media, the tool of the wealthy to control the masses, proves its time for the rest of us who are tried of being screwed over and lied to since the 60’s in the interests of money, greed, and in the name of national security, to take a stand and correct the past mistakes and lead into the future of how its going to be from now on.


    Littering is mostly an attitude crime, a behavior of people who don’t think and have no serious consequence put to them. Punishment, discipline, and education are the means for correction of this problem. There used to be some effort back in the 80’s with awareness advertisements like “Litter bugs Everyone”, “Pitch In”, and “Put Litter in its place”. But that only focused on the litter itself, not the offender themselves. Its long overdue to start caring about this issue and time to do something about it.

        Criminal charges need to be implemented and a solution needs to be established here and now. So please help everyone and send your suggestions here to me at the email address and I am asking for any and all help to get this started. If anyone has experience with starting a petition and getting it passed along to the proper channels I would be more than grateful to be the one who gets it done, and I hope you feel the same.


    Part of the solution or part of the problem which are you? In the case of littering, part of the solution is the way to be because part of the problem is only a negative, selfish, ugly and totally thoughtless form of a human being. Please help and show your Aloha.


    Stop waiting for the world to change

                             and start changing the world!


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