So what can We do!


    As I see it America has become a system of people to gain power, money, and control of all other systems of government and the peoples’ right to believe in freedom.  

    A front to others peoples’ government that their way is against the freedom of democracy, and if not the way of democracy, then its a way of inhumanity towards Americans.

    With so many different goals in regards to religion, power and money the goal of peace for all humans, animals, and all living beings, becomes an obstacle of many facets. How can any type of harmony come from so many diverse opinions?

    Given the finite space of just one planet of living things, the perceived goals portrayed via the media, the government, the people, and the knowledge of past generations shows no direction what so ever towards any thing but greed and power.

    Since leaving the British Kingdom and becoming a country of their own, America has roguely created its own course in history as it has always done through force. Force to break from the Brits, force to take the land belonging to others, Indians, Mexicans, Hawaiians, and however many not mentioned to the public, force to meet their needs for their way of life and force to keep it.

    So America on the outside is a nice facade where every thing is Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness no matter the vehicle of how it is brought about or how to maintain it. We are here, Here we are, Wooooo Whooooo check us out!


    Now don’t try to step on us or we’ll be forced to prove to you why we are so big and bad. And to a degree this is Ok.  But as I see it, each government is made up of people, who form a group, who become the leaders and ultimately become a social entity their self. So the representatives have a psyche, therefore, so does each government.

    Well having said this, step back and see on a scale of time, compared to all other civilizations, America, is the new kid on the block. Quite frankly the punk or bully. Well we all know what happens to the punk. We are eventually going to need therapy.

     First the bully gets beat down by its’ parents or higher influence, mainly the Brits, then the bully one day finally gets fed up with this and reacts and bolts from its position to a new one.  Once it establishes its’ new path it spreads itself and walks around like their the shit and nobody else matters except themselves.

    But along the way it has created some very huge effects on its victims. Now the bully has become a problem that doesn’t realize the consequences of its actions thinking everything is just hunky dory.    

    Till one day it meets a challenge that is far greater than itself and deals with it the only way it knows how.... with force. There are far greater forces than the bully and the bully eventually gets put in its’ place and has to rethink its position if it can. If the bully can’t see the error of its ways it continues on a path that is doomed to fail.

    This is where America is now, on a dead end path to yet another change in its character but without the hindsight to forgo the dead end. So where is the intelligence to avoid one such inevitable crash?

    Like any one person, the power is within itself. But America is blind to its own destruction due to the many influences upon itself and its’ people. Too many, irons in the fire, hands on the wheel, cooks in the kitchen, pick one, no clear goal accept to keep on keeping on.

    The Romans had the same fate and where are they now? Sure they lasted a very long time but to what end?, what consequences did they leave behind?, and how can one learn from it so it doesn’t happen again?

    The whole point of surviving is to maintain it, not become a memory in some history book. Being taught “hey look what happen to them” is a failed existence.             

    The human race and all the life forms on the planet are at the fate of those in charge. Well if the persons, people, and powers that be are ill fated then its only logical to see that so is the rest of its followers and its dependents.                         

     Well as One of the inhabitants of the planet I don’t have to have my ass kicked by another to get the message, but maybe you do though. If you can not see this or choose to look the other way then you deserve their fate and good riddance to that type of thinking.

    But my fate will not be decided by people who lack insight. It’s not illegal to be smarter than the people with power or the government. It’s long overdue that someone points this out to the others and steers a new course of direction for all life forms, in order for its existence to prevail without succumbing to the dead end goals currently laid before them.

    Teaching and learning is the gift we all have to help others see the light. Not using these resources was part of the fate of all other past civilizations that are no longer around. So how can one expect to prolong the future of the human race and all life forms on this small blue marble in space.

     If you choose to let the bully run your train into the wall, then you are part of the problem and really have no purpose other than to be a casualty. Some great purpose that is, you dip shit.

    But if you listen to experience and understand there is a choice, to avoid eminent failure and help take part in setting a new course for the benefit of all who are involved there just might be a chance to avoid the mindless continuance of the bully.     How? you ask, How can I be of help?, How can we change?, How can we avoid failure?, How is the most pertinent question.


    Nothing is insurmountable! Teaching of change is the way of the How!  By this we are given so many examples of how not to. They are everywhere, but the key to success of the how is to remove all outer influences placed upon us. Set aside differences, of religion, emotion, discrimination, and greed.

    Focus on life, for a moment, without differing opinions on how to live your life amongst the others and deal with facts of what it will take to preserve what we already have.... Life!  And how to change what we’ve already almost destroyed... Earth!  Only in this little blip of time can you truly see clearly.

    Start a group to start a forum to start a new focus to start a preservation of life in all its forms.

    “Under Pressure” by Queen and David Bowie is an example of humans helping humans realize there has to be a better way, along with a lot of other music this human race has produced.

    Teach the people how to get along with all because we already know how not to!

             Love for all life is the only answer!

         Thank you for listening and for your time....


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