Freedom from Faith

  I said it, yes I did! Freedom from religious persecution, brainwashing, harassment and constant bombardment, is what the internet provides, finally!

         A choice to be heard and a choice to express openly on a playing field as large as the planet. The American christian controlled broadcasting stations of the past can no longer infect or pitch its fear and guilt. This is what cable started and the Internet finished. Everywhere you go or look religion is like a billboard and all the shady preachers begging for my cash are like used car salesmen, low down greasy, sleaze balls, constantly harping their word.

        I have lived with out this fear in my day to day, and I have been pretty patient, as not to truly gone off on anyone except for one, I can remember, and I snapped and let him have it, but I feel thats not too bad for forty years of forced religious beliefs of other people trying to label me with their crap about god and religion.

        No matter where you go in America its everywhere. Every friggin corner, like gas stations, is a church, and their fear-laid-en two cent philosophy on their signs out front. I really never minded till recently. I lived and let live, to each their own way, but now more than ever it’s evident and prevalent that it’s out to control, it’s thinking like a person who has a pet. A special little power trip for those in the club. I’ll stand for it no more. Never again will I fall victim to its sub servant control. Religious judgement is offensive to me. An utter lack of respect of my body, heart, mind, and being. Don’t judge me with your fears. Keep your ideas off my body and my actions. Fuck you and your religion. (this is for all forms)


        Believe what you want to believe and keep it to yourself. Stop judging others according to your fears. This is discrimination and it really makes you look ugly. Your judgments of others based on your fear is not how the person your judging may feel. In fact, the more you show your fearful opinion towards others is like a sign around your own neck about how much you fear, and how much you’re closed minded and ignorant. Please don’t point out your own stupid fearful, guilt ridden judgments in public, especially if you have offspring. Thats just plain idiotic. If you don’t have anything constructive or nice to say, please keep it to yourself.


    I was given a choice wether or not to believe in any cults such as religion, and then opted not to join. Free will thinking thanks to my parents. Church was for the fearful not the fearless. And every day in society, up until the birth of Cable TV, many groups of people were constantly bombarded by secular TV and wealthy religious broadcasting stations, which still exist today, who boldly programed decades of lies and deceit to keep a entire nation at bay, and it worked.

        Now we have other sources of information and many are not owned by god fearing puppets and the grip of control is slipping through their fingers finally, but for some its too late they are so fucked up by this that nothing will change their minds. Like Dennis Miller said “ the television beast ate us whole”, and what I am saying is that someone needs to pay for this, some one must burn for this. For this was the mental rape of an entire culture of Americans. No wonder they need so many therapists. All the guilt perpetuated in society shaped the thinking and keep the fearful in a state of subconscious and conscious panic and paranoia. The more you deny this the more therapy you’ll need. Sad, very sad state of affairs and I am surprised nobody is suing because of this. After all, this is “SUE-HAPPY-LAND”!


         The fear is so strong that it effects everything, right down to you daily views and your dealings with everyone. Try this little test  the next time you’re out in the public, once you view someone or something going on.  Hold your first thought that creates a judgement via your beliefs, and before you say or act on it ,stop and think of what you’re about to say or do, for a full 60 seconds, unless it’s to save some one from getting hit by a truck then act as you should.

        But if your first thought or act is to criticize them or it, remember this one little fact... “People choose to be assholes”, and people choose their behavior or their actions.  Before you unleash your two cents, stop a minute and think of what is really going on. Does your opinion based on your upbringing really need to be a part of what is going on? Who is it going to benefit besides yourself? Your freedom of to say whatever you feel is still there, but ask yourself are you adding to the fire or are you quenching it?


        SImple little considerations go a long way. If you are so self centered that no one else matters in life and you are all you need according to your faith or beliefs, remember what works for one, doesn’t necessarily work for others. To blindly judge based on your faith is a serious lack of respect of others who may or may not believe the way you do.

        Just because your fears and experience prove OK for you, what in the world makes you think any one else wants to hear it? The old saying of “who died and made you boss” is the lesson here.

        Inconsideration has no basis of religions faith, or any basis of fear, Inconsideration is the lack of respect for other humans period. Just as simply as it is to decide to be considerate or inconsiderate, I put to you to ponder, why anyone would choose to be the latter. The choice to be negative takes the same amount of time as it does to be positive. And for the past 2006 plus years, duality is the foundation of the fear factor used to hamper the human spirit among the masses. Once again social control.

        Duality (look it up) good and bad, right and wrong, and us or them, truly is neither here nor there. Yet it’s prevalent in every society recorded or not. The human condition? or the teaching of others?  I say it’s been incorporated into the condition taught by others. And this is why the teachings of others can be so much more positive with a different focus for the human species as a whole. It’s a goal with a difficult obstacle for a simple process. It’s not complicated to achieve when the duality is removed, but truly blocked because of farsightedness.

        What a terrible thing to fall victim to for such an advanced species. A species so evolved, even though humans are just into adolescence in spirituality and somewhat in evolution, is still so easily guided, distracted, and controlled via a simple, yet powerful, emotion as fear. Fear, Guilt and Greed are the three factors of social control in a capitalistic society and rule the human species so completely, like a date rape drug. And nobody is crying rape! What is up with that?, to use a phrase of my time.


        A country, so sexually frustrated and repressed due to it’s religious mindset, makes no sense whatsoever. The outer mask of the day to day facade between people going about their life, hides, shelters and separates their secrets  emotions and fears. An entire faith based to hide its’ followers instincts of human nature from others is nothing more than denial, it’s not civilized as it’s meant to portray. Labeling faith to maintain civility is a fucking joke. Laws do this, and some laws are fear induced from faiths, make no mistake.

        Propaganda to control through fear and guilt is the disease that needs a vaccination.


                    The way of the How is the vaccine.


                              Mahalo for your time


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