War = No Laws



        War creates and allows humans in power to commit murder, rape, human trafficking, and profit. The more war, the more lawlessness, the more freedom to unleash the human nature without religious shame. That’s all it is plain and simple. The warlords create a war and it’s a free for all, the excuse to rape the youth of other countries under the protection of no laws during war time. No one polices the actions the military or the warped, sick heads of states, they gain freedom of lawlessness during war.


    It’s really no wonder why the television never shows the pictures of war in america, and why they go to great cost and effort to keep the media out of the countries at war. War allows human nature to run rampant for those who have so much power and money that war is nothing more than controlled legal rape, pillage and plunder as long as they don’t get caught.

        There is a reason why you don’t hear the truth about the reasons of going to war, because the secret of it would create a major uprising and revolution of the people to kill the people of wealth, power and  those in government using your dime to live life like you’ll never experience it. On you dime in the name of freedom. If you truly want to see how the super rich are living you have to be super rich. And the mind is the place of all those involved where the secrets are kept locked up tight.

        I bet a million dollars to anyone that if you prove this type of hedonism and show it like those expensive parties those major corporations throw at the expense of the company, you would see a major conflict tear down this free country overnight. When it comes to light the party will be over for the super rich and they’ll put their heads on the ends of stakes on the front lawns of every single one of their homes. And that’s no shit. Its just a matter of time before you people wake up and smell the coffee. Talk about a blood bath, boy will that be an ugly day on the planet and an even uglier night. But at dawns early light the problem will have been solved.........





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