The JIG is up!


    This is the new and improved era of literature from the way of the how. The first phase was to point out the idea, and review what has been the norm for so long. NOW we are moving into the adolescence of the works. As the internet grows and exposes the American Media controlled Nation of fearful lambs and how it’s been done for generations, and the exposure of the corporation funded voting system, we will focus on what’s to come with an imagination and ambition never allowed to be exposed before.


    We now know the causes and the effects and the direction of those with the power to rule over others. The greedy power trip is coming to an end and they know it. Although they aren’t allowing any leaks which is what I would do if I wanted to keep others from knowing my devious plan to rule them, but like the Titanic, its’ sinking is upon them. And in the meantime they are scrambling to acquire as much ground politically, monetarily, and resourcefully.


    To no avail fortunately, the illegal practice of passing laws to remove your freedoms, rights, money, and piece of mind are their methods. Covering up the truth for promotion of fear, doubt, lies, misdirection away from the reality of their actions is the plight of the American blue collar worker and the fearful faithful. Like a bully instilling fear in the weak, the Bush Administration has exuberantly flexed its’ agenda upon the people of the world and its’ toleration is suppressed through their corporation funded media that its’ citizens swallow every night on the 6 o’clock news


    America is now and has been for some time now owned and run by the ultra rich, every greedy person, company, administration, country, wants to be in control of your tax dollars and America’s huge profit of (legal\illegal) sales of guns, drugs, women, cheap labor, and anything undiscovered by the public for huge profit.  The power of the value of money to make people control others, and promote their beliefs on others, is intoxicating to some and those some are in power now. The longer they separate us from coming together as one, the longer they control you.


    When agenda’s conflict and their focus is presented in ill light with no contradiction is presented, it’s wrongfully accepted as TRUTH. This is corrupted influence. This is the force that has a hold on the human consciousness. This a very sad state of mind for humankind. Thankfully this is changing finally due to the invent of the Internet. Other avenues of communication have not been available until now.


     SO  what are we going to do with this new avenue on information gathering?


    We are finding out that we’ve been lied to, controlled by false information, for at least as long as the value of money has been introduced into the psyche of the human animal and the TV only exploited their will superbly.  The ugly influence of false fears with regards to religion, and the false speculation of the journey after death with no proof whatsoever, talk about a con job on the weak, and fearful minded humans that preceded us, now that’s entertainment.          


    Constant Reinforcement of Fear allows others to control others and this is the sickness of Man!  All the influences past and present motivated by fear is what we need to overcome and evolve away from as a whole if we intend to further ourselves as a race of species.


    IF you find out that your child has lied to you, dependent upon your past teachings and beliefs you react a certain way with dealing with it. Either through a mix of emotions or one in particular, either way there are many groups of people who want this way to be dealt with according to their way of faith, an here in-lies the contradictions of the agenda of humankind.


    Being taken for a fool is not right, and the system of punishment for such is being reversed on a huge scale. The  systems values are such that it’s OK to steal and lie to others regardless of faith in order to gain their objective whatever it may be. I feel this needs to be corrected for I can see where this road leads to.

    The point is to expose this for the masses to see. Because the powers that be have the power to conceal it far better than those who can expose it. Once the masses see the atrocities set to them the balance of power will shift and either anarchy will prevail or civil war will return. It will be ugly. Once the power of exposure is greater than concealment, the ones on the concealment side will be hung and dragged through the streets like Achilles did to the son of TROY.  


    George W. Bush and company this means you and your families. Some think your deserve it and some don’t, but either way it won’t matter. I am saying let the people who are paying their taxes decide what to do with their money not corporate run administrations based on greed.


        Expose all the income sources’  and audit all the sources and expose all the information for all to see. Including all the past cover-ups done in the name of national security and own our actions and let the country see what we’ve really done. Expose all the hate and greed, and expose the truth of other people in other countries towards us without spin. Expose the thinking of all countries and their motivations as a people on the planet. Stop all the one-sided-ness approach and selective release of spun information to the public and let the truth be told. Remove all the influences of religion, greed, hate, and ugliness upon the  lawmakers and media and show us what we deserve to see.

    If for generations corruption and greedy leaders have spent our tax money for the benefit of only a few select percent to become very rich and have led to the current powers that be in charge of what we receive for our hard earned taxes, and to be able to remove our rights of privacy and our freedom of expression to be censored in order to suppress us further into submission and stay separated from forming into a group of intelligent people who have better ideas for the good of humankind then I say its time to stand up against this illegal form of government and start over. Expose this information and when this has been absorbed, then sit down and form a new government with human survival against mother nature and human impact on the planet as the focus and not as it is now.


    I feel this to be the way of the HOW. I hope you do too and if you don’t then remember which side you’re on when its exposed...



    Journey’s Escape album... Don’t Stop Believing...


    Go play it again... it’s the source of the next evolution, like it or not, it’s coming and we are the generation going to change it!  so nanny nanny boo boo on you.


    You think the current generations lack of vision is sad then you’d be right, but when our love inspired generation replaces it watch out and be amazed at the numbers of followers it has and I am sure you’ll agree with our message.    

    No one can disagree with the message or the focus because everyone has a heart and the heart does rule the mind and body if you let it.  Of the two most important organs in the human body I chose the Heart because we have seen the ugliness of what the Brain has brought to the table.

    Following your heart will unite the world not the brain. Like minded people are in power and showing us how sick it can be, but step back and look at what like-hearted people can bring the world. Positive Inspiration and Ambition is what is lacking in the world and what is not being express in the media. All the news is Negative, Turn off your TV and start writing songs again about the hope of the human race loving and living in peace with one another, and PROMOTE it to the world via the INTERNET and all forms of media.

    It will surpass all and help create a place for those willing to help humans become a race of people with a diverse focus to save the planet and its inhabitants in all forms of life survive and evolve to live peacefully amongst OURSELVES.......


    How can anyone see anything different this is what truly boggles my mind.






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