Something Funny :)

From the viewpoint of living on the fringe of America, trying to enlighten the countrymen of my home team, of the ways, actions and non-actions that have been allowed and censored along the way that has shaped what it is and has blocked what it could be.

If you look at it from my shoes, you will see how it’s been shaped into a goal of money and wealth for only a select few. I don’t write stuff that’s funny because no one takes you serious when you put matters of importance in a humorous light. Sure they laugh and say “,but he’s right”, but it doesn’t get anything done.

(George Carlin is dying proof of this.  I love GC, but what did it get him, all that was said about him was the recognition of his most famous excerpt’s. What did it change? Nothing, a big fat Zero! Sure we know the boundaries now of what not to say and who doesn’t want us to say them.  The point is that there is someone telling you what you can and cannot say and do. This is not Freedom, this is parental-ism. People controlling others because their money dictates so.)

Back to the point...

Not only American people have been trained to not be held accountable and run wildly away from responsibility, until it’s too late. How can anyone with any scruples allow this to continue?  The true fact is only the people with the most money and the riches in power now are given bought paid soapboxes and have no scruples and are careful to not allow others hold them responsible for these actions.

So where does that leave the people who were raised to be fair, honest, and upstanding?

Out of the picture is where. You maybe smarter than the rich idiot, but you are powerless in a society that represses any smart thinking that alters, shames, or tries to change their behavior.

So let me see if I have this straight, the model for American citizens is to: make as much money as one can, have a family, a home, a dog, continue to work until your dead, bitch and moan and complain about how shitty things are, and do nothing about it. All the while shitting on the rest of the world, and blaming others in the name of god for their shortcomings, and their lack of prosperity, along with calling it god’s will.  

God’s will is just another displacement of holding oneself responsible.  This is not something positive to continue along the lines of.

If this is what I have been born into as an American citizen then given by my own observations  we can plainly see that America is one very negative place and one that is no laughing matter.  This is something they never pointed out in school or at home.  They never show on TV or what capitalism truly is.

What I am saying is that now that I have found out this information by living without the influence of all the propaganda of the media, seeing it from the outside, I too can see why other nations and cultures view the USA as bad.

Let’s talk self-centeredness.. Sports: the “world champions” Celtics, Red Sox, Giants. 3 American pass-times that only play other American cities and when they win they say “world champions”. What an ego and realm of denial and narcissism.  They haven’t played any other country on the planet. This just show’s you how selfish money culture makes us, and how much they live in a bubble.  If you never leave your country and look at what it represents to other countries, it’s no wonder others may plot to destroy it. 

Look at Rome! and where are they now. Dead and buried. The same path that led the Romans to their fate America is following. Granted they have nicer vehicles to get them there, but still the same dead end up ahead.

Humans cannot or will not look up from it’s own marching feet to see that the bridge is out. How is this funny.  To make fun of this is to bury my head in the sand and pretend it’s all Ok. Well what a shitty existence this is to live in. I hope China or Saudi Arabia smacks us about, maybe this will wake us up. We need to wake up and stop living the selfish life that has gotten us to the point where we lie to excel for monetary gains.  There is nothing to be proud of that behavior. I am sick and tired of going with the flow. And I am sick and tired of people telling me one person cannot change the world. I am sick and tired of people hinting at telling me what I should do, I hate people who dont lay it on the line, be it crude or rude, and sugar coat their words to get their point across and I hate people who get offended at others for telling it like it is. .. IF you’re offended then fuck you, It’s time to start offending as many people as it takes to get them interested in trying to help to change the ways set about by the past.  

2065 is coming and if history repeats itself it will be like 1965 and 1865.  I wont have to be apart of that existence as I was born in '65. Hence the point of all these Blogs, to put it down while I am alive so if the internet survives maybe someone will be reading this and say where the hell was this guy, he saw it all happening and nobody took him seriously. 

Sure I like the comforts of the things America has to offer, but not at the expense of suffering of other humans or the wasting of the planets resources to acquire it.  I know no-one will help me with this, and that’s their choice, but I cannot pretend all is well and just work and wait till I die. To be successful in capitalism in America is the epitome of pathetic. To strive to make money all your life and to shit on others along the way doing it via the means of harming others or the planet is a very narrow minded view of life.

Striving to making money, for any human, is a worthless a cause and a waste of time, and effort, of ones life.  

Working together as a whole or group of humans to sustain life among ourselves for the benefit of all humans is another story. Teaching humans how to get along with one another is a better goal.


Coexistence of all the humans should be the goal of the human race, not Separation of humans with money as a goal and tool to use against others.

Not to just get along or be peacefully happy that were alive, but collectively working together for a purpose to coexist with the planet and not destroy it. We have a place where we live and it keeps us safe, alive and well. Yet we tear down and or ruin its oxygen producing systems, its water purification system, its beautiful surface, its sky's, fill in its cavities with waste, and destroy its natural systems and habitats for all life, be it animals, mammals, and above all humans.

What a shitty path humans have forged and in the lead the Americans catching up to the civilizations of the past who before them gave no concern or thought other than to survive in the now, with a couple of exceptions.  Well that was a bad model then and now its on steroids. The Native American Indians, and Hawaiians, had it right. they lived amongst the land, and a bunch of loud mouthed, greedy know-it-all’s set sail to make it on their own and raped and pillaged the new frontier with it’s advances in technology and wiped out the locals, which has led to a free for all, literally, and now we are here because no one stopped them.

Just look at the world today, sad very sad, there is no beauty in her left, except for the beauty in the hearts of the humans who wish to help.  No beauty when humans have raped and pillaged her to the bare bones of her resources. Human tourists littering, and disrespecting the earth. As they find no blame in themselves, it’s hard to be happy and smile and say I am glad to be associated with other humans who behave so badly. And I am sad to say that I know any other human who continues to allow this behavior, and who allows it to continue.  

You say ”write something funny”, funny thing is, that in this request, which stems from past examples, is to continue to stick ones head in the sand. Tell me some thing funny so I dont have to deal with the reality of just how shitty things are. Tell me a joke so i can forget I am responsible for not taking action to help change things for the better. So I cannot be blamed for anything, so I can have an excuse to look the other way, so no body points a finger at me,

Well here I am pointing the finger and waving the red flag, and all I get in return is someone else plotting to put me in their cross-hairs. I am owning up to the mistakes and pointing out the behavior that has gotten us to this point, yet it’s falling on blind reason, and deaf ears. I keep at it because I can know no peace within myself for every day I see the same thing progress, building, capitalism, growth, people striving for more money, and no one helping others for the sake of kindness, togetherness, and promoting coexistence.

There is a saying we have here, “No Hawaiians, No Aloha” , the same could be said about the Indians,  “No Indians, No Nature” .  The only new sayings that keep being regurgitated is “No oil, No energy”.


What it should say is “No oxygen, No Humans”..... or

“Pollution is not the Solution nor is Dilution”  

We must switch tracks now, to a course that helps the planet sustain ourselves, because the path now only sustains making money and destroying our only shelter.

If you are for keeping on the same path please don’t comment, but if you are for switching tracks the please feel free to do so.



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