Stirring the Pot

Hello everyone and Aloha,


    Today I found out about the suggestion of the American National Anthem to include the Spanish translation. Lots of Americans find this offensive and with good reason. On the surface it’s just a joke and underneath it’s just plain lack of respect. To the people who have started all this fishing for the right bait to start a rift between the people of the American heritage and the people of the Mexican heritage this is the right bait, and the last straw for some.


    Like the hibernating bear woken up in mid-winter to find some practical joker messing with him, or  like the kid throwing rocks at the distant beehive, or like the nerd\geek pestering the bully, or the small insignificant country pressing the irritation button of the most power-full nation on the planet, or the fly landing on the fly swatter and finally like some small or large group of cowards using a small, yet annoying loophole to incite change for, at best, what seems like their only tool to get the pot boiling on issues of matters close to their heart, or for some other hidden agenda at the moment.

        I’ll admit whomever is behind the upbringing of these ideas, it is working to get attention about some issues, and the Immigration Issue is a hot ticket item now, but the repercussions this has will be very negative.  It’s like vigilante politics and illegal according to laws regarding public awareness, its called inciting a riot, albeit I am for change, the steps here are unconventional and whom ever this is trying to start this type of undermining is treading on very thin ice.

         And maybe new eras and new generations need new platforms to launch new ideas in order  to make changes, because the old process is dilapidated corrupt, outdated, ill-functional and broke, fine and granted I say, BUT heed this, people of inciting a riot, albeit your intentions may be for the good of all or maybe they aren’t, but one thing is for certain, this Lex Luther type of manifestation of change will only lead to disrespect between two races of people. If you’re not intending to help change through unconventional methods and this is just a rouse to piss people off, then once your caught, eventually, by some ignorant redneck, who’ll have his way and then he’ll have you hung like they do in Texas.


    To me, it sounds like a group of people, failed by the system, and are now making it hard for everyone. And regardless of this groups race, heritage, and status of their immigration card, their playing russian roulette with a loaded gun, no holes empty, if you will, and the true people who will suffer will be themselves.

    Look quite frankly if the entire Mexican Republic was in favor of having another country unwillingly substitute its’ native tongue for their own, I am pretty sure they will come out and ask permission first, and then we could tell them to fuck themselves, but if you’re duped into thinking that all illegal immigrants are collecting and rallying to sub-vertently  change the way American policy works towards immigration then you’ve got another thing coming. And second you don’t ask to another country to adopt your language you first have to kick their ass in a war like we do! So some think!


        Let me shed some light on the subject for you. I’ll try to be patient and objective. It's not like they can change it without voting on it, so what’s to worry? you can talk all you want and speak of change till you’re blue in the face, but it’s just talk.        

          Not to underestimate the power of suggestion, but the law clearly states change must be voted! Now if you allow it to be voted on and if you’re too lazy to get involved and the idea of singing the American National Anthem in Spanish is Ok with you, Maybe you should move to Mexico!

       If ILLEGAL Mexicans are so sick and tired of their treatment in America then maybe they should go back to whence they came and start their own revolution in their native country before they start migrating to another country and infect it with their behaviors and ridiculous ideas.

        It’s funny they don’t migrate to Central or South America only North America. They don’t stop and try to effect change in their own Republic first. Listen here Jose  when you effect change in your own country first then you might be able to merely suggest it in other places, but until then many people say FUCK OFF LOSER! SWIM OR RUN BACK HOME, before you become another burden for the UNDERTAKER OR CORONER! I say watch out for these types of people because they are out there just to make any illegal alien a statistic.  Fair warning.....


        If you don’t like it in Mexico and you don’t love your own people, and if you are a mexican and are disrespected by your own Government and\or treated like shit in your own homeland what makes you so gutless and lazy, besides the heat, to change your own countries policies first?

        To callously suggest you need to have anything printed in your native language while illegally in another’s country is absurd and it just might get you killed, if you’re too stupid to realize that you’re replaceable then maybe the backers of illegal immigration picked the right race to import. Instead of being thankful for the opportunity of being accepted into another’s country and allowed to stay, a spoiled brat you’ve become. That lack of gratitude is shameful.


        I do see both sides of this dilemma, We’ve imported you and you’ve grown in numbers and grown accustomed to your place in our society, and are asking, to some degree, for mutual respect on our parts and understandably I agree with needing some things in your adopted new life in order to continue to be subservient or be deported back to your own country. But the fact still remains that wether you’re legal or illegal in another’s country, you are the guest and you better damn well respect its values and ideals first and foremost!          

        Its obvious you can’t, won’t or don’t know how to make any changes to your own country, what makes you think you can change ours or someone else's? It may look like we need you, but fact is we don’t. We do like some one else to do our mundane chores, but not to the point where we sacrifice our countries values and principals. If you don’t like how America uses you then leave and they’ll find another to replace you, its finally on a national level instead of a small business level.

          I know it might seem easier to TRY to change the policies in America because they have so many freedoms for people with no spine, but ultimately you will find a resistance here in America and it wont be anything as pretty as the Mexican Republic in regards to respect towards its people.


        Does not anybody wonder why they have chosen the promise land to passively invade? It’s because you’re too lazy to stop them, you have no respect for them, you snub the illegal alien because money, status, and lack of interest has allowed you to look the other way for convenience, and you have been distanced from your neighbor in your own neighborhoods due to the selfish attitude of the “me first” society and the thinking of it’s somebody else's responsibility.

        Not in my backyard never was needed more. What happen to these people? It’s in their backyard and they are happy not to be the ones mowing it. I am sad to say that but your actions are transparent and you only have yourselves to blame.  


         You simply need to wake up the silent majority and simply vote this ridiculous idea out of existence, and move your efforts to a focus to find out collectively what you want for the future of your country, in other words get off your asses and start to see what’s about to pass you by. For if your stay in your coma, you may never wake up and your precious little blame game zone will be gone and needs to be gone in my opinion.

        You’ll wallow in the pit of denial dug out by your own prescription and fear induced society along with the over the counter medicated lifestyle, all the while wondering what happened to the country, while over in reality land the bull dozers of illegal corruption strip away all you held sacred and paid for once, because you too, like the mexicans, had no balls to stand up to your own government to try and stop it.  Peaceful coexistence is being eroded and no one cares. It’ll all be over and the joke is on yourselves...


    The land of the free  -- not the freeloaders

    Home of the Brave -- not the illegal cowards


                NOW stand up and repeat after ME!


    I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, “Under-Dog”, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!  

            If you’re an American citizen this is your duty to stop others from shitting on your values an you just sit there letting them walk all over you.

                                    What a Traitor.....



              America hangs Traitors and Treasoners!


               Ask yourself “Are you one of these two?


         If you remember saying the pledge every morning in school all the way through high school, then this is your responsibility to stand up and say hey what the fuck? Anyone else who didn’t have to say it at all are the ones who have suffered due to pansy ass yuppie scum that has fucked it up for the people and problems we have today.


                                Die Yuppie Scum!

    Remember to watch your back Yuppie it’s coming soon!



    The quite larger picture is that it’s sad to see the separation of humans is so large a scale and the closed consciousness of it all is the only thing prolonging the dire consequences that follow along with all of this negative behavior. What a waste of life and time.


 Shift your level of thought and see the problems disappear!


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