Smarter Than the Leaders



    I have now seen the light. The way of the How is proud to present a new consideration to ponder amongst yourselves.


    As America and the Bush Administration struggle to make everyone happy on all fronts, and are pushing Americans closer and closer to the Fascist Police state of a country because it’s so called loyal fearful citizens are comatized into voiceless sheep and the silent consent of all their illegal enacted laws to control you into believing that it’s in the interest of national security, and “FOR YOUR PROTECTION”


I suppose the question to you all:


Do you want to live in your home every night with the knowledge that you created the false security and freedom-less future as a lifestyle?????


    If you choose to be branded like cattle, and corralled into fearful groups, paranoid of each other, like the Southern Calif. existence, due to population numbers and laws that strip freedom of expression for fear of offending others.


    If you choose to be independent, carefree to live and let live, and accept others as they are until it offends you, then you have allowed yourself to be controlled from your lack of spine to stand up and remove the ludicrous laws and attitudes which support this type of behavior.  


    Politically Correct, Patriot Act, and any of the other Phucked up ideals supporting the like isn’t about Respect, and or your Safety. It’s all about Removing your freedoms and separating like thinking people to collectively expose the  illegal practices of the current incompetent  leaders that are allowed to rape the 1st Amendment. The moment this passed the into law there should have been a Riot, or Revolution to correct it. Yet it didn’t happen to my amazement.

    Those two alone should have sparked a Civil War. So left smoldering and simmering like a fire, each law of the like is the fuel added little by little and building up more and more has come closer to the surface over the last 6 years and all those who supported it, harbored it, allowed it, benefited from it, introduced it, and above all AGREE with it, are the ones whom shall be on the wrong side of the fence when the shit hits the fan.


    The lack of leadership has allowed retarded, wealthy, careless leaders to enact laws by way of lack of strength, imagination, consideration, and vision. And the unsurprising thing to some and surprising thing to others is that nobody does a phucking thing about it. All this means is that the land of the free and the home of the brave is no longer. All the children of the past Brave and Free citizens who have sacrificed their blood and lives, see the current generations handling of what was given them so unconditionally, be squandered, disrespected and misused.  That alone is grounds for reform.  The lack of respect of the past Americans efforts, are now being used to construe the current generations freedoms.


    Who in the Fuck do they think they are? Who do they think they are fooling?  They are pushing the limits of the people and the people are bending over backwards to allow this behavior. Are the people testing themselves to see how far is too far? Are they going to test the peoples’ limits to see how far they can go before the people react? Are they that stupid? That bold? That lame? or that disrespectful?


    Are the people that fearful, misguided, or exhausted? Are you? I am that’s for sure.


    Here is some thing you should consider:


    Since they current administration is so law passing happy and unconcerned with their own county and more interested in collecting the worlds resources for its own selfish personal use, this type of Imperialist direction is so shallow of a policy that its only a matter of time before these peoples’ actions are met with the repercussions of its people. How long do you wait before you start fighting back at some one hitting you over and over?  Americans must like the abuse, which makes for a very weak constitution of its’ individuals, and low self esteem, and if the people are this frail then it’s country is too. Is this what America has become?


    Suffering and beat to the point that its’ own system of leaders saw this flaw and have pounced with a mighty thunder and landed a blow so hard that it shook the foundations of freedom and amid the scramble for control and order of the disarrayed masses, the leader ship stepped all over the constitution and bill of rights to regain order. And the people let this happen because they are too busy to find out the truth for themselves. Who can you trust when everyone is a crook?  The information is controlled and delivered to the masses in America via the Media, which is controlled by the ones who are supposed to be neutral in their delivery of its broadcasts. Once upon a time this may have been the case or maybe it was just a fleeting “leave it to beaver” idea moment that either got suppressed or never even was considered.


    The law of false advertising is still around isn’t it folks?  Well how about false promoting of ideals or concerns? Bearing false witness is a religious thing, but laws about false representation are either not enforced or doesn’t exist.


    Kill the Police state laws in place and punish all who Facilitate, Promote, Support, Harbor, Benefit, Fascism in America.


1) IF the Government or Corporation (private or public), Media uses Broadcasts to promote fear, separatism or control of legal taxpayers civil rights, by casting any false reports or doubts shall be Illegal. All monetary gains acquired from such activity, no matter how long ago conceived, or introduced, shall be returned, recouped and submitted into programs that educate the public of how those whom benefited can be avoided, exposed, and eliminated forever.




    This means all past media broadcasts used to acquire gains from the populous and the laws passed to allow this must be found, halted, removed, and changed. Those linked and those who are used to cover the links are just as liable, and will be exploited and punished and branded as the examples. Even if the participants of the past are dead, the names are exposed as example and the money’s made from the time when it was overlooked in the past or understood to be legal at the time, will also be held accountable, and all their resources will be seized and used to benefit the families of those whom fell victim to those circumstances.


    No jail time, just servitude.  All caught doing so shall not be eligible for bankruptcy and if the money value cannot be regained everything associated with said person and company shall be held liable and removed of all current possessions and made to work and rehabilitated into teaching others how to find the similar. Publicly labeled and monitored for the duration of their life time.  




    It’s time for the people to decide how they wish to live from here on out. Please don’t leave your fate in the hands of the retarded or those less wise than yourselves.


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