Carry On Humans
Aloha all, here is another segment of saving water and the responsibility of humans to use what's given by nature for us all to use and enjoy. To the Hawai'ians the rain is a blessing from the skies. As we come to earth we are born into the culture, society and environment already in place. Some in better standing or climates, some in worse. The culture in place determines our adaption to it and we are hopevully taught how to cope and survive in it. We are here for a very short time called our lives before our vacation to earth is over and we die and others take our place. We can invoke a benefit to the next generation or create a hinderance for them. The luck of the draw or the planning of parents. The circumstances of our surroundings dictate our upbringing and we become knowledgable if we are so inclinded to do so or we become victims of them. Statistically speaking and after researching with the tools at hand we should be able to gain a picture of what is goi...
LA River bed 52 miles long 200-400 feet wide bottom, 400-600 feet wide top, 20-35 feet deep, moving at approx. 30-35 mph. total gallons of water ? LxBWxTWxAD=X not including water from side river beds dumping into it,
what is the volume of water wasted per rain storm? anyone know?
What the river beds\viaducts need is lights at the intersections and bridges. As it passes through the heart of cities at night unbeknownst to millions of sleeping humans the amount of water wasted per rainstorm is mind boggling. Dirty? Yes, Cleanable and recyclable? Yes. Trillions of gallons out to sea unfiltered and full of only god knows what, but defiantly reusable. IF we can remove salt from the ocean water, a very bad idea by the way, we can surely reclaim this water every winter, the rain isn't just to clean up the viaducts trash out to Long Beach, or any of the other rivers... clean up all the riverbeds w a volunteer program using everyone and anyone in trade for free food medicine water and shelter and we then have a water gathering system instead of a water run off system doing nothing but wasting water.