Freedom is Free
The price of Honor, Loyalty, Security, Privacy, Safety and Freedom have no price tag, nor does anything else on this planet. We have assigned a price for them and it has cost us lives and time wasted because of it. The time to end the price tag has arrived to us humans. The age of Aquarius brings us into an era of new beginnings and a removal of the money use system, society and culture. We humans "maybe" needed this lesson once upon a time, but most likely not, and it has only proven to be a detriment to our species. The irony of it is staggering, as it was used to trade and grow and destroy and promote. We no longer need its use no matter what argument is used to support it. The money culture has brought humans more negative than positive and if you need any proof of this just turn on your corp tv news at anytime of the day and you'll see 99% is all bad news. Not even the weather is accurate. All this technology and we only allow those with money to buy air time...