What are we Humans?

All humans are sex and food predators. Some more than others, but still in both. We seek food and sex by hunting, both are stalking prey for basic human necessities. To eat for fuel and sex for pleasure. It’s what we are. There is no changing this, only those that are trying to change this are unstable, illogical and irrational. Attempting to change this is a great way to put one’s self in harms way. 

All law enforcement and police are predators for criminals, that’s called stalking, harassment and bullying and labeled as duty.  

This is a major problem, for when we accept or normalize this behavior as legal, there is something undermining nature. Civility is used as an excuse to allow it. 

Civility vs Nature is conflicting. The friction created separates humanity from adhering to Nature and demonizes nature in favor of trying to change the natural order of things. Molesting natural instincts to allow civility is a method of manipulation and harassment. Setting laws against sex, natural instincts, instinctual behavior, feelings or emotions for money, incarceration, or punishment is labeled terrorism.  

Threatening humans with suing for money or whistleblowing to curb behavior puts humans into self defense mode for survival and freedom. This is very dangerous for those that seek such patterns of action. Trying to stop any behavior single handedly is a great way to get harm directed at oneself. It’s suicidal behavior. Seeking punishment of others is harassment, be it for money or insecurity.  The notion of protection, safety and security spawn from the money culture. 

The need to preserve one’s assets possessions or belongings causes stress and leads to cancer. Money inequality, poverty and the lack of survival necessities is a stress inducing condition created by the money culture. Not all can achieve top dog status, yet billions are still trying and wonder why they are sick and dying.  When we omit this from the drive to stay alive and receive all the necessary essentials for free, thru abundance of these basic needs, the stress is removed as is the disease and sickness from it.  

Acknowledging this is the first step to correcting this. Accepting it is the second step. Awareness to other’s of it is the Third step. The fourth step is Abolishing it. With the removal of the money culture and capitalism we also remove the stress and crime it has created.  Everything we have now that we are aware of and see is from using this form of social culture. It is the most unmanageable, unequal and unbalanced  form of human co-existence, interaction and modus operandi. It has far too many avenues of 

un-sustainability. It cannot continue and it fails too often, yet we haven’t had a change from it, only a weak, meager system inside it to constantly adapt to it. All the while it uses the human nature of adaptability as a source of support to keep it going. A cheap and reliable form of manipulation used against humans to not alter its influence and usability. 

Money culture uses human insecurity, immaturity and fear to exist. Along with the power of money to censor, omit, undereducate and misinform all that use it.  It’s a very powerful tool to do so. Yet without it around or use of it we are free of its control and leverage. This is how we end the use of money, by showing all what it does to us and how we can eliminate it to have even more security and freedoms for all, as opposed to only have these from having money. The imbalance and inequality of money among humans is the prime tool that separates humans and keeps unity from happening on a global scale. The competition of money is detrimental to survival for humans thru the waste of resources purchased by those that have more money than others for their own personal use. This unbalanced practice destroys the planet and drains the resources for future human life.  Money culture is the virus killing humans at an astronomical rate, and censored to all for the perpetuation of keeping control over others while hoarding the resources for only a few. The watering hole only has so much water in it and with money culture only those with the most money get a drink. This idea is also very suicidal behavior for those with the most money.  

They may have the most money, but they also are outnumbered and with money being their only protection against the masses with less money, it's clear to see that the removal of all money for all does level the playing field. It ends the stress and disease that keeps humanity from growing and producing an abundance of reusable and recyclable resources for all to stay alive. 

Money culture has been given far too many chances to maintain and manage humans from this power and all have failed and keep failing. Money use culture is dead and over, yet the money power keeps promoting it's ok and is worth keeping. This is to be expected, it’s no surprise, it only still gets support because it’s the only thing promoted by the money. 

It’s like our SUN, it’s a source that gives off live sustaining  energy while killing itself.  Instead of seeking another source to sustain us, we keep using it, for we are too selfish or fearful to try and trust others to keep us alive. Here’s the irony, We depend on money for it’s all we know how to use, misuse and manipulate, but not by all of us, but we all know it’s used this way, or at least I do.  Using money’s power to control and maintain money use is what those with the most money are doing. Thankfully only 1% is excelling at this. For if 100% of us excelled at it, all humanity would already be extinct from not having enough resources to sustain our population through the misuse of it and them. If there was 8 billion 1 percenters, we’d be all be dead in a month from not having enough water in the well to keep us all alive. 

The flagrant and wasteful misuse of money by only 1% of us is already showing signs of running out of resources for life as we know it. And has been ever since money has been invented. This imbalance has led to deaths from war and killing of each other for the resources to stay alive. Money is the main source of inequality that directly threatens humanity’s survival. Not to mention all the side effects it produces that keeps us on guard against one another and builds walls between ourselves keeping us at bay from one another to forgo uniting thru fear of trusting other with our very lives.  

I am baffled by this. It’s the most illogical and detrimental to life form of social management. Managing humans is the problem we cannot solve with money. Do you need more proof of this?  How long have we humans been using money? All your life you answer, right? Right! And everything we have now is because of money use. All crime, interactions, style of life and our behavior is shaped by money, because that’s what we get when we use the money system. We don’t know any different because we aren’t taught or we don’t allow anything else to replace it. Why? Or why not? Money culture only promotes money culture this is why.  All ideas to change money culture is erroneously attacked and too quickly demonized, because that’s what it promotes, self survival. 

Anything or anyone trying to change the money system is deemed a threat to it and we have been taught to defend it with our lives. This is how fucked up it is. Over centuries of use money has become an out of control beast we have come to trust and it’s the wolf in sheep’s clothing you allow to influence your own family. That’s not genius, that’s abuse.  Until we all see this, and this is what money is used for, to censor this little basic fact so strongly, we cannot break free from it to have more than enough for everyone to live free from stress, pressure and it’s disease. 

We are so comfortable being sick we don’t question it and assume it as normal. How fucking pathetic we are for allowing this. We are taught it to be the method of prosperity and freedom, yet we cannot have either without it and at the same time we cannot allow ourselves to be free of it. Hello!!! Wake up! 

“So money culture makes us think or teaches us to think we cannot have freedom without it, yet we seek it to have freedom".  

A closed loop of thinking that makes us think we have freedom with it and we can’t have freedom without it.”  

This is the conundrum we are in.  But it doesn’t have to be, as it’s easily solved by abolishing money. The idea of money being your key to staying alive is an idea that may seem like the right thing to do, but it only succeeds in killing ourselves. You must see this. The main hurdle we face is that it’s been set in our minds to use money to keep us alive and with no alternative given the chance to replace it, 
we continue to use it because that’s the only thing we continue to teach ourselves to use.  


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