Where no Human has gone Before!


Humanity's condition - Unconditional: Utopian Vs Capitalism, Logical vs Mayhem,  Capitalism is just a cage match fight and we're all losing - wasting resources and acting like selfish, irresponsible boys in a frat house, at the expense of everyone. Money making is not the American way, it's just when the Americans are making money they flaunt it and showcase it, whichever condition the money is made by anyone it's still a competition and that's a road we are on, with nobody at the wheel, going at lightspeed, with the resources wasted on nonessential items for profit only, without public safety consideration, just at an outside chance to strike it rich in mind, so one can be heard or have some extra power to influence or control others- the "I will be king" with the psychopath and sociopath disorders at the helm.  

Hilarious little children still playing make believe on a grand scale. How so?, by past projecting a notion that was outdated when it began.  School of humans, like a school of fish, only not yet harnessed or focused enough to work 8 billion of them in harmony like the fish, and at the expense of the only resources we have. This point in time is the point where we are just about to get into focus. It's been blurry, muddled and bloody, sadly, from chasing the idea of who's gonna get to be the one that leads them, who's ideals shall prevail with a senseless blind ego trying to be the lone king. Yet we are at least still in the driver's seat for now. We might have a beer between our legs and our favorite blond there too, a cigarette in hand, hanging out the window with one hand on the wheel, blaring the music and passing cars on the freeway in the emergency lane with the windows rolled down and the wind is just sucking up all our caution. 

Humanity needs new multiplayer guidance and direction. Management, order, punishment and control didn't work,  that ship has sailed long ago.  "We're not gonna take it, anymore" and that guy was a rocket scientist or something like that. Point is, before we crash on a dead end road while at the helm, we humans are a nudge away from fine tuning the dials that focuses us away from the mayhem and into the clarity of the light. Vision is everything,  even a blind person has it. Which vision to choose has been the bloody debate. And it's not up to the one with the most money anymore, as they can't even tie their own shoelaces without help.  They're too busy with the blond and beer between their legs to notice, and everyone else is chasing the money idea to have either the beer or the blond and can't keep up yet still striving to have both. 

"It's everyone's decision to choose which path humanity is to go" 

A huge, yet simple, non bloody, responsibility for us to decide. We've just seen, real or fake, the attempt on one of ourselves that many dislike, and many favor, poor Mr. Trump and the only reason he's up there is his money. All candidates are there because of money.  Like a lottery, to the one that pays the most gets to decide - Fuck That Noise!

Nobody making more money or paying more has any authority over anyone. That goes for the police and government too. Nor do they get to make the decisions for or over anyone else's life. "One life and I'm gonna live it up".... Judas Priest, "you've got another thing coming". 

This culture of money mayhem is over, the waters are about to become as still as mill pond in the cold early dawn. We, as a whole will see the new path as it presents itself from all the pasts' efforts as a byproduct of it. It will emerge and we shall see the light together. All our differences and prejudice shall dissolve away globally. We will go forward from there, I know it's soon and I'll see you when it does. 

The focus is positive and undeniable, so the only questions are : what will you be doing that day when it does and where will you be on earth? Hopefully not driving, better to be taking a break at a rest stop to get a fresh beer and another cute hitchhiker who needs a ride, life is a trip enjoy it now and take no shit! We will be in harmony with all things while we're still breathing and then we're really gonna enjoy it. 

Pondering what life will be like without the mayhem of money and all its current negative conditions, demands, restrictions and consequences will be a reality. Not a dream or something to dismiss, but an actual positive functioning, vibrante and abundant culture for all life on earth. Saving the resources and not slaughtering the animals or ourselves along the way ever again.  The money addiction is the only addiction that can be done without withdrawals as it's not a physical or chemical dependency, it's a fluid, mental, easy to change ideal to replace the old with the new. Like using a lighter in the wind to light your spliff, instead of a match, it's just more logical. Since it's more logical, the mayhem will stop on a dime and be forgotten like the name of a one night stand. What was your name again? 

What's that? people used to use money! that doesn't sound right..... Who would be that stupid to use money? LOL. They must have been really dumb, drunk, gullible, too trusting or lied to very well to entertain that idea. MONEY = Manipulation Of Neanderthals Every Year! ha ha!

We are in the transition and the coming into the enlightenment of change period of human history now. We have seen from the invent of the internet the uses, misuses, manipulation and flat out lies aired and broadcasted of humans where it pertains to delivering and receiving information and education about humanity in a money culture. As it's the only form of society we have been using for so long, we have learned with the leaks, the  uncovering and covering of lies and truths, the censorship and control in which money power allows or denies that it's no longer a fad we humans are going to tolerate anymore. When we can alter all information released and or make CGI videos to show whatever one dreams of to be seen, we have gathered a natural disposition towards its uses and misuses. We can no longer trust anything we see or hear anymore. The internet killed the television and radio programming as they were the only sources then to get said information. Now with too many extra sites and avenues LYING can no longer be contained or controlled. WE do have a brain and we are watching and listening now. If anything has come of it it's that this is the time we are awakened to it, and it's just a matter of what steps, action and focus to take and in what direction.

The money mayhem backed leaders and candidates have been and are forever untrustworthy to use moving forward. So with the removal of the money we shall see who steps up to guide not lead humanity into a new era of sharing the abundance without profit motivation for good of all life, especially humanity. Those whom are really not for profit shall bloom and show the world that there is a way without out it. Volunteering kindness, for the love of our fellow humans, called ALOHA, shall be the only ones we can trust. Once we allow this to happen we can use all our efforts more so than to try and horde money for the benefit of only a few. Thankfully it's only one percent of the population that can flourish at money culture, that show's how stupid it is to use. For 99% of us can easily thrive in a non money culture. So the 1% dies and ends the misuse of resources they have had advantage of and access to for so long. NO GREAT LOSS. Some ones gotta be sacraficed and they've made it very easy for the rest of us to find them. 

So with them out of the picture, the future will belong to the masses who work together in harmony without war, bloodshed and suffering. This is more than enough incentive to do so. Like removing a pebble in your shoe, Ahhhhhh! the feeling of complete satisfaction and comfort with no stress, that's what is coming to us all. Just ignore all the propaganda that is coming to try and save the money system, remember that its only 1% of us that is crying not 99% of us. It's no contest they lose and we win and they handed it to us from their own undoing of trying to keep it alive. Yes the joke is on them now, always has been actually, it's just that now we are all seeing it this way. When you see it this way it makes perfect sense.  

A peaceful transition and even an easier choice humanity shall make. With them out of the way with all their rules and restrictions hurdles and pitfalls that they make up as they go along, always changing the rules to benefit only them ceases to exist and real progress prevails. A culture for all, not just a few. What you get is peace, food water air shelter medicine and infrastructure all for free. What we need is what we deliver to ourselves, that's it.No distractions from money profiting off of non essential to life stuff. No more shall resources be used or purchased to the highest bidder for anything other than the basic necessities of human life. The only thing we will be using the resources for will be for the things we need to live here on the Earth. Not wasted on junk food, gimmicks, snake oil, miracle cure crap, etc. All the resources wasted on thes money seeking things are saved for the essentials and when that is done we will have so much of the basic needs stuff that we have to give them away for free, because that is all we are making. 

So everything we have now that supports the mayhem money culture disappears forever and we can finally build a real spaceship to go to anywhere, so we can say "Yep, already been there, done that". IF we had really went to the moon in 1969 there would already be a starbucks there, and it would need to have been remodeled twice by now. The 1% had all the money then and they still had to lie about it. If 99% of us work on going to the mmon together now we could be there next summer without lying. So the 1% must use smoke and mirrors to keep it flowing or as they very well know, it dies. Let it die, end the lies and help your fellow human live in world that can actually be a place where all is free, and let it come from the place that boasts the land of the free, so it can actually be true. That's the American way, a place that doesn't have to lie, now just get the help of everyone and Earth can be a place worth calling our home. 


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