Freedom is Free

The price of Honor, Loyalty, Security, Privacy, Safety and Freedom have no price tag, nor does anything else on this planet. We have assigned a price for them and it has cost us lives and time wasted because of it. The time to end the price tag has arrived to us humans. 
The age of Aquarius brings us into an era of new beginnings and a removal of the money use system, society and culture. We humans "maybe" needed this lesson once upon a time, but most likely not, and it has only proven to be a detriment to our species. The irony of it is staggering, as it was used to trade and grow and destroy and promote. We no longer need its use no matter what argument is used to support it. The money culture has brought humans more negative than positive and if you need any proof of this just turn on your corp tv news at anytime of the day and you'll see 99% is all bad news. Not even the weather is accurate. 
All this technology and we only allow those with money to buy air time only to be  censored. 
The irony is that it's called "freedom", but that's only if you pay for it. It's therefore PAY-DOM, COST-DOM, for if it was FREE-DOM it wouldn't cost us money. So capitalism, socialism, communism, consumerism, ownership,  authoritarianism, totalitarianism, fascism, dictators, tyrants, kings and the like all are abolished. 

So onward and upward is the path now. We have determined what we need to live and know how to get it and how to sustain it. What we don't do is continue to use money to allow access to the basic necessities needed by all humans. 

We must use all the our resources for all of us, not just for them to be used by those that can pay to have them. The waste of resources used to police, punish, monitor and delegate them is the main waste of resources that can be better used to create abundance of the essential needs and services for all humans. Removing the money trade step from the cycle of human operations to sustain ourselves is the step we are omitting, to allow access of all necessary needs to all for their stay on earth. 
No more resources wasted or used on check out lines or registers, memberships, tellers, clerks, security officers or cameras, waiters, money exchanges, banks, wars, borders, justice seeking agencies, clickbait news stations, false or hidden in fine print practices, law making, decision making, advertising, promotions or claims. 
No more resources wasted on gambling halls, hotels, betting, sporting venues etc and all the unnecessary things that is not contributing to sustaining of the human being for its entire life span on Earth. 

No discriminations or judgments based on any criteria. 
Resources will be only used for gathering and distribution of all the basic needs of humans. Free access to all essential needs for everyone. 
Money will be forgotten and banned. The culture it bred and sustained will end and all the resources it took to do so will be used for everyone to live a full life on earth. 
We remove the money and we remove the ego driven negative aspects that come with it. 
We will still have food, water, shelter medicine and infrastructure duties, but not jobs for a paycheck. The entire economic system and education of economics are trashed and deemed hazardous, dangerous and un-useful to human existence. All the resources used to promote and sustain that aspect of culture will no longer be available to anyone trying to save that aspect or that culture. That form of governing humans will be banished from human use forever. 
This is not something that's gonna be voted on or forced upon us, we are going to choose it willingly, as we all stand to benefit from that choice. 
The resources will only go to the essentials of life and without that form of money governing culture, society and  management, we save those resources wasted on it to use for making all necessary things for life free to all. 
The freedom we receive from doing so frees us of all the repetitive, redundant and retaliation factors of that culture. We all receive the basic needs of life and we will self delegate through individual choice of which aspect of the free culture we choose to help participate in for the good of the whole of humanity. 
What does that bring and look like, you may ask? 
Well,... it brings in a massive savings of resources now wasted on that form of culture. Those resources used for that culture will be redirected by choice of survival over profit. It also brings a new frequency of alpha waves transmitted and received by all. It brings us closer to one another and nobody becomes a stranger. The fear is removed and the stress is obliterated. The health of all humans increases and the well being of all the human beings becomes second nature. We get to live life without fear, second guessing, deceit, lies, manipulation and leveraging. Fairness prevails and nobody has any animosity towards one another. 

It looks like this: You are born, spanked on the ass and wizz on the doctor. You are cared for and educated for free. You grow up without bullying, hassled or coerced into anything you don't choose to do. Equality prevails and when you have become educated without a money factor, you will get to choose which aspect of helping out you desire. Medicine, food, water, air, shelter, energy, infrastructure and transportation, if not already automated. And if automated then the education will be to maintain all the devices that make it so at no cost other than the time it takes to learn the information.  
The effort you choose to deliver becomes your trade for receiving everything you need to live your whole life for any circumstance that comes for FREE. 
Medical care all your life, Food for life, water for life, shelter for life, all for free. No more shall any humans time on earth be subject to prison, death sentence, incarceration, jail, parole or can it be taken from them. Nobody can cancel your access to free essentials for life or deem you unable to receive it,  with only one exception---  if you try to reestablish the money system -- this will be the only thing a human can be punished for on earth, and when all are sharing for free anyone trying to sell anything will stick out like a sore thumb. Easily found and given the option to never try it again. With everything for free to all this won't ever be an issue. 
Going backwards into that type of culture is a no no. Get over it. 

If we can effort maintaining a money culture, we can surely effort dismantling it. Someone made it up and we can choose to unmake it. No more left and right, right or wrong, good or bad. Duality is omitted and we all live happily ever after, as do any future humans. 

You will be free to believe whatever you desire yet you can gather with like minded and share your feelings and thoughts but in no way can you force or coerce anyone to believe in your beliefs. Live and let live or go without everything we sustain for free. 
What you also get for participation is peace of mind and the ending of pursuing happiness at the cost of others. The ending of servitude for wages, taxes, penalties and lawsuits. 
A maturing of the species, by omitting the annoying ridiculous offenses of insecurity, embarrassment, humiliation, inequality, emotional instability and all instances of childish, spoiled, egotistical behavior. The removal of revenge, retribution, retaliation, getting even or flat out made up accusations upon ones character preferences or choices on any topic or way of lifestyle. 
We never have a lack of access to anything we create or need to stay alive. This is Freedom. We won't need rights or permission to live on earth. We become responsible and mature from it never needing a government or group to decide for us what's in the best interest and no resources will be wasted on such committees or agencies. The spying and lying end, as do the wars for money and resources. This is not to labeled as UTOPIA CULTURE OR SOCIETY. Just life on Earth for free to all humans. 
So get ready for the new era of sharing and getting along for we are all one species and  our differences shall enhance our stay not hinder it. 


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