Miser Culture Is Dead

At 10 we learned those with no money have no fun. If we wanted to go do something we had to pay our own way.  It's this condition of the money culture that we had to adapt to as kids and adults. This lesson wasn't taught to us in school, we got it from our friends back in 1975. We all were subjected to this, yet I made it through with no money and tons of fun. Defying all these conditions, the mentality of "I pay so I get to say what goes" culture was all for naught and control. This led to what we have now and it's all chaos. Just look around, unless you're blind, it's impossible to miss. 

The time is now falling into Fall, and all the crap that follows with it. Pumpkin spice this and that everywhere. From Latte’s to bread loafs.  Nutmeg and cinnamon flavored coffee, enough to drive you bonkers. Autumn is falling upon us once again, you can hear the momma’s and papa's in the back ground …. “All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey”…. California Dreaming on such a winters day…. ? Winter?  Not till Sept 21st does Fall start and Winter is December 21st. But of course culture can’t wait to harass you with it well in advance. 

Tired of the same old yearly holiday calendar and the mind numbing sheep herding obedience of a dead culture. Then have we got the thing for you.  Take off the edge and let go of the fake authority horse crap and the make-believe authority figures that want you keep participating, year in and year out, till you’re broke nightmare society.

No more, this years gonna break that cycle and we will finally be free of the falseness and illegal government we are subjected to. They will be running to the hills for their lives this year at election time. As the cat is out of the bag and the past ways of the money corruption controlled culture dies right in front of our eyes.  We will start a new culture, one that has no Trumps or Bidens or 1% ruling class. America and the world are undergoing the change as you read this and have been since 1948. It took till 2008 for you to see it and now it’s time to get over it.  

Come join the revolution of the age of Aquarius. The woke and enlightenment of the past Neanderthal thinking structured culture that had you cowardly staying between the lines, like the German Gestapo of yesterday has been exposed and people are fighting mad they were taken advantage of. They played on your gullibility of trusting the govt. to take care of them and finally realized they ain’t and never did have that in mind. So we are left to start a new, and those from that old system better not head out into the dark alleys of the streets at night… because they may not come home. 

It’s a win for the 99% of the world and this time around we wont be fooled or coerced again to fall prey to that form of control. Forget ownership, Bitcoin, currency, money, savings, banks, debt, taxes, courts and prisons. The new age of human evolution is here and we’re in the catbird seat to take over without spilling a drop of blood. 

Peace and harmony will prevail over all that this time and if you’re already in the know about it, then it won’t come to you as a shock. Make way for the new order-less world coming to every town near you. The era of abundance is here and sharing with your fellow humans has arrived. Out with the old and in with the new. You will be amazed at what we have in store for you. Crime and punishment culture is abolished, giving way to not only a greater Liberty and Happiness, but it’s one that we won’t have to pursue or pay money for. 

Also it’s nothing to fear, all that wasted time and money, earning, saving, budgeting and protecting your possessions is gone and those  resources are saved for better things to do with your life. The past generations that followed that model won’t like it when they are equal with everyone else that didn’t or did and failed. That form of discrimination is gone.    

We are poised to set examples for the next generation of new community services. Mainly in dealing with adapting to that type of future. Open Forum meetings and discussions as the older generations die off, the new generations are left with adapting to a future the older generation just can’t see or don't wish to tolerate. 

It’s a brave and bold new world for us and your kids who just can’t adapt or tolerate the old culture. More change in climate stuff, but a different type of climate, one of culture, not just fads and fly by night scams. You will either see or choose not to see the change, but it’s coming and there’s no stopping it. 

So to better help those cope with it, we can be a place to shoulder that change and make it flow smoothly for the stubborn, raised in a  strict, unfair and unequal form of society, set up for them and us to navigate. 

The future is bright and positive, because once you do see that it can and will work, making the shift to it will be as simple as making a decision about the everyday minor stuff we choose and take for granted. Look forward to helping it instead of throwing stones at it, merely because it’s different than what you’ve been used to. 


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