Humanity's condition - Unconditional: Utopian Vs Capitalism, Logical vs Mayhem, Capitalism is just a cage match fight and we're all losing - wasting resources and acting like selfish, irresponsible boys in a frat house, at the expense of everyone. Money making is not the American way, it's just when the Americans are making money they flaunt it and showcase it, whichever condition the money is made by anyone it's still a competition and that's a road we are on, with nobody at the wheel, going at lightspeed, with the resources wasted on nonessential items for profit only, without public safety consideration, just at an outside chance to strike it rich in mind, so one can be heard or have some extra power to influence or control others- the "I will be king" with the psychopath and sociopath disorders at the helm. Hilarious little children still playing make believe on a grand scale. How so?, by past projecting ...