Love, Peace and Sharing

iI you don't know your past you won't know your future......Peace in our time is here because you are here now. Alive and kicking or just shuffling your feet. Welcome to the new era of humanity, we are just now watching the fall of the old obsolete system of human culture. Hooray!! I am not here to preach or bash it anymore as you will soon see the collapse of it all in living color for yourself. 

I am here to tell you what it will be like after. Rainbows, smiles, party balloons and cake for all. Only the essentials will be produced for the masses, by the masses and of the masses to use without any money cost whatsoever. Free to all that can help for no profit, no economy, no strings, no shit! Sound like a dream from someone laying in the above hammock who carved out the time to have the time to dream it up. Surely not the first and won't be the last human to do so. I am sharing this dream as from all my life on Earth all I've heard is the same old story about the money system and how it's all jacked up and doesn't work. How it makes others untrusting and ill towards their fellow human. 

Sharing the resources can only be achieved on Earth by removing the money incentive and replaced with the Love incentive. You've possibly heard it, Love over Gold, for only love can be taken with our souls when we die. Gold will be still be left behind on this planet, along with all the crap you bought with it. So why strive for gold? Ego, controlling others freaks, shallow pursuits and a lack of unity between humans who don't treat the resources as all we have in our life boat way out here on our own in space. The 1% of those pissing away all the resource for selfish means is the crime and thankfully it's only 1% that can excel at wasting these life giving resources. It would be a nightmare of a holiday on earth for your life if even more than 10% of us here now could be as wasting as this fraction of us. 

Earth is our life raft and all the resources here are all we've had until we've learned to recycle and renew them. And prior to having an energy to matter converter for all our needs, the incentive to own such a thing must be removed from our thinking, otherwise all the benefits will lost to a culture of those that have the same shitty thinking of controlling it for only the few, as they do now. That will not be the future of our humans in this galaxy. 

For one, they are outnumbered and there's no place to hide from 8 billion people with cameras.  So we will adapt to a no money culture just as we did to it. Think of it, it's no longer a dream, fad or idea from a crackpot. Self restraint of humans to be able to not be panic junkies like California these days. Calmer minds and common sense shall lead the way. Be cool, use your head, and call if you help figuring it out. No longer shall there be a non trusting culture. No more fake, irresponsibly false and overhyped news will be allowed to venture out to the airwaves. The censorship of the past will be abolished and we will all finally work to better our lives and the life raft we all share. Fear driven agendas will fade and life on our planet shall flourish into a healthy one fit for all life. 

Love incentive brings a breath of fresh air to humanity. All the things you couldn't afford will be accessible to all. whatever you need to live will be open to all at no cost. We the human colony will benefit from all being healthy and willing to help all equally. For when the colony is operating in sync we all make it.  The essential needs for humans will be the only avenues of production for the resources with no body owning them or hoarding them. There will a massive recycling era of all the past's cultures buildings, institutions, agencies and methods. It will seem foreign to all that have been accustomed to the dead culture and now we'll all help each other adjust to the new paradigm with happiness, willingness and freedom. No more screaming for vengeance, revenge or otherwise negative feelings. Love will point the way and we will all be at peace and harmony for the rest of human existence. I see it so clearly and have so for nearly all my life. The time is upon us to unite and weed out the things that no longer serve us negatively. Money is the first to go, and when it's dead gone and buried humanity will prevail as it was meant to be. No more power mad freaks to pretend they have authority or control over us. 

So saddle up and come along for the next ride of your life. It's here and with your help we will succeed and then literally, the stars will be the only limit to where we can go. Get in, sit down, shut up and hold on. Here we go folks, you're in for the time of your life. Everything we produce for free to all, we will all produce it together and we will all share all our lives with everyone at no cost. No hurdles, stoppages or consequences. The free, lol, world will lead it, not the world that claims its free at a price. It will feel like the first time again!! Foreigner rock band song. Rock on! Go play it again. That feeling is coming and has been in my life for a very long time. 

The feeling of sharing, trusting and caring will rule planet earth. Tomorrow People, BM, The gray skies of cloudy, rainy days will clear and make you feel like helping and doing so with a new vigor in your heart and there is nothing that can stop it. 

Spread the words here and help make it brighter day for all. The karma from this will make it feel like not working at all. We all will receive abundance and help to keep it that way, for we already know that the way it was wasn't working and too worse to go back to. 

So Happy New Year to all planet Earth-lings 


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