As the Lava Flows ...

"You’re the writenest thing"... I was told by my roommate, one night back in 1992. Looking back at my days in Hawai’i,  Pronounced HA Vai E - because when the letter W is in the middle of the word it’s pronounced as the sound of the letter V., and when the letter W is the first letter of a Hawai'ian word it's pronounced like a W.  Respect the Hawai'ian language and follow their vocabulary rules.

So here I am writing again, where do you want to be when your time comes to exit stage right from the Earth? 


Do you want to be alone, by friends and family or in a room full of strangers. I don't know myself as that seems to be a waste of thought and I don’t want to give it energy. The energy flows where the attention goes. 

The culture of the times doesn’t focus on this aspect of life, it’s only focus is to slave drive us into death making money. Sad!!! We can build a culture that avoids this and makes the time here on earth more nurturing and stress free, to enjoy every second we have, barring any accidents or misfortunes. I know we can't avoid every pitfall, but we sure can eliminate the ones we have come to learn by just hanging on and observing what’s thrown at us daily to survive.

The obstacles and hurdles we endure and have to navigate seem silly at best. Yet we don't seem to change in an ever changing evolution of life. The only constant so far is the need to ignore trying to change the culture to a better one through means of unity and collective effort. Leaving only the ever pressing force of the conditions of the culture to survive in it and to hell with you if can’t cut it. Brutal this is and unnecessary. Complaining and pissing about it doesn’t change it and trying to point out an alternative only leads to opposition. Are they all stupid or just too busy to seek an alternative?

It really doesn't take much to see how it’s all fucked up and ridiculous to continue to keep it established. Yet here we are in the middle of it, like a kite in a hurricane. No control what-so-ever, do we just have to act dumb and play along. For some that’s just peachy and to others like me, it’s like trying to cross a rickety old bridge in a truck full off nitroglycerin,  over a raging river, in a monsoon. No fun at all, a perilous at every turn journey. 

I can’t justify bringing another life to Earth from omy loins to endure this, that’s just cruel. Why add one more to jump into the fire and subject them to this. But that’s just me, I am thankful, I suppose, for my life as it is, but I sure see room for massive improvement to the culture we’ve been introduced to. 

And yes, I have been fortunate to have navigated the hurdles better than some others I've met, so much so that my life seems free and easy or so lucky, that it looks like cheating to others. I hear the envy, I see the jealousy, I feel the animosity and sometimes some hate, but I try to give as much as I can to all when it's going really great. I must have a deep compassionate streak in me from both my parents and bloodlines. The breaks come and go and some more fortunate than others while some not so, these must be the lessons of boundaries and limitations.

Nobody is perfect, I surely am not, as perfection is for delusional raindrops and snowflakes. We all feel and we all yearn, but we also all have one thing in common, we all know it’s gonna be over someday and we all think it’s never gonna come to us. But it will and it does, the denial of death is astounding and I think global. How can life be so complex and wondrous and yet be so fleeting?

We store every second of our lives in this database of a brain we have and then what? It’s just deleted and lost forever, that’s a horrible design and a waste of experiences. Like collecting a library full of books and stories then dumping them for no one else to read? WTF?

So as we venture out into the big beautiful world and we strive to keep going and tiptoe through the tulips or slide between the raindrops, trying to avoid the consequences and the hazards that plague us in this culture. Maybe the native Americans had it right, living off the land, free of these man made obstacles, to sit and enjoy the stars, around a bonfire, tell stories, eat buffalo and smoke em peace pipe. Sounds good to me and them, but as circumstances have dictated, we are confronted by a society that does everything in its power to prevent this or to only allow so much of it. To be made to earn it, while wasting the resources frivolously, because we competed to achieve such peace but to only those that succeed in collecting wealth by wasting precious resources to achieve it. 

How I see it is just an observation, as I too am not exempt from conforming to the culture to be able to find moments of peace, instead of having an entire life of it. All we are saying is give peace, unity and sharing a chance already. 

Imagine how much more of your life 's time could have been spent in a stress free existence if we just tweak the culture to suit the human life cycle of aging. None can avoid the aging process, but we surely can suit it better for all that visit Earth. Earth life is like a hotel stay, you come, you use and you go, only along the way you are given far too many things to adapt to which are no longer necessary, like money culture.

 A waste of the moments of our lives, as each sunrise and sunset go by, wondering why do we bother ourselves with this model of culture. It takes 80% of our time to play the money game here, making us miss having all our time to ourselves and our loved ones to enjoy the amenities of the Earth naturally and without competition among ourselves. 

Nobody is better than another and making money is surely the worst form of yardstick to gauge ourselves against one another. For there are so many that don’t have the means or the inclination or even the basics to make it through an entire life span in this culture. "Tough shit on them" some say, while others are crushed by the need to attempt using it.

Survival of the physically fittest has been replaced with survival of the most financially fittest. Well, we see what types of people thrive at this aspect and what percent of the humans make it and that doesn't inspire me to follow in their footsteps. Being at the top of the hill doesn’t gain anyone a pass at dying and all the collected wealth is for naught, because none of it goes with us into our coffin. Don’t buy things that are more than your rent and or won't fit into your coffin. Life lessons is all we have and pissing away the resources to make memories that one has outshined another by having more, is just reckless and juvenile ego. But what’s the alternative?

Surely having comfort is key, but exploitation of others for personal monetary gains is resource wasting, unessential and an unnecessary extravagance. Everyone scratching and clawing for a slice of more, only wastes the resources faster and is very unwise. Fuck the other tribes, fuck them if they can't make it, the mentality of “I’m getting mine and to hell with the rest of you” is decay of human spirit, but hey that’s all they seem to want to teach and those that learned it aren’t at fault, they had no choice. But it doesn’t have to be the paramount lesson to dictate to keep in place as a society to live in.

I’m not saying it’s all bad, there are plenty of others giving, forgiving and sharing, but on the whole of humanity, we have lots more to strive for. Taking care of our own is the most predominant order of survival, I agree, but we can do so much better than this. 

If we can do it for a few, we, now with technology, can provide it for all. Growing is slow to change for some and faster for others whom are impatiently waiting for others to get caught up to speed. Once we get an understanding of the conditions, we can weed out the waste and scarcity. Getting the masses to do so is a whole other venture. Yes, it may seem a waste of time and effort for such a short life span here on Earth, but not impossible and therefore I think worth attempting or at the very least putting it out there for the next generation to learn from, as not to waste another generation of lives trudging, struggling and enduring through it.

I’m still standing after all these beers and years only because I affected it to be so. We can only do so much in our time here and I see a way how to improve it for all, but they’re not ready to help themselves for whatever reason. Either because they can’t or won’t due to some circumstance or belief. Whatever it is, it's detrimental to everyone on some level. 

The biggest crocodile rules the watering hole, before the summer drought and is the king of the pond, who eats the others that just want a drink to kill the thirst for another hour is the tale of nature. 

Not every human can be the king of the world, most are just thirsty, looking for a sip and are made to fight for it. That’s super ugly and unkind, when we all know the reality of survival and what it takes, knowing that there are so many others that don't even have a chance to participate. While others horde and cower trying to keep what they’ve made at the expense of the unfortunate is truly unbalanced, unfair and unequal. This is no way for humans to act or support and still be dignified or sought to be seen as civilized. More money doesn't make one more civilized, dignified, smarter, honorable, loyal, valuable, or anything over anyone else. 

I don’t know what I sound like and in all honesty I don’t give a flying rats ass. I do think though, as most all do, that given these circumstances and situations we all must come to some sort of neutral agreement to a certain degree. For if this wasn’t true, we’d all be dead from killing each other long ago. Humanity shan’t not be all war, murder or all white doves and dreaming of eternal heaven either. There is a middle ground and with a working brain or two we can find it. Now we have 8 billion brains and we aren't even pulling them together for creating the best we humans can be.

Determining what life is or what it should be may not be a high lofty goal or trait, I am or we are, capable of in the now, but something's gotta give. Let it be our generation who relents from all the taking, using and competing. 

The positive to take away from this will be to each their own, and trying to make the world a far more better place is something achievable we all can help make a reality.

I would like to thank all for reading this and hopefully it will have an impact on your life while you're still here and if there is an afterlife, take this with you on your journey.

        -“what we do in life, echoes in eternity”-

                     -Maximus Decimus Meridius-  

                "Take no shit, nobody is the boss of anyone,

                        Help everyone help all humanity!" 



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