To hunt or not to hunt

Is it cool or cruel Even if it’s just for fuel Or is it just for show Just to say “I told you so”, I’m not one to brag About having a full bag But it seems like a drag To kill for a Flag or a gag, For survival or a revival To kill for a meal Or to bond and get along Let it live and sing a song, Never thinking of the repercussions Leads to lots of discussions Of searching one’s soul To just fill your bowl, Hunting and Fishing in today’s age Drives some into a rage As sport killing is ego And all should forgo, I used to go when I was younger Out into the wild blue yonder Never to ponder or wonder The outcome of my plunder, Some join or use clubs To take something’s cubs Is not very manly to profess More a sign of ugliness, If it’s to fit in or be closer To the father you’re missing Because of the time lost or fate Then one can do so with no bait, No hook, shell or rifle There’s no need to stifle The opportunity to bond Yet an outlet to be mo...